Jul 30, 2010


Hello Ladies! Another weekend, another Pink Saturday. I have never been able to go through all the blogs that post for Pink Saturday, have you? It is so wonderful to know that there are so many of us Pinkies out there. One week, I am going to give it my best shot and visit everyone.

This week I am sharing some of my Fenton collection. I hope you enjoy them. I love how dainty Fenton is. I want to thank Beverly for hosting this fun event each week.

Last Saturday, I had breakfast with some of my family. Remember a couple of months ago, I asked you to pray for my Father-In-Law, Al? He had two heart attacks in one week. Well, look at him now. Praise the Lord, he is doing so well. Al is the only father I have now. My own father has gone to be with the Lord and Al has been there for me ever since. I could not love him more or ask for anyone better. God knew what He was doing, when He gave me Al as a Father-In-Law! Do you remember Sarah, the niece that was going to get married? I showed you all the beautiful wedding dresses she tried on. Next month is Bobby and Sarah's big day. The two looked so happy. The other gal in the picture below, is my beloved sister-in-law, Maureen. that I talk about all the time. I am the one that looks short in the middle. I am really quite tall, it is the angle LOL! We had a great visit, a wonderful way to enjoy a weekend.

Have a fun weekend. Don't forget about Tea Cup Tuesday. The last picture is of a project I am currently working on. It is a vintage key ring. I am selling them on Ebay. I think they are turning out very cute. Wish me luck! Blessings to you, Martha


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hello Martha,
What lovely Fenton glass! I especially like the second pink one and all the whites. Thanks for sharing and wishing you a Happy Pink Saturday weekend.


Susan said...

Dear Martha...Oh, stop my beating heart! I LOVE Fenton glass. You have some beauties. Martha, you look very, very little in the photo. How sweet you shared your lovely family with us. Susan P.S. LOVE your new header. Just my style. Gah-geous.

Victorian1885 said...

Happy Pink weekend Martha! Love the new header and your Family is lovely! Your Fenton glass is so pretty too! Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

I do like your key ring, Martha. It is cute & clever ...

What lovely pictures of your family.

Now Martha, I soooo love the Fenton but that pink necklace ... 2D4!

Have a lovely PINK summer's weekend ~
TTFN ~ Marydon

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hi Martha :) You have a wonderful collection of Fenton pieces! And love the pictures of your family :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend! See ya for Teacup Tuesday!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Warmest hugs, Brenda

Lisa said...

Martha you are my favorite collector! You have more collections than me and I filled a note book one time!! Fenton is GREAT!!! Enjoy your treasures sweetie!!
Hugs, Lisa

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

Oh Martha - how beautiful!! I love the second picture with the pink inside. I've never seen anything like it. Thanks for sharing!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Happy Pink Saturday Martha Sweetie...
What a beautiful share today. I love your shaded pink Fenton, but I have to tell you that blue one really tugs at my heart. How beautiful it is. I love the way you strung a little strand of beads or pearls along the way, so creative and displays so well.

I love that you are really tall. I am 5 ft. 2. I would say you may even be a little shorter than me sweetie. Us short gals have to stick together. You look precious.

Have a gorgeous Pink Saturday. Please stop by and let me share mine with you.

Country hugs...Sherry

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Hi Martha! Your Fenton is gorgeous as is your family! Love the keyring you have made ~ my daddy made one from a spoon for me years ago and I still use it to this day!

I've been sick for several weeks and am so glad to come by and catch up on your beautiful blog!


Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Regina said...

Gorgeous pinkies Marsha and a beautiful family.

Happy Pink Saturday!
Enjoy your weekend.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

OMG!! Your fenton is to die for as everything is that you share with all of us!
I am glad to hear that your FIL is doing well. And it was so nice to see both you and some of your family!

HPS, my friend!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Martha...you T.A.L.L. girl...you are so cute!!!

again...i love visiting you...your displays with the beautiful Fenton adorned with bling...i love it all :D

Happy Pink Saturday :D


Unknown said...

Love your treasures your house must be an Aladis Cave of goodies. I am happy the lord left your Father-in-law with you and Prayers really do work!

I think the key ring is fantastic and you have given me an idea too! so thank you very much

love Dawn xx

Charo said...

Hello Martha, what a fantastic collection! Every one is so beautiful!

Happy Pink Saturday!


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You always have so many lovely pieces to share each time I stop by your place. The photos of your family show how happy and blessed you are, too.

I think those key chains might be a big seller on ebay.

Happy pink Saturday. Now all I need is a rocking horse day, and at least you know why I don't collect breakables. The rocking horses would stampede the house and break all the glass (grin).

Doni said...

Hi Martha! Such pretty pinks you shared with us today! Love those beauties! Glad to see you smiling big and having a marvelous time. You deserve it!
I'm hoping to join you this Tuesday!! I found a lovly teacup to share!!

Rose said...

i first heard of Fenton glass on QVC. i think i have one piecetake care

Patti said...

Rejoicing with you over how well your father-in-law is doing. Also rejoicing with you that you have such a wonderful FIL. I think I have the best FIL in the entire world (mother-in-law too!!), so, how wonderful that you have an incredible one too.

I remember my grandmother having some pretties that looked like your Fentons. Unfortunately, when she passed away, most of her collectibles were given away to the American Cancer Society Thrift Store, as no one in the family wanted them. Now, I wish I had all that stuff that I gave away. They are all so pretty.


fiberdoodles said...

Such lovely pieces! Thank you so much for sharing them with us. Happy belated Pink Sunday!

Draffin Bears said...

Happy pink Saturday to you dear Martha.
I love your pretty Fenton ware and also your new look to your blog.
Also glad to hear that your Father in law is doing well.

Have a great week

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Hello Martha!
Thank You for stopping by...
Your Fenton collection is gorgeous...you have quite a bit!
I have a key chain just like the ones your making.
A girlfriend made mine as a Christmas gift a few years back...Very cool!
Hope you sell them all in your shop!
Have a great week, xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings,...

Tracey said...

I just want to say you have a wonderful blog! I look forward to getting to know you. xxx

Jonell w Harrison said...

What a nice surprise to see a new follower pop up...what a beautiful blog you have..will come back "when I can stay longer"

I see you are a christian who believes in the power of prayer..Please add Jonell's [me] daughter and her family ..an urgent family crisis

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