Jul 18, 2010


Hello my fellow tea cup lovers! Welcome to our 20th Tea Cup Tuesday! I have been thinking about what tea cups to share with you this week. No, I am not running out, but I would like to show you something a little different. I think I have in this post, we will see. Except for one, all the tea cups featured are from Japan. All are Lusterware, except one, and except one, they have seen better days.

I have a confession to make. (You are reading the Confessions of a Serial Collector.) I don't like china with chips or nicks or faded anything. I know some of you are starting to shake, but it is true. If they have an imperfection, I throw it out! I really hate that about me. (It is something I will one day take up in therapy.) The cups you are about to see, except one, are not perfect. Why do I keep them you ask? Good question! I don't know. Maybe I am trying to prove I can. Maybe they will be thrown out after this post! I don't know. I like things perfect. I guess because life is not perfect. I don't know! Anyway, end of confession, let's get this party started!

Cup number one is my favorite this week. It is the only one not made in Japan. It is Winterlissg from Bavaria, Germany. I love the rich gold design and the pedestal cup. The handle is angular shape. It is just stunning. What is the flaw you ask? It is missing a saucer. This was at one time a trio, but the saucer died.
What to do? So, I keep it, because it is so pretty. It is so hard for me, it is not perfect. PRAY! I HAVE A PROBLEM! Don't laugh!

Cup number two is a blue Lusterware from Japan. It has a beautiful pedestal shape cup, with a reticulated saucer. It has a beautiful, ornate bean handle and a delicate rose design. What is the problem with this cup? It has a chip. I did it myself. Just breathe, Martha!

Cup number three is also a pedestal cup from Japan. Like the last one, it too is Lusterware. I love Lusterware. Do you know the problem with Lusterware? It wears off with time and too much use. That is what happen to this cup. You can see around the top the Luster has begun to wear off. I don't know if you can see it with the pictures, but it is a pretty pale pink in color. It has an angular loop handle. This cup is in the biggest danger of being throw out.

Ending on a good note. My last cup is perfect. It is a demitasse, pink Lusterware, pedestal cup. It has a wonderful ornate angular handle. The bottom of the pedestal looks like gold tassels. Very cute.

So, it is time to link up. Remember that we would like to see tea cups on this post. Some ladies have used Mr. Linky and don't have a thing up about tea cups. Things you can share:
Share a tea cup
Share the history (personal) of the tea cup
Share the maker and/or history of the tea cup
Share any history about tea cups
Share a story with tea cups in it
Share a poem with tea cups in it

The tea pot at the top of the post is from Home Goods. My house is decorated in yellow this month! Sorry for the long post, but confessions take time. Blessings, Martha


Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

HI Martha,

I just posted my second entry to Tea Time Tuesday and Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday. I actually had to photograph some things at a friend's house. I have one other tea cup which I'll be sharing next week. That one is interesting...as to how I got it..
My confession is I don't have a lot of tea things at all. I'm very new to collecting. So I'll have to be haunting some thrift stores etc this week. Pray I find more lovelies I can add to my collection :) :) Thanks for letting me participate :) :)

I love all your tea things...so different...but each so very beautiful. You do have quite a bit :) :) :) I loved it all. The yellow set was really cheery and remind's me of a friend's kitchen...all decorated in yellow. It's definitely a very happy color :) :)

Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

Princesa Nadie said...

Dear Martha
All your cups are perfect! I love it and I love meeting you every week.
Happy Tea Cup Tuesday

Beth said...

Martha, Love the yellow cup and teapot in your first photo. All of the cups you showcase today are gorgeous and unique. My favorite is the 4th one. Thanks for sharing these, and for the education on teacups!
Blessings, Beth

Doni said...

Hi Martha! I certainly hope that my Rooster Tea Pot fits in with the tea theme! Sorry if I've messed up for you!!!!
I think your cups and saucers are so almost perfect that as long as they're pretty enough to share, they're good enough to keep! You should just not worry about them. We're all imperfect and we all fit in right along with them!
Blessings, Doni

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Martha,

I love the cheery yellow, in the first picture.
The lusterware cups are pretty, and the insides always remind me of the look you get when oil is on a puddle ( all different colours.)
Thanks for sharing your beautiful collection with us and have a great week.


Victorian1885 said...

Hello Martha
Your tea cups are so perfect today! My favorite is the last one..pink lusterware. I am having 5 giveaways so come over for a visit! Thanks for hosting!


Terri said...

I have always loved lusterware. I have one tea cup set and a large platter.
Your cups are beautful as well as the jewelry you show with them. I love the pink demitasse set...oooooh! Gorgeous.
Please Martha, if you must throw them away, throw them to me, I have a hospital for chipped, cracked, worn china, cups with no plates, plates with no cups..... I will care for them and give them a new purpose. I promise!
Don't feel bad about not wanting broken things. It could be that you just don't have room for all your collections and you weed them out, broken first. Makes sense to me.
Where do you get them all though, do you buy them on the internet? I am always afraid to, in case they are not in as good a shape as they showed. Where else do you find them?
I hope you are in great health and having a wonderful summer with your family.

Rebecca Nelson said...

You have the most beautiful cups I've ever seen! No kidding girly girl.

I prayed for you this morning. Wanted you to know God is able. Don't forget.


Vicki said...

Hello, dear friend,
I think all of your cups are pretty as can be, perfect or not. That blue one with the roses is especially pretty to me. I also love your yellow teapot, so cheerful and charming. Thank you for being our gracious hostess each week~ Love to you~ Vicki

xinex said...

Your tea cups and saucers are beautiful, Martha, even the ones that are imperfect. I hope you don't throw them away...Christine

Ro said...

Oh Martha, your tea cups are lovely even if they are imperfect. :)

Unknown said...

G'eve Martha ~ Now these are awesome! I have not had any of these. Love your presentation.

Have a beautiful week.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Virginia said...

To me all your teacups are beautiful, remember………
Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections. You can find other uses for the imperfect ones.
Sweet Blessings,

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh, this is just too beautiful!!!
I love how you presented everything...so heavenly!

Concetta said...

Dear Martha,
I have always loved lusterware as well - and I especially love the ones you have presented - imperfections and all! Thank you so much for sharing your treasures with us!
<>< Concetta

KathyB. said...

Martha, this is a funny post. ( sorry, I know you are struggling to embrace even imperfect teacups and saucers)Your imperfect teacups and saucers are still very lovely to me, so if you are going to throw them out, just toss them this-a-way!

I do think your last cup and saucer are my favorites though!

One of the things I appreciate about this Tea Cup Tuesday is the opportunity to show my tea cups and see those of others. I am finding there is not a lot of information I can find regarding some of my teacups. Where do you find the best information on teacups? Thank-you again Martha, very much~

Unknown said...

Martha Martha Martha! Pppplllleeeaase please don't throw away thouse stunning cups! I have only just began to collect and Many of mine have imperfections, this means they have been loving used over time and although they are more beautiful when perfect I do still love ALL of my tea cups

If you ever feel like throwing them away I will take the poor babies off your hands. ;0) But can I encourage you to keep them?

The one with out a saucer is divine and otherwise perfect and the one you have chiped (you must have been SO upset when you did that) but I think its SO beautiful loving the shape and handle is divine. And the one that is in most danger of being thrown out I can see where it is worn but what a beautiful colour it is and think of the pleasure it has given you! And I have to say I love the pedestal shapes of them all and yes the last one is also beautiful even though it's perfect! ROFL xx

However, if you need more space for more perfecton that's another thing and throw your junk my way lol

My Love to you Martha I love looking each week at your amazing collections

Love Dawn xx

Patti said...

I always love seeing your teacup collection...even the "imperfect" ones are beautiful. All your showings today are beautiful, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be the second one, the blue Lusterware.

On my first Teacup Tuesday about 6 weeks ago, I showed the absolute favorite teacup in my collection...my magnolia teacup. And its saucer was broken into about 5 pieces and is now glued together. It is a reminder that God takes the broken pieces of our lives and makes something beautiful out of them. So, please don't give up your slightly imperfect teacups. They are all still very beautiful.

Wishing you a lovely day,
Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Good morning Martha,
Oh, what lovely teacups! The last demitasse is darling! Please don't ever throw out your teacups! I will gladly take them off your hands if you need to rid yourself of them. Believe me, I am sorry I threw out teapots years ago! I have regretted it ever since! I am somewhat like you as I like them to be perfect too. But over the past number of years, I have come to like 'loved' china. They have a charming quality about them. Thanks for sharing yours and have a marvellous day.


Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hi Martha, I am always amazed at the beautiful teacups you show us each week, (and amazed at HOW MANY cups you have!) My goodness! My favotite this week is the pink lusterware cup..yes, because it is PINK, lol :) You know me!

Wishing you a very happy TEACUP TUESDAY my friend!

Warmest hugs, Brenda

Pellie / Penny said...

All your teacups are extraordinary blemished or not.
Thanks for sharing.

Victoria said...

Hi Martha..another magical post...they are all super charming! I am in love with the blue one..and the blue bling..woah...you have stolen my heart..very beautiful! wow..they are all so pretty...FABULOUS series..i so enjoy seeing your new goodies each week..it is truly so much fun..and so appreciated!
have a dazzling day!

Kristin said...

What a beautiful post - I love hearing about your confessions - and those teacups (perfect or not) are just beautiful!
Thank you too for your sweet comment - it means a lot, Kristin xo

Diann said...

Oh Martha, Martha, Martha! Let's have a cup of tea and sit down and try to work on this perfection issue! LOL

All of these teacups are just stunning! They simply have been loved and enjoyed so the flaws are beautiful.

have a wonderful day!

Snap said...

All the tea cups are beautiful, but I think I like the last one ... the pink lusterware (and I'm not usually a pink person). The pedestal bases are very special.

Susan Freeman said...

Martha, I don't mind if you like to have perfect tea cups. I think that YOU are perfect just the way you are!! Thank you for another fun Tea Cup Tuesday dear friend!

Susan and Bentley

PeregrineBlue said...

how totally fun.

Anonymous said...

Martha, I love your confessions of imperfect teacups, but these are all gorgeous to me. If you ever think about throwing any away, I send you a box with my shipping label on it for you to throw them in. They would make lovely watercolor models. Kidding aside, your post is fun and I appreciate you hosting Tea Cup Tuesday. Have a blessed day!

Her Art Nest said...

Hi Martha, Thank you for dropping by today. Your tea cup collection is divine! How lovely. Hugs, Nan

Unknown said...

I loved LOVED the yellow one. It reminds me of a canary diamond...rare. Thanks for sharing your treasures.

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Hello. Martha, I don't have a teacup post to share but I thought I'd just say hello and I enjoyed your post. I think I used to be like you about imperfections, but now I am tending towards the Japanese view of Wabi-sabi, of finding beauty in imperfection. The good thing about not wanting the imperfect teacups is that you can make someone who doesn't mind imperfections really happy!!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Martha, just like friends, tea cups can have flaws, get damaged or broken, and become in need of tender loving care. I understand as a collector, these less than perfect beauties will never garner top dollar. But as friends, they make lovely companions. And they all have their own pedestals (grin). Happy Tea Cup Tuesday.

Patti said...

Martha---I'm so glad that my words blessed you and ministered to your heart. I know as we blog, we always want to touch one another in some way, to beautify and uplift. Thank you for letting me know that my words blessed you. It's always nice to know when you've been a blessing to others.

Have a wonderful day,

GardenOfDaisies said...

I love all your teacups and the way you always pair them with pretty jewelry!

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Oh what beautiful eye candy, thanks for sharing!!! Blessings~~~ Daphne

Creative Grammie said...

Oh Martha! You have the most beautiful collection of teacups.I tried looking for the chip on the "imperfect" cup, but I didn't see it. Are you sure it's there? Hehehe
Gotta love you dear.

Biljana said...

Hi Martha! Thank you for visited my blog.I am your newest follower.You have such sweet and beautiful blog:))
Greetings from Europe, hugs Biljana

Lori @ Projects Plenty said...

Hi, Martha. You have a lovely set of tea cups. Your blog is really nice. Thanks for visiting mine.



Lovely teacups! You are an inspiration. And, yes,
I understand how much you love your grandchildren!
I have one myself that is almost one and is moving to another city and state :(
~ Julie

Anonymous said...

Love those beautiful teacups! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I returned the follow :)


Jeanne said...

Please don't toss the chipped ones, send them to me.

I do mosaics with broken dishes. I especially love the gold cup - Awesome. Contact me at jselep1@yahoo.com, I would be happy to pay shipping and a little extra.

Anonymous said...

Oh Martha...your teacups are ALL beautiful!!!
I pick the first one as my favorite too :D
I love how you have the G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. jewelry modeling with them :D
please don't throw any out...they are all too beautiful...
God loves us with our imprefections...

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I am so sorry that I did not get to participate in this week's Tea Cup Tuesday!!
I just got so busy that time got away from me...again!!
Love all of your tea cups and PLEASE don't ever throw any out!!
You can always send them my way!!



Lynn-Teacupstitches said...

Hi Martha!
Gorgeous ~ Beautiful ~ Spectacular ~ and exquisite!! That says it all!! You have such a fabulous variety of teacups and I get goosebumps viewing each One! No could not pic a favorite!
I would beg for your castaways but see that I am on the bottom of the list so not a chance HA!!
Have you ever shared with us a count of all your teacups? That would be fun to know!
Happy Teacup Tuesday Martha!
Hugs and Smiles,

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