Hello Ladies! Welcome to another Tea Cup Tuesday to share our passion for Tea Cups and everything that has to do with tea!

I have been so frustrated this week with Blogger. I can't even sign-in to my own blog! If I leave a comment, (this after several attempts) it does not have my name on it, instead the comment appears anonymous. It is enough to cause a grown woman to spit! Sorry! I see some of you have managed to leave comments on my blog. If you have figured out the problem, please tell me, please! I am going crazy!

Ok, I feel better now! How was your week? :) My was good! It was extra good because I was able to find these next three tea cups at a real great price. The first one is a Royal Albert, England. This one is called "Sweet Violets." Royal Albert is quickly becoming one of my favorite manufacturers.

Cup number 2 is also a Royal Albert. Very vintage and very cute! Love the gold on the edges. The colors are so rich. I have it currently sitting on my kitchen counter. I don't know why I don't take pictures of my kitchen more often. I do have a very nice kitchen. The randon pictures on this post are of my kitchen.

Did I ever tell you I collect Mikasa? Well, you guessed it I do! Mostly dinner sets,(in my defense.) I am defending myself now, not good! Anyway, cup number 3 is a coffee can shape. It is a Mikasa and the pattern is called "Terrace Bloom." It is so beautiful. Pictures do not do it justice. If you have read this far, than you get a chance at winning this cup. I picked up two and would like to share this one. As you can see by the button on the top of my page, MY WEBSITE IS NOW OPEN! A dream come true for me. I do have a lot more items to add, but I have been told (by someone, way smarter than me) it is ready to go! I do hope you stop by. This give away is my way of celebrating this long awaited opening. The give away will run until June 22, 2011.

I have learned so much! Ebay is easy compared to this, but this is my dream. Thank you for sharing it with me. If you see something you like and it is not for sale, let me know and I am sure, "I'll make you an offer you can't refuse!" If you are a follower of my blog, email me and I will give you a discount. I am not sure how to do that yet, but I do know how to refund your money! "What a Mickey Mouse out fit you have, Martha!" I know, I am working on it.

My sweet daughter, Vanessa, is going to put me on Facebook! I won't be on it, just my website. (I don't know how that works.) I also am joining the Shabby Lane Shops! I feel like a real business woman. You know collecting is a passion for me. Now I have another way to make some money and to trade up! Works for both of us!
Here our Mr. Linky for this week. Don't forget to visit Terri, you will not regret it! We are celebrating Tea Cup Tuesday No. 64! Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend.

The last picture on this post is a sample of what I am selling. Let me know if you want to be part of the give away! Hugs and extra hugs for your faithfulness! Martha