You would not believe how busy I have been these last few days! I went to ride the trains at Griffin Park with Noah yesterday. He was a little unsure of himself. His Mama let me sit with him and I could feel his heart pounding! He, of course, said he liked it. I loved being with him. It's not bad being with my little girl either!
I worked on the yard for 3 days, I do have a garden wedding to prepare for, maybe. Bride has not made definite plans, yet. I of course, can not wait for her to make up her mind. So, the yard is top priority right now. I also manage to go estate sale shopping with my Mother. We found all kinds of new treasures. I show you later what I got. Being with my Mother is always a blessing for me. She loves the "thrill of the hunt" as well, so we make a good pair.
Of course, the big news is the wedding. Went to IHOP with the future bride this morning as well as, with my favorite sister in law, Maureen. Maureen is more of a sister than a sister-in-law. We could almost pass for sisters, except she is tall, thin and blonde. I am short, fat and very brown! The three of us discussed the wedding plans, cried and laughed. It was truly hard to leave. The server kept coming over and asking if we needed anything else, hint, hint! Guess what? I get to go wedding dress shopping with her. Is that the best or what? Sara is just super sweet, I wish I was half as sweet as her. I would be a far better person.
I got a blog award this week, which was also a thrill. Sad part is I don't know how to get the picture of the award over without all the address stuff. So I can't show it to you. I am working on learning. I did learn how to "link". Am I almost a genius or what!?
I took some pictures of new "green" colors that are going up in my home. Still practicing picture taking outside. Sara, talked a lot about the color green so these pictures are in honor of the Bride. Please notice the first picture, it is my favorite vase. Maureen gave it to me as a gift several years ago. I think I forced her, if my memory serves me correctly. It is plastic, could you tell? It is prettier close up. Anyway, I did not think I had much to say. Guess I was wrong! Thanks for all your beautiful comments, you make me feel blessed!
That rose plate is to die for! TTFN ~ Marydon
Hi Martha! Such beautiful glass pieces. It sounds like you have a full plate at the moment. It's funny, but those full days are often the best days. Thank you for stopping by my blog. It was wonderful "meeting" you and I look forward to following you.
Jennifer @ Fiddle Dee Dee
Ok, hand over the frog! Give it to me NOW. LOL Gorgeous things, as usual.
Happy SONday.
Wedding dress shopping, how fun! Your glass vase is beautiful and the rose bowl. Love little Noah's shoes too! Congratulations on your award Martha! Would you like some help placing it on your sidebar? I could also start a post with the picture of the award if you'd like. I still have your information, just let me know. Good job on figuring out the links too!
Hope you had a great weekend and a loveleigh week!
Howdy Sweet Lady
Thank you for coming by my blog and becoming a follower.
You'll never know how excited it made me to see such a wonderful lady following my blog.
I love your blog.
I truly loved reading about being a serial collector :)
I guess I fall into this catgory .
I love so many different things and it only takes three of something to be a collection :)
Thank you again for stopping by .
Blessings of joy to you and yours.
Big hugs from Texas
Happy Trails
Wonderful treasures!! What a great story about the Griffin Park train, it reminds me of going there with my son when he was two (he's now in his early twenties)!! Thanks so much for the lovely photos and great writing.
Martha my dear, Congrats on the pending wedding! My daughter got married 7 years ago and believe me..I was busy. Love all the green; you know, that's my favorite color and that vase is to die for. Shocked it's plastic. I'm also afraid of frogs but how would you know?...lol Hope your having a wonderful day. I am trying very hard to get stay positive through this trying time..
the article is very petrifying, hopefully it can be useful and an important lesson.
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