Hello Ladies: Hope everyone is well and that things are back to normal after the holidays. I have finally finished putting away all my Christmas. I thought I was never going to finish. Someone remind to cut back next year. I don't remember it taking so long to put everything away.

I have spent the week re-organizing. I am an organizing fool. I like things in order. My closet, had gotten out of hand the last couple of months. I don't know about you, but I put things in there and then I forget I have them. Today, I found a very large tote bag of vintage lace that was so beautiful. How could I forget I had this? I would have pushed the panic button, but then what? So I changed my mind and just kept looking for more treasures. Which I found, thank you very much! It feels like I am at an estate sale, but it is in my closet! How sad! Or how fun! I don't know. Believe it or not, I am very organized. I know after what I just said, it seems like a stretch, but it is true. I do just get so lazy about my closet. After all, no some sees it but me. In my own defense ( I am defending myself now, great!), before I had my craft room, I used my closet as storage for some craft items. It is very large. I must have forgot to get it all out! That's my story and I am sticking with it!

It has been a big Noah week. He had his first "sleep over", at Grandma's. (I was so tired when it was over.) He also is starting to get potty trained. I watch him today, that should be interesting. He is growing up so fast. My daughter wants me to make pirate hats for his birthday party in March. He is going to be three. So I have another project waiting for me when I have a minute or two.

The pictures today are of the changes I have made to the decor. I was reading some of your blogs today. I try to read at least 10 a day. I don't know why I even buy magazines, your homes are amazing. I don't know how you do it. Every time I visit, you have something for me to drool over.

I want to remind you of my give away. All the instructions are on the December 31, 2010 post. That date seems like so long ago. See you on Tea Cup Tuesday! Lots of hugs, Martha
Well, Martha, my friend, you got my attention with all that sparkle! I am still putting all my Christmas away! The tree is still up but only the lights are on it. We will enjoy it one more night. I have so much decorating done that it seems to take me forever to get it all put away! I don't know whether I am decorating more or just getting slower! I guess the latter comes with age, doesn't it? Every year I tell myself I'm cutting back and this year, I even started out with a sprained wrist, yet I still managed to decorate everything in the house. My hubby wants to be careful because next year, he could be hung with care too! LOL! Enjoyed your post! Have a wonderful weekend.
Your place looks so sparkly. I love looking at your pretty things. It is nice to put things out that make you happy. I know, I usually do things like you did in the closet story. You're not the only one.LOL.
Have a good weekend.
Happy New Year.
I love silver and crystal, so I am positively drooling over your beautifully decorated home. I love all that sparkle.
How fun to have a sleepover with Noah. Hope you enjoy lots of them in the months to come. I remember with fondness sleepovers I had with both of my grandmothers.
I adore the new look.It shimmers and glimmers all through the house I bet.
Hello Martha!
I call that a Magic Closet! I have one too. When you find a bag of gorgeous vintage lace in there you shout HOOORAY!
Your new look is stunningly pretty. All the cut glass and silver looks beautiful. Well done!
Have a fun weekend dear.
Martha, love your winter whites, cystals and silvers! So pretty. There are things in my closet that haven't seen the light of day in years. Boxed and stored for a special time that hasn't happened yet.
Beautiful new look, I really like it!!!
Have a nice weekend dear Martha.
Zondra Art
Dear Martha,
I love the new look, all the silver and sparkles.
I put my Christmas away too and yes, it does take a while to put it all away for next year.
Hope that your weekend is going well and sounds like you are going to be busy with making the pirates hats.
I just love all the beautiful sparkly delights!!
I forget where I put things or should I say store things! LOL!
I am still putting away Christmas and will be for some time as I can only really get to it on my days off from work...
Have a great weekend!
Good day, Martha!
It sounds like you are very busy. Everything looks very January~all sparkling, like lights on the icy snow.
Enjoy your day with Noah! They do grow up too quickly.
Sending hugs,
Hi Martha - Happy New Year to you! Isn't it fun finding something in a closet that you had forgotten? That happens to me, as well. And it doesn't cost anything!
Hi Martha, Your blog looks amazing! And so does all for your white and silver sparkle. I love your rose tray. Just beautiful. As always...*hugs*
Oooh, Martha, just beautiful....sigh
Doesn't get any better than crystal and silver, does it?!?!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
What a beautiful silver rose plate!
It is all beautiful,
Regards Janny.
Hi Martha,
what a nice find in your closet. That happens when you have not enough time to enjoy your new purchases. I guess you got it at a time when other things where important. Then you put it into the closet - and forget. It happens to me, too. "Every time I visit, you have something for me to drool over." Indeed, that is how I feel when I visit you. Enjoy the days and see you next Tuesday.
Greetings, Johanna
How fun to 'shop your closet.' I'm sure we are all guilty of putting stuff away and literally forgetting we have them. It seems even just rearranging items in the livingroom after the decorations are down yields an 'Aha! where have YOU been?' occasion. Love all that crystal and silver.
Anything you have qualifies! You're the queen of 2nd hand vintage pretties! Thanks for partying with me!
I love your silver,sparkles and crystal.Your perfume bottles are beautiful.
You had me laughing out loud at your "feels like an estate sale" I've been there done that. It's upsetting to forget but really fun to get surprised!
Hi Martha~ I love your bling bling sparkly wreath and touches- your vignettes are just gorgeous! ~Thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)
It all looks wonderful. I know exactly what you mean about the need to be organized. I am the same, I am excessively tidy and yet all too often forget about those " special items" I have hidden away. The lovely thing of course is the rediscovery!!!
Love the perfume bottles!
Faye @ wildrosevintage
Oh, I love the look of your blog :) :) Oh, hey it's okay to forget about lovely laces :) :) It's always a nice surprise when you find something like that :) :) If it makes you feel better, while I was go ing through my room I found three different stashes of craft stuff, mostly knitting, that I had completely forgotten about. Of course, I was very happy to be reminded :) :) :) Your items are lovely !!! Have a great week!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
such a pretty post, love the rose plate.
Martha you have so many beautiful sparkly treasures! I feel like a princess coming over here. Ah...
Love all your silvers, glasses and crystals, Martha! Love how they shine....Christine
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