Hello Dear Friends: January 1st, marks the beginning of my third year blogging. I am writing this first post of the New Year to talk a little bit about my journey in blogging. I would also like to take some time to answer some frequently asked questions, questions that have confused even the greatest minds! Questions like, "Where do you put all this stuff?" Where do you get this stuff? Do you use all this stuff? How many tea cups do you have? Are you a Hoarder? (I ask myself this all the time.) Is Noah allow to touch anything? You ladies do ask a lot of profound questions. I love it. So, I am about to give you some answers. You may be surprised, so brace yourself!

Let's start with the first question. Why on earth do you blog? I can't tell you how many people have asked me this,(well, maybe one or two) especially my family. I recently told my first daughter the number of people who actively follow my blog and you know what she said? Well, I will tell you. "Mom, you are not that interesting!" She is my encourager! Bless her heart, Lord! She lifts me up when I am down! Monique is the one who says, "Mom, if something happens to you, everything is going to be sold in a yard sale, so price it!" Monique taught me that pretty things, are just that, pretty things. Her bluntness has always served me well.

I have journaled all my life. Always in private, usually about things that were painful, things I did not want to forget, and repeat my mistake, so I journaled. Two years ago, January 1st, 2009. I started my blog. I had been a "blogger peeping tom" for a while. I blogged (Is that a word?) of a great sadness in my life and it helped. I was bluntly honest with myself (important). No one was reading my blog anyway, so who cared? After several months, a dear friend Nancy, began to read my blog. She did not know how to post a comment, so it still was like no one was there. Slowly joy came, so did followers. People who loved me for just me. Not what I could do for them. Ladies who visit, just because! Weird huh? Today, my reason for blogging has not changed. The only difference now is, I am not sad. When I count my blessings, I count you as part of them. Sometimes my life feels like a fairy tale. Like a story, with a happy ending. Who would have thought?

Now on to the important questions. "Where do you get all this stuff? Where do you keep it?" Being a passionate lover of beautiful things and poor, I had a big problem. My answer, estate sales and yard sales. Today, I can say that everything in my home was either purchased at an estate sale or yard sales except mattress and appliances. I only discovered thrift stores about 9 years ago. (I know what is wrong with me?) I was so excited, I thought I was going to get hives, from joy!

Yes, I use everything, I love to eat on beautiful plates, nothing is sacred. If it breaks, it broke! "People are more important than things. Things are just that, things. Hearts are more important." Yes, Noah can play with anything in my home. I have taught him to respect things and not play ruff with china cups. Noah has learned well. He has only broke one item in his long two years, 9 months of life.

Now for the big question! "Are you a hoarder, Martha?" (I ask myself, this all the time.) Well here is what I think about that question . . .I don't know. I do sell as much as I own. However, that money always goes to a new collection. I store things by months. They are stored in the basement. Each bin is marked with the month's name so I know what comes up stairs. I always forget what I have stored, so everything feels new, quite exciting. I make a point to buy one new thing each month. I think each month deserves a gift! After all, the month has come to visit me again!

As for as how many tea cups I have? Who really knows? I do know that I can serve a high tea for about 100 ladies without breaking a sweat. I would begin to get a little rash after that. That would include, the sterling, dessert plates, tea pots, and all the cute little things you need to make a lady feel special.

I hope this helps explain a little more about me. Noah's mother, Vanessa, will want to keep everything of my, just because it was mine. She is my sentimental daughter. Two very different daughters, each has taught me a lot about love. My son, Kyle, well, he is a bull in a china factory! Remember I said Noah had only broke one item? My son, Kyle on the other hand is in a league of his own.

I want to end or begin, with a giveaway to mark this very important day! I hope you like this tea cup and bling I picked! I love the little feet on the cup! Please enter as often as you want. You get extra credit for putting my button on your blog and of course for following! Just let me know what you are doing. The giveaway will end at the end of the month!

I want to thank you for your faithfulness. Praying God will bless us this New Year, with His Presence, His Joy, Health, and Prosperity! Praying God will surround you with people that love you, just because of you! Hugs, Martha