Did I ever tell you I collect Eeyores? Well, I use to anyway. My daughter, Vanessa, loved them. Anyway, here is the tree. It is not taking a good picture unfortunately. The bay window does not get as much light as I would like. The tree looks like it is going to fall over with Eeyores. Believe it or not, I only used half of the Eeyores that I have.
My Noah loves the tree, which is all that matters. He talks to the different Eeyores. However, next year, I going for an adult tree, maybe a pink one. This one was way out of my comfort zone. Then to try to match the living room decor with Eeyores, is a little on the tuff side.
I want to thank those of you who have been praying for me. It has been a hard week for me personally. I need all the prayer you can give me. I know that God is faithful, even when I am feeling faithless. Blessing to all and much love, Martha
Wow! I can't believe you actually have more Eeyores. The tree is fabulous and I bet Noah is just tickled pink. What a great grandma you are! I'm thinking you might just have to go with a Winnie the Pooh theme throughout the house if you want everything to match. HA! Blessings to you and your's for a healthy and happy week. xoxoxox Tammy
Wow, this tree is spectacular, you can come over and make me one of these anytime !
What a fun, fun tree ... I love the whimsy in it!! Reminds me to 'lighten up' a little this Christmas and have FUN!!
Thanks for sharing!!
I love your tree! Spectacular!
Love to you,
Dear Martha - I hope this Monday morning finds you at peace, my friend. I love your tree - it may be out of your comfort zone, but my goodness, it is wonderfully creative! Little Noah will love it and you have given him a magical, wonderful Christmas gift.
Ill sing 'winney the Pooh' Fantastic tree!!
take care of yourself and your family!
I think the Tree is darling!
You are ever in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Rebecca
I can't believe you have all those Eeyores. I love the whimsy! I'm gonna email you right now.
This is not what I was expecting at all. THIS is FABULOUS! It's wonderful Martha, no wonder it took you so long to put together. Now wonder Noah loves it too! You deserve a good rest after all your hard work. I hope today is a better day for you, full of sweetness and little Noah.
That is absolutely wonderful. An eeyore tree! I love it! suzie. xxx
Dear Martha..Great job on the tree! Adorable. Sincerely, Susan at writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com
Eeyore is my favorite!! "thanks for noticing me" is one of my favorite sayings!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs, Lisa
Martha I am so sorry that I have not been over here in a while.
I do love what you have done with all the decorating.
Your tree is one of a Kind.
Sweet post.
Of course i will include you in my prayers.
Please take care and Happy Thanksgiving
Martha, wow what a gorgeous tree, Noah must be over the moon..have a peaceful week..Happpy Thanksgiving to you and your family..
Hi Martha,
My heart just skipped a beat! What a spectacular tree and what's better than an Eeyore tree?!
You did a fabulous job strategically placing everything...it looks divine!
Love and hugs to you sweet friend!
Oh, this is a neat tree! I'm sorry you are having a bad week. Prayers coming from Arizona, too!
What an adorable tree--so colorful with Eeyore on it. My grandchildren would have loves it. EEyore was always my favorite character. So bashbul and quiet... maybe like me.
What an enchanting tree! That is a lot of eyores, and you have more? I can imagine how much Noah is loving it. Still praying for you my dear.
Hugs & Blessings!
Blessings to you and your's for a healthy and happy week.
Work from home India
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