Hello Ladies! Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 210! Easter is just around the corner, how is that possible? What happens after you get to 60? Does life just goes on speed? I am still in the mist of a remodel, a very slow process. Maybe next month it will all be done. During the remodel, I see time, slow down! Hope you are having a great week. I have begun to put Easter decor around me home. Love this time of year.
Before I start, I want to give a short disclaimer to all you wonderful parties ladies, that I join every week. Do you notice I hardly ever list those parties at the end of the post? Well here is my reason. You know I always have trouble with my link (like last week). Without Terri's help, it just does not work. (Like last week!) I have always said Terri is the brains in the family. It also seems that every time I make a list of all your lovely ladies parties, my post goes haywire. It is like it take on a life of it's on and I don't know why. So, in order for me to play, I can only join the party on your home page. If this has kept you up at night, if you ever wondered why? This is the answer, I always join your party but do not add the link at the end of the post, to save my sanity. I hope to one day be smart enough to work this out, but so far, my lights are on, but no one is home. Please do not get offend, I just can't figure it out. Thank you, for being so faithful to this party.
Now let's talk tea cups! I am sharing some fun violets colors cups today. Starting with with this lovely Royal Albert, pattern name "Sweet Violets". Beautiful.
This next cup is a delicate, Leneige. It is a demitasse cup that is wafer thin. So very stunning, pictures do not do it just.
My last cup is a unsigned beautiful, violet cup. I believe this a Made in Japan cup. Not the highest quality, but lovely just the same.
My home decorations are starting to change to Easter. Here are just a few glimpses of the transition. Hope to show you the Elza dress next week. We are having fittings this week.
Of course I can't have a post without my Grandchildren. Always a blessing to me.
Have a wonderful week. Remember to be kind to yourself. Hugs, Martha