Mar 24, 2014


Hello Ladies!  Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 210!  Easter is just around the corner, how is that possible?  What happens after you get to 60? Does life just goes on speed?  I am still in the mist of a remodel, a very slow process.  Maybe next month it will all be done. During the remodel, I see time, slow down!  Hope you are having a great week. I have begun to put Easter decor around me home. Love this time of year.  

Before I start, I want to give a short disclaimer to all you wonderful parties ladies, that I join every week.   Do you notice I hardly ever list those parties at the end of the post?  Well here is my reason.  You know I always have trouble with my link (like last week).  Without Terri's help, it just does not work.  (Like last week!)  I have always said Terri is the brains in the family.  It also seems that every time I make a list of all your lovely ladies parties, my post goes haywire.  It is like it take on a life of it's on and I don't know why.  So, in order for me to play,  I can only join the party on your home page. If this has kept you up at night, if you ever wondered why?  This is the answer,  I  always join your party but do not add the link at the end of the post,  to save my sanity.  I hope to one day be smart enough to work this out, but so far, my lights are on, but no one is home. Please do not get offend, I just can't figure it out.   Thank you, for being so faithful to this party.  

Now let's talk tea cups!  I am sharing some fun violets colors cups today.  Starting with with  this lovely Royal Albert, pattern name "Sweet Violets".  Beautiful.  

This next cup is a delicate, Leneige.  It is a demitasse cup that is wafer thin.  So very stunning, pictures do not do it just.

My last cup is a unsigned beautiful, violet cup.  I believe this a Made in Japan cup.  Not the highest quality, but lovely just the same.

My home decorations are starting to change to Easter.  Here are just a few glimpses of the transition.  Hope to show you the Elza dress next week.  We are having fittings this week.  

Of course I can't have a post without my Grandchildren.  Always a blessing to me. 

Have a wonderful week. Remember to be kind to yourself.  Hugs, Martha

Mar 17, 2014


Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 209! Hope you are having a fun and safe St. Patrick's Day.  We are in the celebrating mood.  We had an earthquake and everything is fine, reason enough for me, yeah!  God is good.  I bet you didn't think that Mexican's celebrated St. Patrick's Day, but with a husband name Kelly, how can you not?  My son has a party to go to and I will be sharing my Irish tea cups.  Today is also Princess Maya's birthday. Do we need anymore reasons?  She is on her first week long school field trip and having a blast.  Her Mama is just trying to make it through the night! This is a picture of them both. 

Before I start, I want to share the invitations I have made for the wedding shower I told you about.  It is shape like a bride dress and  on the back, the information is done in calligraphy.  I think they are very cute.  What do you think?

Now down to business of Irish tea cups.  This first one is a Shelley.  It is a demitasse, as delicate as you can find.  

The next cup is a Royal Dover. Also quite cute, but the Shelley has it beat!

Of course, the tea pot on  is a Belleek. It is amazing looking.  

 Have a wonderful week.  Remember to love yourselves!  Not sure if Terri is going to post today. She is celebrating her birthday!  Happy Day my sweet friend (another reason to celebrate)!   Sorry, no pictures on my link. Have to wait for Terri.  She is the brains in the family!  Hugs!

Irish blessings to you all, Martha

Mar 10, 2014


Hello Ladies!  Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 208!  Hope you had a great week, filled with wonderful things to be thankful for.  Our Noah is still a little under the weather, but not enough to keep him from celebrating his 6th Birthday.  We had a weekend filled with fun and everyone can now use a little R & R.  

It turned out that my Laundry Room, was the most damage by the termites.  So, I am under full construction to re-do my Laundry Room.  It had been years since I had done anything to it. I was not really ready for the large expense, but it will look very pretty when they are done.  Always have to look for a silver lining, otherwise, you go nuts.  A bit of advise, if you think you have termites, do something about them as soon as possible. I learned that lesson the hard way. They have to come back and re-treat the new lumber.  Also, found out the very large and old Sycamore tree next to the house has termites.  Not sure what I need to do next about that.  This is what the wood looked like. I am so thankful, I did not go through the floor.

I just finish a new article for Shabby Lanes Magazine on collecting plates.  I am featured quarterly.  Who would have thought? Let me know if you see it.  Have a new cup to share with you this week.  It was a thrift store find.  You may have noticed  I have not been purchasing a lot of new cups, I am trying to scale down, but this one is a beauty.  The price was right $5, so I had to do it.  It is a David Michael, Staffordshire, England.  So very pretty, don't you think?

The next cup is a vintage Coalport.  It really is a soup bowl, but I store it with my cups.  I have had this one forever, my husband purchased it for me years ago at an estate sale.  

The last cup is a Queen's Fine China,  pattern name "English Chintz."  The beautiful brooch is a hand painted Limoges. 

I am reading this wonderful book about being thankful. So, I am going to try to only focus on the things that I am grateful for.  Right at the top of my list are these wonderful Grandchildren.  

Princess Maya, Gold Award for academics and excellent state test scores!!
I am sure the brains come from Grandma!

Our birthday boy, Noah! Age 6!

Let's not forget Sophia!

God has been good to me, bugs and all.  Have a wonderful week.  I look forward to visiting all your pretty homes and having tea.  Hugs, Martha

Mar 3, 2014


Hello Ladies!  Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 207, our first for March!  Hope everyone had a good week.  As you may have heard, it rained in California.  L.A. people just do not do well in the rain, so I am grateful it has slowed down for now.   Driving is a big problem for us, we don't know how to slow down.  With everything that is happening across the nation due to weather, we freak out over 5" of rain. Not quite sure what is wrong with this picture, but it is true.

This weekend I had all my children at our home.  You can see by the picture, Noah does not look good. We had a very bad scare with him.  Noah had a headache for two days.  On the second day, he was taken to the doctor after hours because medicine would not take it away and he was getting sick to his stomach.  Urgent care sent him to the hospital's ER.  They put in an IV, in case, he was dehydrated and to take blood and test for infections.   He was giving an injection for pain, but the headache did not get better.  It was determined he did not have a a migraine and no sinus infection.  Next thing they did was a CAT scan.  He is only 5 years old.  Was it a tumor or an aneurysm, we were not sure what they were looking for?  After a  l o n g  wait, that test came out clear however,  the headache  was still severe and stomach problem still existed.  After midnight, they ordered a spinal tap, they are now looking for meningitis, another  l o n g  wait!   Finally, around 2:30 am, he was released. Increased medications had begun to work, Noah had a very bad virus.  With the pain under control, Noah finally fell asleep. The family on the other had all wanted and needed to be sedated. It was the longest day of our lives.  I just praise God that Noah was ok.  It seemed in a moment our lives had changed.  Just a reminder to hold our loved ones close, things can change in a moment's in time. 

This week I am sharing some green tea cups.  It is March after all and St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner.  My first cup is designed by Roy Kirkham, made in England, pattern name Redonte' Roses.  I own a few pieces of this set, including the teapot.  Love the large rose design. 

The second cup is an R.S. Prussia.  A stunning cup, the pictures do not do it justice. 

The last cup is a Coalport. It has this beautiful bouquet of flowers inside the cup, so very pretty.

Terri and I always look forward to seeing your beautiful tea cups.  We never get tired of looking at your creativity.  I appreciate each and everyone of you.  In case no one has told you today, "You are special!" 
Note:  If anyone got weird emails from me this week, I was hacked.  So very sorry, I think I fixed it.

Hugs, Martha