Sep 18, 2016


Hello Ladies and welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 318!   I bet you have been wondering where I have been? Well, here is the story.  It has been difficult for me to sit for a long time on the computer due to back pain.  Not really sure what is going on with it, but hope to find out next week.  I am so sorry for not getting back to you earlier.  I have considered no longer hosting the Tea Party, except for the fact that I would miss so many of you. Just not sure what to do to be fair to you.  Open to suggestions.   

Just can't believe we are now decorating for Autumn. I must admit, the summer weather is never one of my favorite things. I hate the heat.  Being in a drought area, it is so much harder to enjoy the outside.  I have begun my indoor decorating.  I will be sharing some Autumn tea cups for your viewing pleasure :)!  This one is a Royal Albert.

This next cup is one whose signature I do not recognize.  It is all hand painted and very light weight china.  

I will be having a Tea Birthday Party for Sophia in a couple of weeks.  She wanted to used real tea cups so I have chosen 12 pink rose design, demitasse cups, like the one above.   I was not sure that I had 12 cups in pink rose, but I realize that I had a few more than I needed.  I will make sure I take lots of pictures for you. 
Both my little ones are playing baseball this season.  Noah is a Catcher and Sophia is in Tee Ball. Please pray for Terri, she is so very ill, as is my husband.  Terri did want me to tell you she would be back! Looking forward to visiting as many as I can this week.  Thank you for your friendships and notes to check on me.  You can see why I just can't leave this party.  Here are other parties I will be joining:

Teatime Tuesday - Tuesday Cuppa Tea - Friends Sharing Tea - Share Your Cup Thursday - Inspire Me Monday- No Place Like Home - Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olsen - The Charm of a Home - Tea in Texas - Thelma's Days - Bella's Rosas Antiques - Friends Sharing Tea at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog

 Have a great week!  Hugs, Martha


Miss Merry said...

Glad to see your post. Those tiny tea cups are just precious! Hope you get some answers and solutions to your back problems.

Margie said...

Welcome back, Martha! Sorry to hear about your back problems and that your hubby and Terri have been ill. Hopefully, your health challenges will be resolved soon.

Your fall-themed teacups are lovely. I especially like the handpainted, lightweight set.

Thank you for hosting and enjoy the first week of fall!

Bernideen said...

Dear Martha:
I am so sorry about your back. I agree - sitting at the computer can add trouble for the healing process. I love your post. Take care and prayers!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

I'm glad you were able to share your lovely teacups this week, Martha. Seems a lot of us are dealing with health issues, me included. I hope you can be helped soon and I hope your husband feels better soon. Take care and have fun planning your granddaughter's party.


Susan said...

Hello Martha...So glad you are okay. So very sorry to hear about the back. Hope you can find a cause and then a cure for it soon. The grands are getting bigger and bigger! So darling. Take care and God bless you, my friend. Susan

Antiques And Teacups said...

So glad to see you back, and I understand about backs. Both my husband and myself have back issues...he had back surgery several years ago. It was a tremendous help! Love your gorgeous teacups, and should be a fun birthday party! Will party for your back as I patty for ours! Thanks for hosting and have a peaceful, healing week. And thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

Szara Sowa said...

Hello Martha, nicely to see You then again. What wonderful treasure you demonstrated on this time. Have a nice week.:)


Glad to see you back dear Martha.
I thought about you and had you in my prayers.
Since you ask, I would imagine your health comes first, so I would just take a sabbatical from blogging till I felt well enough. But like Sandi says, I think a party takes to much time and effort.
Thank you so much for this inspiration and your teacups are forever so lovely.

Summer said...

Glad you are back! Your cups are sooo pretty ♥

Johanna Gehrlein said...

Dear Martha,
I am sorry to read of your health problems. I hope you and your husband get well soon. Your tea cups are pretty and your grandchildren are so sweet. My oh my, I remember when Sophia was born, so tiny. And now she will have a tea party. Sounds like a lot of fun and I am so curious about the photos. Thank you for sharing your delights and for hosting this sweet event.
Best greetings, Johanna

Karen said...

Hi Martha,
Yay! So Glad You are back. I have missed you! I do hope that your back pain is getting better. Love, love, love the chintz teapot and teacups. The grand kiddies are adorable! Blessings, Karen

The Charm of Home said...

So glad your back and feeling better Martha! I am loving that chintz set at the top of your post!

xinex said...

Your teacups always look so beautiful, Martha. So sorry for your back pain, hope it's healed soon. Hope Terri and your hubby get better too. I will offer prayers for both of you. Tea party for Sophia sounds so nice, can't wait to see pictures....Christine

Thankful for Grace said...

Martha, I have missed you! I'm so sorry about your back. As one who also suffers from back pain, I can relate to what you are going through. I had surgery on mine 20 years ago, and things were great for years, but in the last couple years, things have flared up again.

You are in my prayers.


Thankful for Grace said...

Martha, I have missed you! I'm so sorry about your back. As one who also suffers from back pain, I can relate to what you are going through. I had surgery on mine 20 years ago, and things were great for years, but in the last couple years, things have flared up again.

You are in my prayers.


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