Hi Ladies: Hope you are all having a good week. I have finally finished by home, so it is ready for Easter. I know I said I was going to do green, however, thanks to several ladies advise, I went straight to Easter. So, my colors are Lavender and Blue with a touch of Yellow. I am sure you can all sleep better now. I taken a few pictures to show you. Did you notice the big blue hat? I collect vintage hats and display them by color each month. I don't think I ever mentioned that.
I am still working on the "Tea Cup Tuesday". Still not sure how to make the list, so you can just click the name and go to that person. I hope this does not turn out to be to hard for me. (Oh, if I only had a brain!)
I had Noah today, so I am very tired. I also have doctor's appointments all week long! It just gets better every day. I have been very dizzy, sometimes I have fallen because of it and not sure why. Hopefully, all will be well, I will let you know.
You will be proud of me, I am giving a lot of things to the thrift store. I have to tell you something funny. When I go there and see my things up for sale, I am tempted to buy them back! It's true, I am so sick! (Don't worry, I haven't, yet!) Therapy, here I come.
Before I say good night, I have to send you to Claudia at http://mockingbirdhillcottage.blogspot.com/. Monday is her McCoy Day, she has some great pieces, but what I want you to see is the book she has make of her blog. It is so cool. She says it is easy. You ladies are smart and can figure it out. For $5 you can have your year of blogging made into a book. You would be an author, published no less! Think about it! It's a great idea!
Love you all. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha
HI Martha,
I love your hat! It is so pretty as well as all your other decorations.
Did you try my instructions for making the list? I can help you more if you like. E-mail me and let me know.
What a beautiful display!!!
Have a great week :)
Hi Martha
Your things always look so pretty. Will pop over to Mockingbirdhillcottage to have a looksee.
Hugs RosieP x
Hi Martha
So many pretties in one place, thank you for showing us!! They are gorgeous!!! I'm popping over to Claudia now!!!
Dear Martha...Oh, Martha, your posts are so refreshing. And funny! You are humorous and don't even know it. I loved your photos today. The little lady in the blue dress was my absolute fave. So lovely and dainty! I am worried about your getting dizzy. That is not good. Could it be blood pressure problems? Or something to do with inner ear? Oh, I do hope the doctor can order tests which will reveal the problem. You deserve to be in tip top shape! Okay, Martha, again, thanks for the great post. You are a wonderful collector and decorator. I had to chuckle over wanting to buy back some of your stuff in thrift stores. I've done the same thing! ha ha ha You are so funny. Sincerely, Susan from writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com
Hi Martha - thanks for the shout out! Love your hats! Just want to make a correction - it is more like $50 to make the book (in hardcover, at least,) I think it is less in paperback. You can find all sorts of pricing options and websites for converting your blog into a book.
Hi Martha!
Thank you for following my blog, Its nice to meet you!
Your blog is beautiful.
Angie xxx
Oh Martha you are too funny! Are the men in white jackets there yet? lol I'm just kidding...i think I've done that too - given things away...not seen them again..but wished over and over that I hadn't parted with them....it's like, why oh why did I give them up to begin with....????
it must be a syndrome! lol
How fun to see your pretty hat and lovely things whenever I drop by. I've been trying to give things to the thrift store regularly as I do my best to simplify my life and rid my surroundings of unnecessary clutter ... but it's an on-going challenge.
Hugs and blessings,
Small Reflections
Hi Martha,
You have such a wonderful collection of everything and I love your pretty hat.
So sorry to hear that you have been dizzy and I hope that the Doctors can find out why ~ do take care and look after your sweet self.
Now that would be a lovely thing to have your blog posts made up into a book.
enjoy your week, dear friend
Oh Martha lovely pictures! You have the best goodies! I love your new colors very spring!!! Have a super great day my sweet friend!!
Hugs, Lisa
oh Martha, sorry to hear that you are not feeling in top shape..have the dr check out your blood pressure...love your collections...am proud of you for not buying back yourr own goodies from the thrift shop..you are so funny...take care of yourself..
hi martha! i love your hat, china, limoges box, all
your pretty things.
that's funny that you want to buy your things back
from the thrift shop!!
G'eve Martha ~
I love the hat, but then I LOVE hats. You have a huge collection don't you ... I have had the same emotion & had to contain myself from buying back my own items I gave away. With you on that issue/problem.
I do hope that you are not having a serious medical issue ... please take good care.
Sorry for not being by sooner, doing catch up. Lost my momentum when I was sick.
Have a wonderful week.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Your new header is wonderful!
Your new Easter décor is truly distinctive and beautiful.
Regarding your Tea Cup Tuesday, just ask one of the hostesses of the weekly events to tell you how to set up the Linky service. I’m sure someone will help with that.
Thanks for the infomation about having a blog made into a book. I’ve been blogging since sept 24. 2007, and though I have only 400+ posts, many are quite detailed and I would like to have a hard copy.
I hope the doctors will find what’s wrong right away. God bless,
Martha, Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.
I love everything in this post! All is so pretty!
Your "over the top " Friend,
Bring on the color! I needed a little more color in my life too and your purple's are beautiful. I am so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Please be careful and take care of yourself until you figure out what's happening. Give Noah extra cuddles from your blogging buddies and have a beautiful Wednesday!
Hi Martha! I like the lavendar look of your blog now. So pretty and spring like. You have soooooooooooooooo many collections. I don't know how you keep up with it all. Sending many good wishes your way for health and happiness. Blessings, Tammy
Your pictures of your collections are so beautiful, I love looking! Kerrie
Martha you have a wonderful collection of vintage hats and wonderful trinkets and tea pots!! All my favorite stuff!!~ Thanks for coming on over!
I love hats! I saw vintage hat I just loved at an antique store once and was 'sensible' I regretted not getting it!
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