Sep 27, 2010
Hello Ladies: I cannot believe I have not posted in a week. I have had a full week of birthday celebrations and doctor appointments and of course, Noah. He is not feeling well this week, so I am sure my week will be filled. My refrigerator broke while I was at Disneyland. Everything had to be thrown away, because I did not open the refrigerator until the next evening. What a mess!
I promised to have Noah pick the winner of the blue portrait plate. He is always good at doing something for Grandma, especially when he gets a treat afterwards. So, the winner of the plate is Doni at Doni is a beautiful, Christian lady who has an amazing blog. Every time I visit, I find it hard to leave. She is also very faithful to included me in her prayers and I will be forever grateful to her. So, if you visit her before I can email her, let know she won! I want to thank everyone for your faithfulness to my blog, especially lately when, I have not be well. I am still amazed at how, I can just email you and ask for prayer and it is done. It is like have a 24 hour prayer chain. You have blessed me more than you know!
How do you like the tea pot? I just love it. It was one of the gifts my mother gave me for my birthday! It is so pretty. I told her I really needed a new tea pot. "Like a whole in the head!" she said. My mother's heart has changed so much in recent years. She no longer buys me just the practical things, but the things you just like to look at.
Tea Cup Tuesday No. 30! Can you believe we have been at this for 30 weeks? How fun! This week I want to share cups with a message. The first one is this week's favorite. It reads "Present". It is German, in fact all of the cups I am sharing this week were made in Germany. This one is extremely ornate with a wonderful fancy handle.
Tea cup number 2 reads "Forget Me Not" It has a yellow and pink flower on each side of the writing, with a wonderful branch shape handle. All four cups have the same coffee can shape.
Cup number 3 is a moustache cup, the reads "Father". It is a large cup with a loop handle.
Last, but not least is the pink "Father" cup. I had the matching "Mother" cup, but I killed it getting to the "Father" cup. I am sure another one will find it's way to my house. This cup is the largest of the four. It has a very large loop handle with a thumb rest! It always amazes me, when I find pink cups made for men. They must not have had the same hang ups we have today.
Anyway, that is this weeks group. Hope you enjoyed them. You know what to do with Mr. Linky! I did start to make wreaths for the fall, top picture, so I have done a little bit of something useful. I have just been told I have been featured on It is a Home blogs of other blogs, anyway take a peek! Take care of yourselves. May God richly bless you this week. Martha
Sep 20, 2010
Hi Ladies: I bet you thought I fell of the planet, not so! I was in Lake Arrowhead on a Retreat. It was so wonderful. I can back, refreshed and refilled, ready for what ever God has for me. I am in the mood for October with all the decorations that the month brings. Soon, my home will be full of Halloween item and pumpkins. Noah is going to be "The Real Buss Light Year" for Halloween. He is so excited, I can't wait to see him. He is two this year, so everything is new to him. Doesn't it seem like from October to December it is all about the kids and family? I love that about the year's end. Wednesday is my birthday and my children are taking me to Disneyland and dinner. God is so good. I will also pick the winner of the giveaway on Thursday! It just could be you!
Now, let's talk tea cups! This is our 29th Tea Cup Tuesday. I get just as excited as the first week Terri at and I started. That tea pot on top is English. It is a Sadler, Pink Swirl. I got this one at an Estate sale, a few years ago. I love the pretty pink color.
My first tea cup and my favorite this week is a Haviland Limoges. It is a demitasse cup, in a lovely teal color. I love how it is just filled with a delicate rose print. The top of the cup looks scalloped because of the design. It has a short cup with an angular loop handle. Since I collect Limoges, I know the book value for this little guy is $95. My rule is never to pay more than $10 for any cup, I have had this one forever, so I know it was cheap!
Cup number 2 is an unsigned beauty. It is a beautiful, white, Lusterware cup. It is a molded cup with a gold loop handle. I purchased this one at a thrift store for $1.49. I love deals like this!
Cup number 3, I think I showed it before, sorry. I forgot until now, anyway it is worth looking at twice. I think I have seen others share this cup as well. It is a Royal Albert and it is called "Bloom Time". It is filled with cherry blossoms. It has a scalloped cup with a looped handle and thumb rest. You can see why it is such a popular design.
The last cup is a Paragon, the Antique Series, Gainsborough. It features a couple dressed in period clothes. It is a footed, scalloped cup with an ornate handle. It is a beautiful pink color with a broken loop handle.
Ladies, here is Mr. Linky, you know what to do. Please take the time to visit all the ladies, if you can. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha
Sep 13, 2010
Hello Ladies: Happy Tea Cup Tuesday to everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful week. My was a mixed week, with some wonderful times with my children and grandchildren. I also had so very hard times with doctors and personal issues. I must say as I reflect on the week. I am able to see the Lord's Hand in it all. I want to thank everyone that has continued to pray for me. I sound like a broken record. Regardless, I am grateful for my blog friends. I wish their was a way to meet face to face with each other and tell you how special you are to me. Maybe one day, God will make a way for us.
So much for me, let's get to the fun stuff! Tea Cup Tuesday No. 28! Can you believe that? We are some serious woman to keep this up that long! My first tea cup I would like to share is Aynsley tea cup. The cup is Corset-shaped with a coiled handle. I love how the leaves and stems come together to form a daisy bouquet. This is my favorite cup for this week.
The next cup, is a demitassi cup made in Germany. It is a beautiful pedestal cup with a Athens shape and a question mark handle. The gold is very heavy on this cup. It is just beautiful.
Cup number 3 is a trio, that looks like the previous cup grew up. However, this ornate cup with made in Japan. The gold detail is incrediable on this cup. It has a simple round cup with a loop handle.
The last cup is made in England, with a beautiful cream and green print. It is an Enoch Wedgwood cup. It is a waisted ribbed cup with a loop handle. It is just a wonderful cup to hold and use, with an Ironstone body
Your ladies are pros at Mr. Linky. Please don't forget to visit my dear friend Terri. Her sight is always worth visiting Always filled with eye candy and sweet thoughts.
The tea pot and creamer are new to me. I purchased them at a thrift store for $6.99. It is a Royal Vienna. Very ornate design with a lusterware finish.
Well, that is it from my side of town. Hope you are all have a wonderful week filled with God's blessing. Remember you are loved! Martha
Sep 11, 2010
Hi my fellow Pinkies! Happy Pink Saturday! Do you remember what you were doing when 9/11 happened? I do, I was glued to the television, crying and feeling so scared and helpless. Some days are so profound in our lives, they leave a mark forever in our hearts. My prayers go out to the families of those whose lives were lost that day. I am so grateful for the men and women who continue to protect our great nation. My hope is that we can all learn to "Walk in Love". My sister, Nora, made that cross stitch for me. I just love it. It is one of the most favorite things I own.
I have started Pink Saturday late, but a least I posted this week. Last week I could not even post because things were so busy around here. I am sharing a few things I have up in my guest room. It is funny how we all have a guest rooms now. I guess our children are going up! These "Pinks" are on one of the dressers. My guest room has a guest this month. My husband's niece Sarah. She is a lovely treat for me, I will be sad to see her go.
I would like to invite you to visit Patti at She is a beautiful lady, who has shown me lots of love during my time of need. I never thought I would meet so many women who could touch my heart with their love, kindness, their talent and their love of the Lord. It was a surprise I am so grateful for. I am so grateful for her in my life. Please visit her, you will not be disappointed.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Please let me know if you want to be part of the give away and don't forget Tea Cup Tuesday! You are the best! Blessings, Martha
Sep 7, 2010
Hi Ladies: Did Tuesday just sneak up on you? It did me, Tea Cup Tuesday No. 27, and I am still thinking it is Sunday night, instead of Monday night. If my dear friend Terri had not sent me Mr. Linky, I would have been late again. I feel like I have missed so much on everyone blog these last few days. I know I am still running late, but better than last week! I have to get my act together! Please keep praying!
I am going to share some very different cups today. The first one is a Black and White and Gold cup made by Clarence China in England. It is No 52 of only 460 made. I love the Quatrefoil shape cup that sits on a pedestal. Clarence China, commonly made Chintz designs. This is a rare design for them. I just love how beautiful the Black and White looks.
Cup number 2 is another rare cup. It does not have a saucer, I don't know if it ever did. It is another hand numbered, hand decorated piece. This is by Lenox. It has a Fragonard shape with an angular handle all hand done. This is my favorite piece this week. I love the heavy gold they used on this cup.
Cup number 3 is this beautiful Limoges, Faberge, demitasse cup. The cup features a Victorian couple, in period attire, in a natural outdoor setting. This beautiful cup is a Royal Blue in color with a ribbed shape cup. It features a beautiful broken loop handle that is very common in Limoges cups. The saucer is scalloped with hand painted gold flowers to match the cup. I decided to put this one up for auction on Ebay today. Don't know why except, I need to start making Christmas money to tell you the truth. Another reason may be that I watch "Hoarders" today. I need to prove that I can get rid of my things, if I want too!
The very last cup I want to share is new to my home. It was purchased Friday for $1.49 at the Thirty Store. I just love Limoges. (I know I have said that hundred times.) It is by Theodore Haviland Limoges to be exact. I just love the faded look that Limoges does and the beautiful scalloped cup and saucer. It is just stunning and you can't beat the price. I don't think a girl can have too much Limoges, do you?
Well, you know what to do with "Mr. Linky". Please don't forget to visit Terri, and her amazing cups. Let me know if you want to be a part of my give away. Have a wonderful time at the party! The very first picture is the new blue and white colors of my house this month. Just thought I share a peek! Love you! Blessings, Martha
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