Maya and me!

This three day weekend seem to just fly by. My son, Kyle, had a Marathon Run at Disneyland. It was his first. We had to leave our home at 4:30 am, in order to get there by 6 am. When we got there, we had a long walk to watch the race. Kyle did very well, but he was so tired. The family all had lunch together and then came home to sleep. I did get to kiss my Granddaughter, Maya, and little Noah. That is always the highlight of the day. I have also been spending time rearranging my living and dining room. That is always a 3 day task.
I was not planning to do it this week end, however, my husband, bless his little heart, he thought he could move a china cabinet, without emptying it. It was the cabinet I stored my green china items. (I have my china cabinets arranged by color.) Needless to say I lost a few pieces. He felt very bad. I guess he just thought there would not be a problem. I lost several Beelek pieces that made me sad. I have to admit, you really cannot tell I lost anything once everything was back together. Thank God for serial collecting, that's what I say! Think of the sadness I would have had if that was all I owned. I was treated very special all day after that little accident! So, in the end it had it's perks!
Don't forget, I have a give away at the end of the month! All you have to do is leave a comment and Noah will do the picking!
Hi Martha. I am GwennyKay's cousin and came to your blog through her's. I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and have visited so many others because of your favorites. I am amazed and thrilled at all the creativity I see on display. Unfortunately, I am having a hard time pulling myself away from the computer these days. I have to tell my kids "make me stop"! Ha! I've been reading some lovely things about you and since Gwen has befriended you, I know that it all must be true. Peace & blessings, Tammy
Oops to the Hubbie! He just didn't want to have to take everything out and put it back again! I'm sure knowing you, it was full of pretty goodies. Congratulations to your son for running a marathon, that's quite an accomplishment. He should be very proud of himself. Have a marvelous Monday Martha!
I love that white cake stand...I collect those too...and don't you dare send me one...LOL.
Sounds like a busy weekend and I actually saw the marathon at Disneyland on the news...sounds like fun.
I hate to admit how many times I have tried to move things without taking everything off or out. Sometimes without casualty and sometimes with...we have all been there.
I like a girl who organizes her dishes by color :) Well at least that means you can go out and justify a few new ones, even if you have a good stash already!!!
:) T
What a wonderful family and what a busy woman you are. It sounds like you are as wrapped up in your family as I am in mine! :) Life is good, isn't it? :)
I always feel it was meant to be when one of my treasures is broken. I just toss it and look at the TONS I still have! I like your "serial collector" theory. I think I may be one. If you look at my recent post you may think I am too! hehe Glad you had great weekend.
Hugs, Lisa
I love that rose broach!
Congrats to your son!
Your hubby sounds like mine, sweet.
Oh well, can't take it with ya, I always say.
Hi Martha,
What a lovely weekend you had with your beautiful family. Well done for your Son running the marathon.
You have some beautiful things, I love the brooch and the little cottage teapots.
So sorry about the China cabinet mishap.
Enjoy your week
You did have a full weekend! For things planned for and 'not so' planned for! Oops! Congrats on your son's achievement! I love the brooch in the first photo. Is it something that has been passed down to you? Have a wonderful week.
Hugs and glitter,
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