Hello Ladies: I have some wonderful news! My daughter, Vanessa, test came back normal. Apparently, the first test was an error. Two weeks of worrying for an error! I think I will prefer to think of it as a miracle instead of an error! I am so grateful for all your prayers. Thank you very much. I am still trying to fix my STOLEN IDENTITY problems, however, I am not as stressed about it as I was. As of today, my checking account alone, is overdrawn $887,350.63. This is the first time my bank has allowed me to see my accounts since Tuesday. Please pray I am not liable for any of it. Thanks!
Back to the good news, it is our 8th Tea Cup Tuesday. We had twenty ladies join us last week. The cups you shared were stunning. I can't wait to see what you are going to do this week. I am sharing only three cups this week. I am a little short of time. The first one is a yellow depression glass, demitasse cup. It is very cute and so dainty. Yellow depression glass is not as easy to find around here so I grab them when I see them. I think the yellows almost look like crystal instead of depression glass.
The next one is really a soup cup, I just love it because it is hand painted and it has double handles. It is made by Pope-Gosser China of USA. I looked on Ebay for other Pope-Gosser and I did not see any other hand painted items at all. So, I may have a rare piece, which is always nice. Mine is signed by the artist.
My last cup is a Stanley of England, which is Charles Amison China, Staffordshire, England. This one rates as high on my favorite list, simply because I love to see large roses on tea cups. They are harder to find, most of the rose tea cups have the smaller roses. Don't get me wrong, I love those too, I just love the larger roses a bit more. I do not know if you can see it clearly, but it has a pale pink center. It is just stunning.
In order to play all you have to do is fill out Mr Linky and it does the rest. It does not matter what time you do it, just please share your beauties!
Don't forget to visit Terri, my partner in this adventure. She is on the prayer list and still in need of prayer. Her address is http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com/. Please let me know if you want to be added to the prayer list.
Carrie - http://oakrisecottage.blogspot.com/
Terri - http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com/
Jules & Alex - http://shabby-jules.blogspot.com/
Have a wonderful day! Blessings to all. Martha
Dear Martha...Ohhhhh, your cups are beautiful. Just beautiful. That rose-covered one is a heart-stopper! I'm going to sign up tonight! Promise! And guess what, Martha, I'm going to TRY to get that button! Soooooo grateful for the good news for your daughter. That is AWESOME news! Praise Him. Sincerely, Susan
I love them all but especially the double handle one...gorgeous! I'm ecstatic that your Vanessa is doing good...Oh Man! that's almost 1 million dollars in fraud...WHEW! Is the bank working with you? They can't possibly hold you responsible for all this and hopefully it'll all work out...it's just frustrating. Can't wait for Tuesday to see all the goodies.
Hi Martha,
What pretties you have! I love the two handled cup! Love the brooch in it too; beautiful! I'm happy to hear your daughter is alright and I hope they get your bank issue sorted out. What a worry for you! I will pray that everything gets sorted out. Hope you have a beautiful day.
Hi Martha, I luv your collection of rose china. And they are handpainted also great treasures... Thanks for sharing..
Yay Martha, I am so happy you receievd wonderful news!! Hope your identity theft gets all sorted out soon!! Wow..now bakc to the cups..they are all so beautiful...super fabulous as always...so fun and magical with all those jewels and bobbles..DELIGHTFUL!!
Happy tea!!
Everything is so pretty again!! My faveourite is the beautiful soup cup though!!!
Good Grief, Martha!! I almost fell off my chair when I read about the fraud issue!! I would hope that the bank and law enforcement has been in touch with you! I can't beleive the magnitude of the identity theft!
Glad that your daughter's test was an error! Sometimes it takes an error to remind us how lucky we are. I was told once that they thought I had Multiple Sclerosis. I was never so grateful for that error!
Now on to your remarkably beautiful tea cups!! Martha, you truly have some wonderful things. I would love to come and visit your house and don't worry, I know it is not for sale!
Gasp...the cup with the two handles has me swooning. Gorgeous!
Love to you sweet friend.
Phew! WHat a relief for you and your family that your Daughter is well and ok! That is one worry out of the way now.. thank goodness! I love the way you have that little china lady looking into the tea cup .... so sweet! suzie xx
I am so happy to hear of your daughter's test results. Praise God for His intervention.
I am appalled to hear of the identity fraud. I have no words to describe my despair for you and your awful circumstance. I do, however, know a father God who is able to turn this horrid affair around and make good come out of it even yet. I will certainly be making this situation a matter of prayer.
Martha, I am always amazed at the beauty of your lovely collections. The double handled cup is so very very lovely. I enjoy seeing all your beautiful things and usually come back to the photos again and again.
I have been away from my blog for a few weeks as I was moving and finishing a heavy work schedule. I am anxious to get back to my writing and visiting all my favorite blog friends. You were among the first on my list and I am blessed by my visit to you today.
In Grace,
Your post is just beautiful - I really love the blue and cream tea cup. It is very elegant, almost graceful. Have a wonderful new week.
Martha, Your cups are beautiful! You have many lovely things and your blog is fabulous!
Hugs, Beth
Ohhh Martha! What a time you have had! Goodness! I hope things can only get better from here.. but I am sure that with prayer they will!
Your cups are totally gorgeous as always!! I have softness for roses and they are stunning!
Love and prayers for you and yours...
Lou xx
sooo happy to hear the good good news about your daughter. That is terrible having to spend all of that time worrying. I can't believe your identity theft problems! i don't understand how any bank can let an account become that overdrawn? what a nightmare for you
Another Martha -- you have some lovely teacups -- I love those teacups!
Martha, so happy to hear the good news about your daughter's test. I do hope the nightmare will be over soon with your stolen identity. What horrible wretched people! Your teacups are stunning and I love the jewelry you display in the teacups. So cute. I also love your blog colors and the header is beautiful. Blessings to you.
Hugs and glitter, Patti
I don't think I have ever seen hand painted Pope-Gosser! What a treasure!
m ^..^
I think the rose covered cup is gorgeous. The handled cup is so pretty as well. I'm linking up to your teacup party. Thank you for hosting.
So sorry to hear about your identity theft...I can not imagine the stress that would cause. Will say a prayer that you are not liable for any of it and able to straighten out your credit. You hear about it on tv but rarely hear about it in other ways. So sorry.
Best wishes and again thank you for hosting and sharing your lovely tea cups with us!
Hi Martha! I was late today in getting my tea up!
I am so thrilled to hear of your daughters interesting wrong test! Yea for her!
I am sorry to hear of your identity being used like that! Wow! I hope for you that it is cleared up easily and quickly.
I love all your cups. Especially the one with the large roses too!
Can you believe this is our 8th T.T. already!!!
Hugs to you,
Hi Martha!
Thank you for sharing more of your pretty collection and as always your photos are awesome!! I especially love the handpainted blue one with yellow.
What good news about your daughters test! And WOW your fraud issue is beyond words! Such a scarey thing and I hope it gets worked out SOON!
The cups you shared today are gorgeous! Your blog is beautiful also!
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Martha! I have the first teacup you are showing. The Stanley. It too is one of my favorites because of the larger roses. Mine is numbered 725. Is your numbered? Loved your beautiful post as always. You take beautiful photos. Wishing you well on your banking situation! Hugs!
Gorgeous, gorgeous, Martha! I love the one with the large roses, too. The handpainted soup cup is so pretty. I am a fan of any handpainted china. Your depression glass cup is lovely and very unusual. I have not seen that many yellow pieces. Can I just say that you are a very strong lady and I think you have handled this stolen identity trauma very well. I can only hope that I would be as calm. I am thankful your daughter received a good report from the doctor. Thank you for hosting our tea party each week! Love and blessings~ Vicki
Hi Martha! I'm back from being away for a bit...I was so sorry to read someone stole your identity!!! I'm so sorry...I pray they find who has done this soon....On a sweeter note, your tea cups are so pretty and you have so many too! I love the two handled one, how different and neat is that... the soft colors are beautiful. Have a wonderful week Martha! Hugs, Jennifer
Your cups are just gorgeous! I 'm so sorry about your identity theft problem -- all thieves should be made to pay!!
Love your teacups and saucers!! I have so many and will have to join the party one of these days!!
All of your teacups are so pretty and you have displayed them so beautifully. Great answer to prayer regarding your daughter, and hopefully the bank gets things straightened out soon. Thanks for joining the party. Hugs, Marty
Thank you for all you kind comments. Did you enjoy the show at the Hollywood Bowl? I loved it! But I have never seen one of his shows I didn't love! :) I can't wait to see his new show at The Paris in Vegas. I'm already looking around my house for next weeks tea cup. :)
Have a good night!
Martha, all your tea cups are so pretty. I only have a couple but might link up some Tuesday with you! So happy your daughter is ok and WOW about the identity theft...so scary! I have become a follower of your lovely blog. Thanks for visiting me and leaving such a sweet comment.
How lovely your tea cups are! I love the china stacked up with the doily! The jewels! So pretty! Thank you for joining me for Tea Time Tuesday!
I do pray your bank lets you off! That is so horrible! I shall say a pray for you! Relax and have a good cup of Tea!
Your teacups are gorgeous! How fun to be hosting Teacup Tuesday, I will join in the fun next time.
Oh Martha, I am so glad to hear the good news! What a great relief! I sure hope the whole identity theft thing resolves soon!
Your teacups and gorgeous!! And that soup cup is stunning!!
I hope you have a wonderful week!
Hey Martha,
again I'm speechless at the sight of our beautiful cups. Wish I had such a vast collection like yours. I only recently started mine with some orphaned pieces and complete teasets I inherited from my late mom.
I enjoy it so much and every cup I own is indeed very special regardless of its age or value.
My Granny Walden had a set of china just like the first cup and saucer. Beautiful!
My goodness sweetie, what ya'll have been through with the stolen identity, you poor thing!
Praise God that your daughter is well! Woohoo!
Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed Wednesday!!!
I enjoyed your blog. Very insightful
Here's one you might appreciate
God Bless, bob West
Martha, I always look forward to seeing your pretty teacups. THat 6th picture is just taking my breath away! So very glad that Vanessa is okay and that tests were wrong ~ I'm praying that will also happen with my mother's latest mri and sonogram. Sad to have bad errors, but better than a horrid illness.
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Hello Martha! I'm a new follower and already in love with your blog! The violets are a favorite of mine (as you can see by my button!!), so it was such a joy to stumble upon your blog! I'm really looking forward to getting to know you better by catching up with your past posts as well as following you in the future! AND, knowing how much God works in His childrens' lives, I'm also very glad to hear good news about your daughter! AMEN!!!
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