Hi Ladies: It is the weekend, yeah! Pink Saturday, life is good. It is raining and the mud is flowing. I am feeling very grateful, I am not in Chile this morning and my new roof is working well. I am so afraid of Earthquakes and I live in Earthquake country. Hope you are all having a good time doing what you love to do. I am still working on the bathroom, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope all will be done by the end of next week. On Thursday, Noah and I went to the thrift store and he found a hat. He usually loves to pick broken toys that I have to talk him out of for something that is useful. I just had to take a picture of him with the hat on. He looked so cute. He wore it the whole day.
Friday, my husband and I went to an Estate sale and I just scored! I usually don't pick up as many things when he is with me because, well you know why.
"What are you going to use that for? Or, do you really need another one of those? What is that?" You know the drill. However, in his defense, he was quite happy with all I purchased and had no complaints. I did not take his temperature so I am not sure that happened! You won't catch me complaining.
The pictures are of all the treasures I found. I think my favorite is the pink box with the rose on top of it. I collect them you know. I have quite a few. I will have to have a post of just them one day. I also have picked up a few more items at the thrift store this with week, I just forgot to take the pictures. I will take the pictures later on this week and show you.
Did you see the button for the "Tea Cup Tuesday"? Cute isn't it? Now all I have to do is figure out how to make a list of any one that wants to play and link it so when you press it, you go to their blog. I hope that makes sense. I have trouble just writing about it, let alone doing it. I many have to ask a friend or two to help me. Keep this in mind, if you want to play. I will figure it out! I hope to blog a little more this coming week. Life just happen to me. Blessings to all! Martha
Hi Martha,
I love your continuing series, "Did I ever tell you I collect...." You're like me - we collect a lot of things! Love what you found at the estate sale - the little box is so sweet. Stop by and visit - I did a post a couple of days ago about the china I am collecting. I think you'd like it, my friend.
I too have ammassed many collections over the years. Maybe I will do a weekly on my collections who knows :)
Love the hat, he sure looks cute in it ♥
I love all your new treasures Martha, and Noah sure looks good in that hat, kids are funny aren't they.
Hugs RosieP x
Martha, I love all of the treasures you found! I love thrift shops and yard sales. no yard sales here though for awhile....not with a foot of snow that we got this past week. I am very interested in Tea Cup Tuesday so please keep us posted!
Oh Martha, you got some lovely things! Why oh why don't you open a specialty shop so I can fly to California on a buying spree? You could have such a GREAT shop. But I know, then you'd have to sell some of your collections and that would be very,very hard. You have a great eye for finding great stuff. So happy to see your post! Sincerely, Susan from writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com
P.S. Martha, Noah is SO ADORABLE. Imagine him wanting to wear that hat all day. What a little doll baby! Always, Susan (again)
Martha, I am beginning to suspect you collect everything!
I hope you are well. My son is doing better today. Yea!
Did you get my last e-mail about T.T.?
I think I can tell you how to make the link list.... I will e-mail you with the details.
Happy Saturday. You have lovely pink photos today, and of course, Noah is the best!
Dar Martha Girl... I love everything you collect and wouldn't mind at all if you wanted to share some of your stash with me.
I'll even contribute to the shipping charges.
Is it a deal????
Love to you~
Rebecca :)
ok ok ok, you win!! You do collect more than me! hehehehe I love all your pretty treasures thanks so much for sharing!
Hugs, Lisa
Hi Martha,
You have so many beautiful collections - I love the new box with the rose and the pinky one, and the beautiful gloves.
Noah looks so cute with his straw hat.
I hope that you are having a happy weekend and yes, you can't help thinking of the poor people living in Chile. Prayers are with them.
I just love your pink rose dishes - those little dishes are too cute. You always collect the prettiest little things. Happy Pink Saturday!
Hi Martha!Hope the rain has let by now. THe snow won't quit around here in Ohio. If you need a link people to your tea cup party go to Mr. Linky or you can ask Debbi at Marionberry Cottage. Remember I invited you to the Vintage Alphabet Over at Etsy Cottage Style. GO to Etsy Cottage Style and you'll see the Mr Linky thingy I do the post and Debbie does the Button and Mr Linky. Hope this helps.
Oh the lace gloves and those china bowls with the delicate rose patterns on them....too die for!!!! so beautiful...
I was the flower girl in my brothers wedding and we got to wear some lacey gloves...I was 9 years old then, and I just felt like a little princess at a ball, of course!!!1
thanks for sharing your collections
Cute post, Martha! Love all the goodies you found, but Noah has to be the cutest thing EVER in his new hat!!!
Happy PS!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Happy Pink Saturday, Martha! You found so many pretties! I have to say that Noah really stole the show! He is just so dang adorable!
A teapot party sounds like loads of fun! Are you going to use Mr. Linkey? I have never used it, but I hear it is really easy!
Have a lovely weekend!
So many pretties!!! You are clever!!! Noah looked so cute in his new hat!!!
Just gorgeous... you always have the most beautiful pieces!
Another beautiful collections Martha.
Have a lovely day.
You collect some beautiful things! I am making my way back around to visit my new friends from OWOH! I'm happy to count you among them! I'm following you now!
Lovely collection! I think I agree with you, that pink box is gorgeous!
So many great collections - Happy late Pink Saturday!
Martha my dear,
You should have named your blog "Did I ever tell you?" Love it!
Hi Martha! omgosh you have so many wonderful collections...I still have the christmas tree pin you sent me too... I hope to start collecting more this year. I added myself back to your followers since I had closed up my blog...I have since opened this new blog. Have a nice week. Hugs, Jennifer
I am always amazed when I visit your blog. Your lovely finds and collections make me smile each time I visit.
Earthquakes are so scary. At least when we have tornadoes, we have some warning. Not so with earthquakes.
I found a blog that reminded me of you. Her vignettes are lovely, as is her art. Thought you might be interested.
You have some lovely collections don't you. Thanks for sharing them along with your gratitude and gracious heart with us. Happy belated Pink Saturday ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
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