Oct 31, 2011


Happy Halloween Ladies! We have made the costumes, baked the cookies, carved pumpkins, watched the parade and collected candy! It is all over except for tonight when the kids come to the door. Noah was Captain America and Sophia was pink bones! Maya was a Lion Tamer! I can't believe all I have done in the last few hours. I feel so blessed to share this with my Grandchildren. Must admit, I got a slow start to this post because I am tired already.

My cups this week are all the same shape. The first three are made by the same manufacturer. They are American Made and just stunning. Pattern name of these two is "Sovereign" by Castleton China. I can not believe I sold a service for 12 of these beauties. What was I thinking? This is a standard and demitasse size. Look at the handle of the little one. It is almost the same size as the big one. They are a light cream color with gold trim.

The next cup is also a Castleton, pattern name "Sunnyvale". Love the delicate flowers on this one. Notice the shape is the same as the ones above. Interesting!

Now look at the next cup! Doesn't it look like the other three? It is a RW, from Bavaria. This one is all hand detailed, with a rope like trim.

I am adding a fifth cup today. It is a Belleek. I just love this demitassi cup. It is a cream color with a pale yellow center. Beautiful, if I do say so myself. Did you notice some cups had figurines and some did not? I think this big plan of sharing all three things is not going to work. I don't think you can see the tea cups as well. This post is all about tea cups. So, if I can, I will share the figurines with my cups. I do think the plan failed.

Have a wonderful week! Don't forget to visit the new Grandma, Terri. She has managed to purchase new cups to share with us. I can't wait to see them. Here is Mr. Linky for you to do your thing!

Hugs, Martha

Oct 23, 2011


Welcome Tea Cup Lovers to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 85! Ready for another week of sharing our lovely treasures? Did you ever think there were so many tea cup designs? Every week, I see cups that I have never seen before. I know that is what Terri and I love about this party. This is our last Tuesday in October. I don't know about you, but for me it means, it is time for my home to get a whole new make over for Thanksgiving.

With that in mind, I have been moving things around my home this week, thinning out many collections. I have listed a lot of these new collectible items on my website http://prettyvintagethings.com/. Please take a peek, my way of going green!

This week while I was dusting, I had a thought, shocker I know, but listen to this. As you may know, I collect lady figurines (another shocker). This was my thought, why not share my figurines with my tea cups? I have some in every color. Before you say anything, I don't have as many figurines as tea cups, but I do have one or two. So I am going to combine the two. What do you think? Well, I am going to try it, if you don't like it let me know. I am easy.

This week my tea cups are in all different colors. The first one is this amazing vintage, Limoges. It is the most delicate pink and white. It is also, rather large. Most Limoges are a lot smaller. This is one of my favorite cups.

This next cup is also a Limoges. Look at the handle on this one. It looks like it is a sculptured piece of metal. So very delicate and another large one. Perfect, like only Limoges can do!

This next cup is new to me. I don't own any like it. It is made in Italy and although I have other Italian made cups, this one is different. It is made of clay. It is a very light weight, pedestal cup. The rose designs are very intricate, anyway I fell in love with it. Let me know what you think.

Last but not least, is this black and white English, Foley China. The pattern name is "Florence". The roses are brilliant in pink colors. There is something so classy about a black and white cup.

Well, here is this week's Mr Linky. Don't forget to visit Terri http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com/. She is going to be a Grandma again this week.

Have a safe and fun Halloween! Here is a picture of my Noah as a Cowboy. That boy loves dressing up.

Hugs, Martha

Oct 16, 2011


Hello my tea cup loving friends! Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 84! I still have to show you picture's of my Sophia Lola. I wish you could hear her squeak. She loves to eat and sleep. She curls herself up into a little ball when you hold her. Here is a picture she posted on Face book and with her Uncle Kyle. "Happy Birthday to me!!! I'm 10 days old today." She is so smart.

Today I have some interesting cups to share with you. This first one I call my Jetson Tea Cup. It is a Winterling, Bavaria, Germany. It is trimmed in 24 KT Gold. Now, don't you think this is a cup that Jane Jetson would be using?

Cup number 2 is the Royal Kent, Made in Staffordshire, England. Love the colors on this trio. I forgot I own it.

My next cup is a very special, favorite of mine. It is part of a complete set my late Father gave to my Mother when they were very young. It is a Homer Laughlin, Virginia Rose pattern. My Mother gave it to me and I gave it to my daughter Vanessa, when she got married. I love giving china sets for weddings to immediate family. Vanessa is my sentimental child, and I know she cherishes it. It is trimmed in Platinum. She gets this cup when I am gone. Right now, it reminds me of the special times at home, when I was young!

We are still having hot weather here in So. Cal., I know that many of you are starting to experience Autumn. We just may have a hot Halloween night this year. I have been in a rearranging mode. So the whole house looks like it has been turned up side down. I take pictures to show you the new look.

Here is this week's Mr. Linky. Don't forget to visit Terri, not only is she sharing some amazing tea cups, but if you are lucky, you can join one of her wonderful art classes. You have to take a peek at what she is teaching. News just in, she is about to be a Grandma too! God is so good! I want to thank you for making this party so special. You are so appreciated. I feel like I am part of many of your lives. Wonderful isn't it?

I have listed many new things on my website http://prettyvintagethings.com/. Please stop by and take a peek. Giving "Vintage" for the Holidays helps me and the planet! Don't forget to let me know if you follow my blog, blog followers get a discount. Have a wonderful week.

Hugs, Martha

Oct 9, 2011


PRAISE THE LORD! We have a new member of the family. Sophia Lola finally arrived. Mom, Dad, Noah and Grandma are all doing well! Delighted to have a baby in the family! Isn't she lovely?

Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 83! It has been very hard for me to keep my focus this week. I feel like life has just moved so fast in one week. I saw my Grandson go from an only child to a big brother. My little girl, having her own little girl and my oldest daughter taking complete charge of the whole family support system. While my job was to care for the two Grandchildren. It is amazing to see your family all grown up.

I have some beautiful cups to share with you today. Starting with this Paragon. A stunning all beige cup with brown roses. I think this is something that only Paragon could make so beautiful.

Cup No. 2 is a Haviland, Limoges from France. You know how much I love Limoges. Although I am not a big fan of these autumn colors, this is beautiful.

I am always sharing about the great prices I paid for tea cups. Well this one is an exception. It is a Haviland, Limoges and I purchased it on Ebay about 15 years ago. I never, ever buy cups on Ebay, unless I am sure of what they are going to look like. I have to know the pattern is the right one. I have also told you that I have a $10 rule for cups, on rare occasions I have paid up to $20, but it is very rare.
When I saw this demitasse cup on Ebay, it was about to end and I was the sole bidder. Then the unthinkable happened, someone else bid against me. One bid lead to another and you guessed it, I got swept up in the auction. I think I paid $45 dollars for this cup. It was the very first orange cup I had ever purchased. The seller had this cup pictured so beautifully. (A good lesson for all you Ebay sellers.) The cup is Lusterware. I have never seen another Lusterware design in Haviland, Limoges. When the cup and saucer arrived, the Lusterware was worn in many places. Although I do think the cup is cute. I learn a very hard lesson.

The last cup is this cute pheasant cup by a K.M. Gould Co. of California. It is a cute little demitasse cup with great autumn colors. A dear lady who has long gone to be with the Lord gave this to me.

Believe it or not I am still pulling things out for Halloween. Today I found a box filled with vintage Carnival Glass. I had forgotten how much I had. It is like Christmas here today for me. I have decided to sell some of the Carnival Glass on my website http://prettyvintagethings.com/. So, if you love the Carnival check out my website. I should have plenty up by the end of the week.

Here is Mr. Linky for this week. We are hoping to have 50 ladies join us this week. We almost made it last week. Terri and I are looking forward to visiting you. Oh, that reminds me, I am having trouble leaving a comment with some of your blogs. The comment just disappears. Does any one know how to fix this? It is making me crazy! I don't need the help.

One last thing, can you stop by Shabby Lanes Shops and vote for me? They are having a Pumpkin Decorating Contest. I want to win and I need your vote! Thank you!

Hugs, Martha