Jun 13, 2009


This week has been full of deep thoughts. It has been raining off and on here in L.A., which is miserable for my knees. I have so much trouble walking in weather like this. On the good side, my plants look like they are literally lifting their branches, leaves and flowers to the Lord, thanking Him for the rain. It is beautiful to see, if you look. Have you taken the time to see your plants, thank the Lord? Watch carefully, you'll see it. I spent a lot of time in my garden. I do that when I think, I feel closer to God there. I feel Him walking with me in the garden and it's good. Here are a few pictures of what I saw on my walk.

1 comment:

Debbi said...

Martha, what wonderful thoughts and gorgeous pics of your garden! Tomorrow I am posting my visit to Heirloom Gardens up here in Oregon, so you can feast your eyes on more roses. Raining in LA??? hard to believe in the summer LOL