May 24, 2010


Hello Ladies: Welcome to our 13th Tea Cup Tuesday! It has been a pleasure looking at all your wonderful cups. I have never seen such a variety of tea cups. Last week there were some I just drool over and still others, I quickly search Ebay to see if one can be found, without having to take a second mortgage out on my home. I am excited to see what you will show us this week.

I thought I would share a few of my Chintz cups this week. I do not own too many, I wish I did. This design is one of my favorites, maybe because they all have roses, I don't know. I just think everything tastes better on a Chintz tea cup. I remember one year my husband was re-doing our kitchen. Not being much of a handyman, he had made quite a mess in my kitchen and I had china all over the place, mostly on the floor. I thought I was going to have a nervous break drown. That morning, in the mist of utter chaos, I made a cup of coffee and poured it into a very expensive Chintz china cup. Somehow, everything seemed to be better, at least for that moment. I will never forget the feeling of peace and loveliness I felt at that moment. (I did have to close my eyes!) So, that is my cure for all my problems, cup of coffee in an expensive china cup. I always end it with a prayer! (That special cup, later broke.)

Anyway, my first cup is a pink and lilac trio by St. George of England. This is a vintage set and is hard to find. I can't remember when or how I got it, but I love it.

The second cup is a demitasse set by Royal Stafford called "June Roses". It is one of the very first cups I ever started to collect. I love the shape of the cup. There are roses everywhere on this beautiful bone china teacup and saucer, it is Made in England.

The third one is a Royal Standard from England. Royal Standard back stamp on bottom of this cup is the mark used in 1949. It is so pretty, this was a gift from my sister in law, Maureen. She has given me many cups over the years. It is one of my favorites.

The last tea cup is by BCM, Nelson Ware, England. It is an antique. I love the coffee cup shape to this demitasse set. The colors are so vivid. It is so full with flowers it almost looks like enamel ware, but it is bone china. Just beautiful, don't you think?

The last piece I want to show you is the mini Lord Nelson, Rose Stacking Tea Pot and Creamer & Sugar. I have saved the best for last! This set was a gift from a Missionary lady that knew I collected tea cups items. To my surprise it is valued at over $1,500. Ebay has them at starting at $1.300. I could never sell it however, I really loved this lady and she has since gone to be with the Lord she served all her life. I usually don't let you know how the value of my tea cups, but this one, just shocked me when I asked a dealer about it.

I had so much trouble posting the pictures on Blogger this week, because when they are small they all look a like. I am sorry, I usually give you more views than today, but I could not tell the difference (old age).

OK, PLAN "b". We may have to wait until Terri see this in Paris. She will fix it. We may have to party tomorrow too! Sorry!

So, that is my group for this week. I hope you will join us. It does not matter how late you start, we just want you to be party with us. Just fill out "Mr. Linky" and go visit! My friend Terri is roughing it in Paris. Please be sure to stop by and see her She is giving us a tour, it is almost like being there, but NOT! I asked her to stuff me in her suit case. I don't know why she never gave me an answer. Anyway have a great time visiting. Blessing to you all! Martha


Linda @ A La Carte said...

They are really beautiful and the last one is amazing and I can understand it's value! I know it is priceless to you!

Beth said...

Martha, They are gorgeous! My favorites are the first and third one you showed, plus of course the last one - WOW! I am so glad you are keeping it as a tribute and honor to the lady who gave it to you; that is special.
Hugs and blessings, Beth

Victorian1885 said...

Great tea cups again today Martha! Thank you & Terri so much for hosting this event. I have seen so many beautiful tea cups!


Jo said...

Very nice!

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hi Martha, Happy Teacup Tuesday to you my friend! As always, you show some beautiful teacups. I love participating in this fabulous event each week.

Have a great week! Warmest always, Brenda

Victoria said...

Wow Martha...these are all so of my fave posts now! I adore all of them..gorgeous photos! and such stunning jewels...yay..I am smitten..such beauties! That was fun and uplifting!
Have a super marvelous day!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful rose/chintz teacups and that teapot trio is stunning! All of them are so charming and the colors soothing...just the ticket for your kitchen 're-do' awhile ago! Funny....
I won't be participating this week as I am on vacation, too, although NOT Paris! So I will comment on all your lovely posts and be back with you next week when I get back. I'm hoping to find just the perfect teacup to bring home with me.
Hugs with Peppermint Tea,

Patricia said...

Such beautiful tea cups - I wish I could find fabric in the patterns of your lovely cups. I really am enjoying taking part in this wonderful event. Have a beautiful new week.

Susan said...

Oh, Martha, gorgeous cups, one and all. Would have a hard time picking my favorite. Just lovely. Take care, dear Martha. Sincerely, Susan

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Martha,

I love all your pretty rose cups and they would all be favourites.
It is so neat to see everyone's gorgeous china.
Thanks again for showing us.

Happy week

Lynn-Teacupstitches said...

Hi Martha!
I'm not seeing Mr Linky so guess I'll save my post til next tuesday :-( and I don't know who to visit!
Your treasures are as always over the moon fabulous!!
Such spectacular pieces and the chintz stacker has me gasping for air HA!!! What a special piece with special memories.
See you soon!

Needles Everywhere said...

Once again, just fabulous cups and great pictures.

Bunnym said...

I want to know where you keep all these cups and do you use them? Whatever you do....DO NOT let your hubby near that very expensive


no linky :~(

BECKY said...

Hi Martha!....All are beautiful, as usual! I had a little set to show today, but I don't see a Mr. Linky, either! Maybe tomorrow...?

Terri said...

Hi Martha! Sorry about Mr. Linky, sometimes he is not working. Today though, it might be that you have two TT's on a page, and we would have to pay money to upgrade to two Mr. Linkiys displayed on a blog page. So, if you could deleat Mr. Linky from your last week post, this week's Mr. Linky might work.
I sure hope this works!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

oh Martha, what a beautiful collection of chintz you have! I just bought myself full teaset of chintz by James Kent and I can't hardly wait! will share with you once the set arrives safely at my shore! have a good week and take care!

Unknown said...

So much to see in this post I will have to come back. there is no Mr Linky! So if you would like to click

here is my Tea Cup and you can see my very first time showing to you all. I do hope I get to see all your wonderful pieces too I would hate to miss them

Love Dawn xx

Natasha in Oz said...

I have been popping in to see you every so often throughout the day, Martha, to say hi and to let you know that I would love to link up again. If you don't mind doing it for me that would be lovely as I am going to bed soon!

Take care and best wishes,

Natasha in Oz said...

PS If it is not fixed by the time I wake up I will link up!

Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

Martha, that's funny....Terri "roughing" it in Paris! Her pictures are wonderful, aren't they!
What a dream trip!

Appleshoe said...

Your teacups are simply exquisite. I love the idea of Teacup Tuesday. I read about it yesterday on teaandtalk's page. I've been trying to post a teacup once a week since February. When Mr. Linky is working I will defiantly be joining.

Princesa Nadie said...

Dear Martha,I'm here again watching beautiful tea cups,thank you very much for this wonderful idea.Yours are lovely.Love

Anonymous said...

Goodmorning Martha!

you have quite an array of lovely cups and pots!

i love the chintz..and although i'm not 'actually' doing tea cup tuesday..i did do a tea pot drawing....come by and see it!

i love this beautiful song too!

ciao bella
creative carmelina

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Good morning Martha,
Oh my, I'm swooning over all your chintz! I love them all but I think the first one and the last one is absolutely gorgeous! What a precious gift from a sweet lady! Tea tastes so lovely in a chintz teacup! Thank you for sharing your lovely treasures and have a beautiful day.


Anonymous said...

Your Chintz teacups are divine! Your stacking set is an precious gift and absolutely gorgeous! I know how you feel about having a favorite teacup break. Pieces of my favorite aqua teacup, seen in my blog header, were found on the floor. If you have trouble with mr linky this week, now worries. Maybe God has something else he wants us to do tomorrow. Our posts will still be up and we can link them next week.

KathyB. said...

The tea cups are lovely and one almost needs to take out a loan to purchase some of those pieces Martha~ you're rich! Who knew you could be rich in tea cups and tea pots?

I love the idea of sipping tea or coffee out of the perfect cup and ending it with prayer.Thank-you for hosting this tea cup Tuesday!

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Hi Martha!

Your teacups are lovely, and I especially like the last set. Just gorgeous!


Theresa said...

Hi Martha, Your cups are as gorgeous as ever. Sorry you are having trouble with Mr.Linky.
I hope all can still drop by here is where I am having my tea~
All my best, Theresa

Kissed by an Angel said...

Gorgeous teacups!!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Wow, Martha. As always, I am impressed with your tea cup collection. This one is no different. And that teapot set is unbelievable. And so is the cost. I understand why you would never give it up.

Happy teacup Tuesday to you. BTW, I used to have a tablecloth that could have been the twin to the one on your table this week. I wonder what ever happened to mine.

Wanda Lee said...

Dear Martha,

These Chintz teacups are sooo very pretty and cheerful;I love them all!..,

Please pop by when you get a moment and do join me in once again celebrating all things 'afternoon tea' my dear lady; this time for my 32nd,'Tuesday Tea For Two' as well as for my 23rd,'WEDNESDAY TEA FOR ME AND THEE'..,

I hope your link is fixed soon!

Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

Terri said...

Hello Martha! Mr. Linky is working for me. I think it is like I said before, you have two Mr. linkies showing on one blog page because you haven't posted that much since last week. Mr. Linky will only show one on the page. If you go back to you last weeks post to edit it, just highlite and cut the code I sent you last week and republish that old post without it. THen Mr. Linky should show up for you today.
My e-mail is not working too well here, so I hope you get this message soon. I am sorry about all your Mr. Linky trouble.

Jacoba said...

Hi Martha,
What a wonderful collection you have! And so do all the others who posted a comment, I just drawl over them, dinner service freak as I am - could buy another set every week ...
Your last set looks very intriguing! Very pretty!
It is really fun to display a favourite teacup! I have a few here in the cupboard and will soon show the most beautiful I have: a Japanese teacup. Anyhow, today we had breakfast in the garden and usually we do not take out the expensive stuff and the antiques. Don't miss out on my blog, as I am showing off my handembroidered tea cosy as well.
Unfortunately the plate I posted last time broke last week in a zillion pieces..... I was heart broken as the central floral picture symbolized so much to me. The teacup misses its ear, so here we are - it is now doomed to everyday use for odd jobs.
Have a nice day! And once again, I so enjoy your sense of humor!

Jenny said...

What a beautiful post. I love the chintz teacups, too. I dug one I have out of the closet the other day and I was surprised to see it selling on e-bay for $130 dollars! That bottom would be so afraid to use it!

Just a lovely post as always!

I love stopping here. And your rhinestone jewelry is gorgeous!

paperbutterfly said...

A wonderful collection, especially the teapot set!
How blessed to have a memory of a special woman connected to it as well.

Have a blessed week.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...


What beautiful tea cups and saucers you have shown us today!! All so pretty especially the last one you showed us!
You have so many gorgeous tea cups!! Just beautiful!!


Terri Smith said...

Beautiful displays Martha! Love all the rosebuds! Haven't popped over to visit for awhile and sure have missed you. I've been away from blogging for a wee bit..taking care of family stuff. Feels good to be back. Sure enjoyed my time here this evening. I also checked out Terri's "Artful Affirmations," and loved those photos from Paris. What a lovely country. The food didn't look bad either, ha ha.

Hugs & Summer Sunshine, Terri

Under Her Wings said...

Martha, what beautiful tea cups! I collect for the granddaughter tea parties that I host each month, and I just love to see others' finds. Mine are all estate or garage sales. Thanks for the opportunity to link up. In His joy, Gloria

Sue said...

Martha, Thanks so much for visiting and inviting me to link up with you and
Terri. Your collection of tea cups is simply amazing! Sheesh, how does my little pseudo tea party dare to compare with yours? Your floral tea set is beautiful- the colors are magnificent. I'll be back to visit again soon!
:-) Sue

Tara said...

So many pretty cups! I can't believe the one cup is valued so highly, I hope you have it insured! Keep your hubbie away from it for sure, hee-hee. My Grandma used to have a tea cup collection and I always loved looking at it. Once we were allowed to to chose one, what fun that was!

Lady Katherine said...

I just love viewing your collections of Teacups! They are so lovely! I wonder? If you are the one who keeps outbidding me on Ebay! lol What a beautiful gift and lovely surprise at the value! Oh,such a gift is worth more than money!! Thank you for inviting me over! Love those Teacups!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hi Martha, I love that stacking teapot set. Fabulous! Hard to believe it is worth so much but it is so beautiful. I love all the crocheted goodness in your previous post. Great stuff! Have a wonderful weekend. :) Tammy

Rita said...

Hi Martha,
you are again amazing me with the large collection of teacups. I love chintz too and yours are simply gorgeous, especially your fab stacking teapot set. a true work of art!

Rose said...

saw your blog and plan to follow. love the beautiful florals. stop by my blog if you have time

Joyce said...

What a wonderful idea to do this once a week. I need to participate one of these days as I collect tea pots. Not many cups because I am running out of room for another collection:-)

Beverly said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Martha. We've been pinking together for almost a year now. Thank you for everything you do to make Pink Saturday special.

I love your teacups. Each one is a treasure.

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