Hello Ladies! Here we are again, excited about another Tea Cup Tuesday! This is our 68th party and Terri and I are still excited about each week's treasures! Thank you for making it so special each week. Because of this party, I have made some life long friends. Who would have thought? I really do have the best followers in Blogland!

I have finally finished decorating my home for the month of July. Noah just loves it all. He made his Mama get in gear and do their home as well. I have to tell you a quick Noah story. He was eating a chocolate popicle on my bed on Wednesday. I told him he had to have a towel on his legs because I did not want chocolate on my pillow cases. He did, but of course, you guessed it, chocolate was on one of the cases. I said, "Noah, what happened?" His reply was "I sorry Grandma. Don't worry, it had holes in it anyway!" The cases were white, vintage, Battenburg lace. How can you get upset with such a thoughtful answer? Here he is dressed as a policeman, like his Dad! Too cute! (Thanks for allowing the Grandma moment!)

Ok, tea cups! This first tea cup my not even be a tea cup. I found it years ago at an antique shop. It is too big for a soup bowl. I am thinking maybe it is a demo cup! It is by C. Ahrenfeldt, Limoges, France, Depose. It is 4" tall and 6 1/2" wide. It is so beautiful. I remember paying $32 for it. I broke my $10 limit. I have never found it in any books. Maybe one of you know what it was used for? The bowl is not a part of the cup. I just added it because to goes well with the cup.

Since I have not shared any Limoges in the last couple of posts, I thought I would share another one today. This cup was a gift from a dear friend from church. It is a turn of the century cup that was part of a set she had. It is a Vignaud, Limoges, France, L. Bamberger & Co. It has a mustard color trim, very pretty and different.

Next in line is this Bavarian Trio that was given to me by a dear friend. It was this Trio that started my love affair with Tea Cups. The cup is a cream color, just beautiful. After I received this in 1985, I was hooked. That is when my "tea cup problem" began. I discovered a whole new world of things to collect! I have not stopped collecting them since.

In my defense, I am selling some of my cups on my website. So I am getting better. Last but not least, is this Royal Dover China cup. The blues are so brilliant. Perfect for my Red, White and Blue decor.

I have included some new items that I have added to my website. I do hope you will stop by and visit. Please sign the Guess Book during your visit. I'd like to know what you think.

Here is this week's Mr. Linky. Terri is using this new type and I just love it. It does cause me to jump around a lot with my visits. Some cups I just can't wait to see.
Have a great week! Hugs, Martha