Dec 29, 2009


I have had so much fun with Pink Saturday, I have decided to join the White Wednesday group hosted by Kathleen at It looks like a lot of fun with some very talented ladies.

I have spent the day beginning to put away the Christmas decorations. What took me almost 2 months to set up,will only take 2 or 3 days to store. It is sad to see it go, however, I look forward to January and what the year 2010 has to offer. This year was one of the hardest year's in my life, however, it has brought so many beautiful blessings as well. God commands us to think on the things that are perfect, pure and lovely and of good report. So as I begin to say good-bye to the year, I want to thank God for my family that I adore and the friends I have and those I have made through this blog. You have changed my life for ever for the better.

You expect to be loved and supported by your family and close friends, I never expected you! I can truly count my blessings and name you one by one!

I have included a a couple of faded white pictures in honor of Wednesday. Since I plan to decorate my home in white for the month of January, you will see more next week. Still have not decided what my give-way will be. I am looking for something special for special ladies!

Have a great year end! Blessings, Martha

Dec 25, 2009


This is a neighbor's house. Every inch is covered in lights!

Dinners, lunches, breakfast and a brunch, jammed into 3 days of celebration! I hope you all had a wonderful time with family and friends celebrating the birth of our Savior. I know I did, but I am tried. It is good to go back to regular life.

I have included a few family pictures. On Christmas Eve we were at my nephew, Justin's home. He has a huge house and every year he keeps adding to it. He had the largest Christmas trees I have seen in any home. His view on the deck is just stunning! My son, Kyle, got PJs, a robe and slippers along with his cousin, Ross. They both were quick to put them on and enjoyed the evening in their new gifts.

Noah was so tired, it was well past his 7:00 pm bed time. He did get the hang of opening gifts, one of Maya and Noah's favorite things was a big box that a gift came in. I love that about children. They just enjoy the simple pleasures of playing in a box.

On Pink Saturday, I am spending time with my sister-in-law, Maureen. Going shopping, maybe a movie, eating, of course, and just having fun together. After the kids made breakfast on Christmas Eve, my sinks got plugged up. So, Merry Christmas, plumber is coming in the morning. I also plan to begin the process of putting Christmas decorations away. I love them when they are up, but January is coming and time to change the decor! Hoping you all made it through. I know that many are having a hard time due to personal things going on in your lives. My prayers go out to you. Just think about what is being celebrated and that will give you hope. I know that is what I do, I have a lot to be thankful for.

I will be celebrating my one year blog anniversary on January 1, 2010. So my next post will be about my new give away! So ladies, lets hit the ground running, it is sales time! A new year is coming, our year of jubilee! Blessings, Martha

Dec 20, 2009


So it begins, the Sunday before Christmas we make cookies as a family. The Grandmas were there, sisters, brothers, in-laws, nieces and nephews and the grand baby. All gathered to make their own creations and just to love on each other. This year more than ever, we were so close you could just feel the love in the air. I adore my family. Here are a few pictures of the day, as well as, some more Christmas decorations.

Oh yes, I finished setting the table, I think. Only a few more gifts to wrap before the big day! God has been so good to me, I just do not deserve His blessings. However, isn't that what Mercy is?

We are in our final days, ladies, before the big event. Hope all is going well with you and oh, yes, stress free! Blessings! Martha

Dec 18, 2009


That is our assignment this week, to share holiday traditions. I love traditions and my son, Kyle, is hooked on them. This Sunday begins a whole week of special family traditions. Starting with the entire family meeting on Sunday afternoon to made cookies for Christmas. Everyone comes, sons and daughters, grandchildren, husbands, wives. It is our start of a week of festivities. All kinds of cookies are made, but the most fun are the individual sugar cookies that each person makes. Anything can be made and it has. It is a night of just fun and loving on each other. So it begins . . .

I have taken a few more pictures of Christmas tree pins. I hope to show you more before Christmas, if I can. I am more than half way done on my gift wrapping. Just 2 gifts left to buy and the table has not been set yet for the week. I have to get in gear. I am trying to do all this while following doctor's orders of NO STRESS! For those of you who might not have heard, Andrew went to be with the Lord. Please pray for that family. The despair and sorrow, must be unbearable during the holidays!

God bless you my friends, Martha

Dec 15, 2009


Yesterday, my dear friend, Sares at, gave me the "Your are the Sweetest Award" It just made my day. You can see it on the side bar. I was so under the weather, when I got it. The award put an instant smile on my face. I know that some of you ladies have a no awards blog. I just love them. They can come at the perfect time. A time when you need a friend or are feel alone. They can come from someone you would not expect, and you are given an instant smile! Someone is thinking about you! It made my day, thank you, Sares. Sares is so great, she even put it on my blog for me. If you do not know her, please visit, you could not ask for a more caring friend. She is the best!

I took some more pictures of my Christmas Tree collection. A picture of my son, Kyle, playing with his mother. Plus a few things I found at the Thrift Store today. Another piece of Belleek, to add to my collection. Good news that horrible test has been rescheduled until Feb. 5, 2010. They want me well rested and not stressed before I take it. So YEAH! Here's to not being stressed!

I going to get my Christmas table ready this week. That is my current goal, along with finishing my gift wrapping, and of course the Christmas cards! So, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. How is is going with you? What do you have left to do? Tell me everything! Blessings dear friends, Martha