May 22, 2010


Hello Fellow Pinkies!

Hope you have had a great week, mine has been wild! I took care of Noah every day. Something I never do, but his dad was out of town so I got to help. I know why God wanted women to have babies young! I am so tired. After watching Noah all day, I drove to visit my father-in-law, who had two heart attacks this week. The drive was a hour each way. We almost lost him. He is doing better, however, the damage to his heart can only be repaired by God, so please pray for him. His name is Al. He is still in ICU, but staple at least for now.

I did remember I promised to show you my collection of vintage pot holders. I love cute things for my kitchen. I am not a cook, but love to have all the "things" for cooking. Each one of these pot holders are handmade. Can you imagine talking the time to make these just to pick up something hot? Women are so delightful and creative. Don't you just love the dresses? Did you see the one that is in the shape of a jar? Too cute, and what about the blue boy's jumper? The blue prom dress is my favorite, I have it out now. I have so many collections, I just need to get in gear and show you.

This post is going to be short because, you guessed it, Noah's is coming! Don't forget Tuesday is our Tea Cup Day. I will have the link up sometime Monday. Have a wonderful, pink weekend! Blessings, Martha


Victoria said...

HI Martha...such a lovely charming post as sure are inspiring little beauties..yes so creative!! Hope you feel all shiny and sparkly soon..and many healing blessing to Al and your family! Take care and thave a joyful wkd! Thoughts are with you
PS: thank you for such lovely kind words appreciated!

Betty said...

The pot holders are lovely. I am glad to hear that your Father-in-law is doing alittle better, he will be in my prayers.

I also know what you mean about having kids when you are young. After my grandkids leave I am wiped out, but a nice feeling.


Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Sounds like a busy week. I'm sorry to hear about your father in-law.Hope he is feeling better soon.Have a nice weekend.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...


I agree with you about having babies young. I was done by 26 y/o! My Mom was 40 when she had me and I never got to do all of the things that my sister learned from my parents like horse back riding, skating, etc. They were close to 50 when I was a kid and couldn't be bothered teaching me those things.

I have the same red dress pot holder!! I see you have god taste too! LOL!!!

Saying prayers for you and yours everyday, my friend!!

Many hugs,

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hi Martha, Happy Pink Saturday to you my friend :) This is quite the collection of pot holders you have. I love all different colors and shapes of them. Very nice :) Thanks for sharing these with us today.

Warmest Always, Brenda

Bunnym said...

I collect red and white pot holders too...Hey! we're Noah is getting so big..I just wanna pinch his checks...not to hard. Have a great weekend my friend.


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Martha, your pot holders are so cute; love the dresses! Glad your FIL is doing better; will say a prayer for him! Little Noah is a cutie and yes, I know what you mean by having babies young! As much as I adore my little grandsons, they do tire me out! Great post! Have a wonderful Pink Saturday weekend.


Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

What a precious post! We should all start off with a picture of a handsome young man!! Love the pot holders - they bring back such memories.

Blessings to you and your father in law.

Kissed by an Angel said...

Hi sweet Martha, Happy Pink saturday!! I love your potholders, they are gorgeous!!! I hope your dear FIL will be fully recovered very soon!!!

Unknown said...

When we had our shop I had hundreds of these darling pot holders, including one of a teacup & saucer & teapot someone had created. They are just beautiful, Martha ...

Best wishes for FIL recovering quickly.

Have a lovely weekend.
TTFN ~ Marydon

Susan said...

Hi Martha....Love your potholders! Darling. Missed your visit last Tea Cup Tuesday. Love that you and Terri sponsor that. Sincerely, Susan

Charo said...

Love your holders collection, so pretty!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Rebecca Nelson said...

Happy Pink Saturday Sweet M! I love your potholders. They remind me of my gramma. She was a master crocheter! :)

I hope this finds you well. Thinking of you as always and lifting you up to the Most High.

Love, Rebecca

Queen "B" said...

Aloha Martha,
I loved dropping by to see what you have been doing. I've been offline for a while and I am so happy to be back up and seeing the all the fun!
love the sweet cherub face on the post and all the lovely hand work,
all my Aloha

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Martha,

I love all your sweet pot holders and what a lovely collection you have, my favourite are the sweet dresses.
Noah is such a sweetie and he is lucky to have his Grandma's love and care.
I send my love and prayers to Al and I hope that he will make a speedy recovery.

Have a great weekend

Carrie said...

What a fine collection. I have only a few of these potholders and I enjoy their designs very much!

Linda M said...

Happy Pink. Your pot holders are similar to ones I have that my grandma made. They are beautiful.

Appleshoe said...

Hello- I came for the teacups, but then saw the pot holders. I think I have an unhealthy hording obsession with vintage pot holders and doilies. Take care.

Elaine said...

I have a few of these vintage potholders also..Love things like this

Unknown said...

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