Jun 27, 2010
Hello Ladies: Welcome to another Tea Cup Tuesday. This is number 18! How time flies when we are having fun. Before I start, I want to thank everyone for your kind words, scolding's, and threats! It worked, I learned my lesson. No more dancing on tables for me. Seriously, I am so grateful for you. The "Mother" in all of you came out. It was so cute. I felt so loved. (You love me even when I act dumb!) God is good! I am feeling better. I can walk without too much pain. That is a good thing. Of course, everything feels great on muscle relaxers and Tylenol with codeine! I have been feeling groovy! I stopped the codeine today. It feels like I can stand it. Tomorrow, I think I will try to get of the relaxers. Thank you for all your prayers!
On Saturday afternoon, I received a package from Marie of http://amomentingrace.blogspot.com/. If you get a chance visit her blog. You will not be disappointed. She is the sweetest lady you can get to know. She sent me a package, for no reason at all. Can you believe that? The first picture shows the great books and the hankies and the spoon and of course the demitasse cup. She put a pink rose candle in the middle of it.
I was so happy to get it, her kindness made me cry. The cup is yellow with a pretty rose print. It is my favorite cup for this week and forever it will remind me of Marie! Thank you Marie! You are the best!
The next cup I would like to share is this angel cup. It is white with a square bottom and a square saucer with a hand painted, matching spoon. It has an ornate, broken loop handle. It is a new cup only about 15 years old. It was hand painted Lois White. This cup was a gift from the ladies at my church. The heart shape pin was one that was made by my sister, Nora for me. It is all vintage.
Cup number 3 is a Belleek, Limpet shape, yellow, tinted cup and saucer. It is a demitasse as well. Very delicate and fragile, what you would expect from a Belleek.
My last cup is not a tea cup at all but a coffee cup. Did I ever tell you I collect Fritz and Floyd? Well, I do. Most of my collection is Christmas stuff. I have a few FF, amazing teapots I will show you around Christmas time. This cup has a fairy shaped handle. It is white porcelain, very cute. I just like how it looks. The cups are all very different than what I usually show you. I hope you do not mind the change. I will be back to my China cups next week.
You know what to do, to join the party, just fill in "Mr Linky". Join early or late just join! Don't forget I still have that give away at the end of the month. Noah is going to pick a name. Tea Cup post number #16 will tell you what you have to do to win the tea cup trio!
I also have a few prayer requests:
Terri my partner in this tea cup party. http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com/
Lady Katherine at http://ladykatherineteaparlor.blogspot.com/
Sandi at http://sandimyyellowdoor.blogspot.com/
Wanda at http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com/
Me! Please!
These ladies are all in need of a physical touch from the Lord! Thank you so much for taking this to His Throne! Blessings, Martha
PS - Hope the music was fun!
Jun 25, 2010
Hello ladies: Happy Pink Saturday! This is going to be a short post, because I took a fall and am having some serious back pain. Since last Tuesday, I have been in the hospital emergency room twice. I even got a ride in an ambulance! The ambulance ride was for a severe migraine, I was at Burger King and someone call the ambulance when I collapsed on the table. Next thing I remember is this cute paramedic asking me if I could tell him my name. It was the worse headache I have ever had. I could not even enjoy the ride because of the pain, and to top it off, I got sick on him. Talk about being embarrassed.
My next visit to the emergency room was because I fell off the dining room table.What was I doing on the dining room table you ask? Good question! Being stupid! I was going to decorate a candle chandelier that was over the table. When I stood up, the whole table flipped over on me. The force of the fall threw me into a marble table with all kinds of china dishes that fell on me. Then my big head hit the wall and a glass frame and shattered into a million pieces. I am so lucky I did not impale myself. There was glass and blood all over. I was alone, of course, no one is ever home when I fall. I need to plan that better. So I layed under the oak table until I was sure there were no bones showing anywhere. After I got the big table off me, I crawled to the couch in the next room to get my self up. As it was happening, it felt like everything was in slow motion. Like I was watching a cartoon only I was feeling everything. Today is the first day I have started to move. I have been on a lot of pain killers. I did fracture my shoulder blade and my back is having severe muscle spasms. I am feeling real loopy (muscle relaxer). So, that was my week. I had all kinds of plans, but I guess God had other plans.
I did not take any new pictures. These are some pinks that I had already taken. I just could not miss Pink Saturday. I know I have not finished visiting a lot of you who joined Tea Cup Tuesday. I hope to catch up soon. I hope that by this Tuesday everything would be back to normal. I almost forgot, while I was at the hospital, the doctor found a heart murmur. So now, I have to take all kinds of tests to see why I have this all of a sudden. So please say a little prayer on my behalf. Keep safe, and have a great PS! Blessings, Martha
Jun 17, 2010
WELCOME TO MY LITTLE SPACE! I hope you enjoy your visit.
I was so excited to be a part of this party. I was at the first party and it was so much fun. This is where I create. What do I create, you ask? I create a little bit of everything. I am a Serial Collector and among the things I collect are hobbies. I have quilted, made costumes, I scrapbook, I have painted stuff, I love to work with different crafts, I sew and love to make wreaths. My craft room is a collection of the many different forms of art and hobbies I do. It is filled with vintage buttons, ribbons, vintage lace, Ephemera, threads, stamps and inks, with vintage jewelry, and silver for projects. If you have a project you want to do, chances are good, I have the all the stuff to do it with.
This room became mine at the beginning of last year, when my son moved into the back house. It once was my son's bedroom. If you can believe this, I had all these items in nooks and crannies all over the house. I don't believe, I really managed to store all this stuff, but I did. I am still shocked at all I have managed to collect over the years. I am so grateful that they all have a home now. As you can see all the drawers are stuffed to the brim with various craft items and the tools of the trade. Each drawer has it's own display. It is important to me to open a drawer and look at the beauty of whatever is in that space. I like to make sure that each item has it's own special "wow", where it is stored.
One drawer is dedicated to only vintage hankies, another maybe to vintage flowers or antique cards. I love to also store vintage lace in crystal jars, the prettier the better. Did I tell you I collect paper? Paper is one thing I have trouble saying no to. I love this room it is constantly evolving. My table is a place where everything I work on gets dumped. It is where I put any yard sale goodies until I decide what to do with them. I tend to be very sloppy when I work. Things are very where. Most of what I make, I give away.
This home was a gift from God to me, and as the years go by I am more and more grateful for His blessings on my life. Thank you for stopping by "Where I Create!". I hope you enjoyed the tour! Blessings, Martha
I want to thank Karen at http://mydesertcottage.blogspot.com for hosting this wonderful party. Don't for get to sign up for my give away. Instructions are on 6-13-10 post. Now lets get to the party, lots to look at ladies! Blessings, Martha
Jun 13, 2010
Tea Cup Tuesday #16 & A give away!
Hello Tea Party Ladies! This is our 16th week and I have reached a mile stone with 301 followers! So to celebrate, I am going to have a give away this month. Since this is a tea cup post, I thought I would give a way a tea cup trio. I hope you like it, I have added a little bling, as always! We will make this easy, all you have to do is add my button to your blog, and leave a comment. Noah will pick a name from a hat at the end of the month! Please let me know when you have added the button. It can be my button or the Tea Cup Tuesday button or both. I will add you name as often as you comment and you will get an additional entry for each button. You have changed me, thank you for your faithfulness to me!
Now on with the party! My first and favorite cup for this week is 1990, Venetian glass, by Murano. It is a flared cup with a curled loop handle. The cobalt blue glass with a lacy white enameled decor overlay. My pictures do not do it justice. It is stunning. I paid $4.00 for it at an estate sale. I have seen it priced in Cups & Saucers, Identification & Values Book for $450.00. Who can afford to spend that much money on a cup? I was blessed to find it for sure.
My second cup is Mitterteich, Bavaria, Germany circa 1930. This cobalt blue, cream and gold cup has an unusual pointed scalloped foot. It features a zigzag handle with a beautiful gold print rose design on the inside and on the saucer. The foot looks like a king's crown. It is so beautiful.
Cup number three is a Royal Stafford China circa 1950. It has beautiful blood red design with gilted flowers and a heavy etched gilt band. This is a gorgeous cup, and is also featured in the a Cups & Saucers Identification & Values Book. I love when I find things I own in books or magazines. It makes me feel like I am not the only person who thinks something is pretty. I always question my taste in things, never really sure if any one else would like it. So, it helps to see them in magazines or books. Weird, I know, therapy!
My last cup is an Aynsley circa. 1950. It is a low Doris shape with a "D" shape handle. It has a deep blue trim with a cream body and a rose design on the inside of the cup, very pretty. I don't own many Aynsley, and I have seen some of yours they are amazing! Don't forget to visit Terri's post at http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com/, she always has some amazing cups. Terri also has a give away going! Yeah, her things are amazing!
Now my give away. This lovely trio is called "Mayflower" and it is by Vernon Ware. I hope you like it. I have had it in my collection for years. I believe it is circa 1950. If you look closely you can see that both dishes have a duffle like edging.
You know what to do about "Mr. Linky". Join early, join late, just join and please let me know if you want to be included in the giveaway! Well, let's party on, ladies! Blessings, Martha
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