Here is a picture of the hills above my home. It is so sad to see the hills burn. They are really very beautiful. My home is surrounded on either side by mountains, part of what I love about my little town. It looks like a place you come and visit on your vacation. I get to live here. This evening as I was watering and watching the smoke just over the oak across the street, I am reminded that we are all in God's hands. All we can do is trust Him!
Take care now...we have had fires up in the Canadian Okanogan this year..very worrisome..
May God be with my beloved Homeland....
Oh Martha! Stay safe!
Fire has to be one of the scariest things. I often have dreams that wildfires are coming and I have to decide what to pack and take and what to leave. Which is strange since I don't live where there are wildfires, now or ever! I guess just seeing them on the news makes such a large impression on my psyche. I hope you and your loved ones all stay safe and sound.
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