That is how I feel tonight! It is almost midnight, tomorrow is my birthday, and I feel like I could sleep the day away. Noah has been so sick this week. He went to the doctor and had to have his blood drawn. It took 5 times before they could do it! Needless to say, both Mom and Noah were crying. I watched him everyday because, Mom could not miss work. He was so sad, and he did not want to eat. I hate it when the babies are sick. He was so needy, all he wanted me to do was hold him. He fever was high, you know all the stress that comes with a sick baby. So tonight I can't sleep. May just have to take something to make me rest. Since, I had not talk to you ladies in a few days, I thought I would write and let you know what is going on! Hopefully, I will get my act together and get back to the business of posting and having great fun with you! He is a picture of Noah in his Halloween costume. Can you guess what he is going to be? Blessings to you! Martha
He is adorable in his costume. I hope you catch up on your sleep, Martha. I know how frustrating that can be. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Martha my Dear. Celebrate by taking a little nap and then you can party later on....lol Hope lil' Noah feels better soon! Have a wonderful day and stay cool.
Happy Birthday Martha!
Noah looks so cute in his costume. I hope he feels better and I hope you get some rest!
Happy Birthday Dear Martha! I hope you are able to get some rest and that Noah will be well soon. Lack of sleep is never a good thing. Take care! Peace & blessings, Tammy
Happy Birthday dear Martha !!
I hope noah gets better soon , and you both can stop worrying - and you get some well needed rest !
have a blessed week !
Hi, Martha,
I am so sorry little Noah has been sick. It is such a worrisome thing when a child is so ill. I know you must be exhausted from the worry. I hope he is feeling better soon. I am guessing he is going to be Mickey for Halloween! Sending autumn blessings your way. Vicki
Happy Birthday Martha, I hope you manage to get sleep. I can be such a bear when I am tired. Hopefully this finds little Noah feeling well.
Happy Birthday to you, Martha! I hope you got some rest and sweet little Noah is feeling better. Hope the rest of the week get better for everyone.
Hugs and glitter,
It is after 3 am here and I am awake. Only slept about an hour and then tossed and turned so got up and made some tea. If I am so tired, then why can't I sleep? Hope you've had a great birthday. Peace & blessings, Tammy
Wishing you a very happy and blessed birthday. And SLEEP, too! Hope darling lil' Noah aka Mickey Mouse is feeling better, too!
All the best,
I know, I hate it when the little ones get sick. My nephew was very sick with the flu when he was one and had to have a fluid IV inserted into his arm. He didn't have to stay in the hospital, they sent him home, but it was still scary. I hope he gets in top shape soon, so he can do another dress up time in his costume. Is it Mickey? I hope you get some MUCH needed sleep too!
Hi Martha, You have company, I've had a bad fall cold for the last week and spent the last days sleeping. I have hypothyroid so taking cold medicine is out since it renders the synthetic hormone useless. Well, we all know how we get sick of being sick! Course Noah isn't old enough to know that, he just hurts. Worry is awful for helping to get the zzzz's, doesn't happen and worse! You will probably get his illness! Take care and happy birthday. PS, You are a wonderful grandma!
Happy Birthday dear Martha!
I hope that you have a very special day and may it be the start of a great year ahead.
Sorry to hear that sweet little Noah is not feeling well and I hope that he will be feeling better. I love the costume and how cute he is.
Birthday hugs
Happy birthdya Martha!
A Belated Happy Birthday, Martha!!! 29 is it?
Mary from Vintage Comfort
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