Nov 11, 2014


"Where liberty dwells, there is my country." -Benjamin Franklin
"Where liberty dwells, there is my Country."  Ben Franklin
Hello Ladies: Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 246! I would like to first thank all the Veteran's in my life starting with Kevin, Uncle D, Uncle Randy, Aaron, Dustin, Tim, Sarah and Bobby, Al Cook. That is just our immediate family. There are so many others to thank. A simple "Thank you" will never be enough. We honor and salute you today!

I am only sharing one cup today. My Fireman, has still been having a bad week. He is suffering from PTSD. As a mother, my heart is broken. I would appreciate your prayers for him. I choose to share because, I know you will pray and not judge. Have a wonderful week. I think as a Mother, you will understand, why I shared this German Cup. Nothing can change how we feel, no matter how old they get. Next week will be so much better, I can tell already. God is faithful!

Blessings, Martha


Karen said...

Hi Martha,
Your German teacup is so pretty today! Love white with gold. I will continue praying for you and your precious son. Blessings dear friend! Karen

MomWaldsPlace said...

Prayers for you and your son. Thank him for us as we thank Him for all of our brave men and women who serve us.

Cynthia said...

Prayers, of course for you and your son, Martha. Thank you for always hosting the party and sharing your beautiful teacups! I look forward to reading your blog every week. . .

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Hi Martha,
Yes, no matter at what age, our children will always be "Baby" to us. I have been praying for your son and will continue to do so.
Thank you so much for hosting your party. May you have a blessed week, my friend.

Amy at love made my home said...

We will never forget those who serve in many ways. xx

Snap said...

Our children are always our babies. Love, hugs and prayers today.

Two Cottages And Tea said...

Such a sweet cup,Martha. I am praying for your son and you!
Thank you for hosting and hope your week gets better.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Our children will always be our babies, Martha. Love your sweet German cup. God bless your son and help him in this trial he is in. It is difficult to watch our children suffer but like you said, next week will be better.


Jill said...

How thoughtful to name the veterans in your family today. I have never seen a baby cup with so much gold. In my prayers.

Antiques And Teacups said...

Will definitely be praying for your son and family. There's nothing more difficult than a suffering child. God bless you!

Zaa said...

Hi Martha...I'm sending prayers to you and your son...Such a sweet cup filled with memorabilia.. Blessing to all... xoxoxox


The baby cup and saucer is gorgeous! I have a sterling one with my DD's initials engraved and I too cherish it so.
Thank you so much dear Martha for the lovely tea party.

Tea in the Library said...

Very sweet cup. And you are so right. They will always be our babies and we will always want to make them well. I wish this were as easy to mend as a skinned knee. Angels to you both.

Susan said...

Oh Martha. Yes, I most certainly will pray. Will put up a reminder on my refrigerator so I can pray throughout the day. God will help your handsome "boy."

And the cup is precious. Hugs from one Mama to another. Susan

Shrimpton and Perfect said...

Really sorry to hear bout your son's suffering. I'm sending my best wishes to him across the airwaves.


janice15 said...

Dearest Martha my heart is with you.. I suffer from panic disorder.. I pray for him that God gives him endurance at this time.. strength and the will and power to fight this.. He is a fine young man.. with much love dear.. Janice

The Charm of Home said...

That is a cute cup Martha! Thanks for hosting!

Deborah Montgomery said...

Martha, I'm so sorry your son is suffering, and of course your mother's heart is hurting. I will continue to pray for him, and you.
Your teacup is very sweet.
Blessings to you. xo Deborah

Terra said...

I read your more recent post and came back to read this one, and now I know a bit more about your dear son and his suffering. I hope the rest of November will be a time of joy and healing for him.