Hello Ladies: I can't believe I am actually posting on time today. Happy Tea Cup Tuesday No. 161! I have so much good news to share with you. Our family is almost ALL better, improving daily. Thank you for your prayers. My son, Kyle, had his dream come true, he has been hired in Ojai, California as a Fireman! He is walking in the clouds. He has studied and worked so hard. I know I have shared from time to time about him, but it has finally happened for him. I just have to thank God. If that is not enough, I also won a couple of give aways this month! If you would have told me this last December, that things would be going so well, I don't think I would have believed you. All I can say is God is Faithful even when we are not. Here is a picture of the lovely give away I won from Rhonda from A Little Bit of French, http://alittlebitfrench.blogspot.com. Rhonda has a blog and a store that always make you slow down take a second look and wipe the drool from your month. She is so talented. Look what I won! Thank you so much Rhonda. I will show you my other win, next week.
As promised, I too have a give away announcement today. The winner of my 800 plus followers give away is . . . Jocelyn from Just A Little Southern Hospitality. I have followed her blog for a few years now. I am glad her name was drawn by Noah. I may have to get Sophia to drawn the names from now on, that perfect Grandchild is reading now and doing 1st grade work in preschool. Handsome and smart, what more can a Grandma ask for? He likes to make dates with me (I take him to the movies). He is so cute. Anyway, side tracked, Jocelyn, please email me with your address and I will send your goodies to you!

Did I ever tell you I collect Fenton? Well I do, I realized this month, that I have a lot of Fenton in Teal. I have had many ladies ask me how many tea cups I have, to be honest, I don't know. I pack them away with each month's decorations. They go under the house and do not come up again for a whole year. A little over the top, but so you know, and all fears are calmed, I am not a Hoarder! That's my story and I am sticking to it.
The first tea cup I am sharing today is a Haviland Limoges. Limoges is my favorite china. This is a very old lovely Teal Rose demitasse cup. Despite the age it is in perfect condition, no crazing at all. Pieces were always elaborately fashioned and embellish with gold. That is what is amazing about Limoges it can look new, no matter how old they are. I will show you my dinner dishes next week. They are amazing, over 90 years old and they look brand new.
Cup No. 2 is a vintage Paragon. It is part of a set of four that I own, each cup in a different color. It is part of the Antique Series, Georgian. Very lovely!
The last cup is a Royal Albert, pattern name Hyde Park. Love the combination of teal and pink roses.

Thank you for joining this party that Terri and I have each week. We are so grateful for each of you. I know you have been praying for our family. Just want you to know God has heard your prayers! Have a wonderful week, filled with His blessings, Martha
Here is Mr. Linky for this week.
Magnifique Hyde Park!
quelle belle tasse
merci pour ce rendez vous du mardi que j'aime beaucoup
belle journée
Hi Martha,
It seems that good things are finally coming to your family. I am happy for you.
I think I have to have faith also as things are a bit moving slow for me and 3 things happened to me these few weeks that challenged me.
Your stories gave me hope.
Your fav color is aqua blue and teal also? Terri loves these colors.
Have a nice week!
Congratulations to Rhonda for winning your take away.
As usual your tea cups are beautiful, it must be really hard to decide what to show us each week.
Aah, aren't grandchildren a real blessing, lucky you getting to date one of them occasionally.
CONGRATS to Kyle! What great news! I have a Fenton ornament that is part of a Marie Osmond doll- she holds it in her hand. Thx for hosting, Martha. Have a great week :0
je suis très contente pour vos
je vous souhaite un mardi heureux
parmi toutes ces merveilles
et un thé bien chaud
Martha, I'm so happy about your good news that I can hardly concentrate on your lovely tea cups. But I can and absolutely love the combination of beautiful cups and vintage jewelry. I also collect hobnail and vintage jewelry and love teal more than anything right now. Today is my youngest's 21st birthday and I've bought a small jewelry box adorned with vintage jewels in a teal colour. I'll put a special heritage piece of jewelry from my collection inside as a special prezzy. Take care and have a wonderful week. :)
Dear Martha,
I am so happy to read all the good news. That really makes me happy. Congratulation to your son Kyle and to his Mom for his great ne job. Congratulation for the sweet giveaway of Rhonda. It looks really precious and fit in your collection so nicely. Congratulation to Jocelyn for winning your beautiful tea cup. Isn't that a fun to have such tea parties. I really enjoyed the beautiful cups of today. You really have a stunning collection and no one could just think about that you could be a hoarder. Your collection is worth to be seen in a china museum. Really amazing an such a fun to develope each month what you haven't seen for a long time. Thank you for sharing this wonderful treasurers and for hosting this event.
Blessings, Johanna
You're sharing very beautiful cups today, dear Martha!
It's a super way to celebrate the good news in the family with all of us, distant friends :)
Have a great week and thanks for hosting Tea Cup Tuesday together with Terri.
Beautiful post Martha! I love hearing the good news in your family. That is so wonderful! I hope Kyle has a good start to his new career. I know you must be over the moon about it! Yay!
Your tea cups are all lovely. Each one is so gorgeous!
Congratulations to Joceylyn!
You have some of the prettiest tea cups! I just love the Limoges and the RA!
Thanks for hosting!
Martha -- great news about your son -- congratulations to him. so many pretty teacups, but the Royal Albert with the aqua may be my favorite today (tomorrow it might be the Paragon)!!! :D :D Happy Tea Day!
Congratulations to your son, Martha! He'll do a fine job serving his community. As usual, your teacups are to die for. . .thanks for showing these pretties. Hope you have a wonderful day.
As always your teacups are a delight for the eyes. I can't even make up my mind at which one is my favourite!
Congrats on your winnings!
- The Tablescaper
Congratulations to your son, Martha! I am so happy for you that the blessings are being poured out upon you and your loved ones at last. You deserve it!
I love your teacups; especially the Limoges. The RA one is a beauty too. Thamks for sharing with us all your good news as well as your winnings. And Congrats to Jocelyne as well!
Hi Martha!
I am so happy that everyone is doing better and that your son got the fireman job. My son-in-law is a fireman. I love all of your pretty teacups. Thank you for hosting.
Congratulations to your son! I know he's thrilled! Your win is absolutely beautiful and so very happy for Jocelyn! Love these teacups -so very feminine! I do appreciate you hosting and sharing,
OM my gosh, I need your dishes with the roses on them for my luncheon table coming up this Saturday . I am using odds & ends of dishes I have with roses on them
I am late again for tea, but so glad you're still hosting!
I especially love the Paragon teacup Martha, and I wonder if you drink tea from your beautiful teacups.
That is such good news about your son finally realizing his long worked for goal of becoming a fire-fighter. Congratulations to him!
Hi Martha,
I just love your teacups. I started a blog on April 7th and was wondering if you could take a look and see what you think. It is: karenscastleandcottage.blogspot.ca
I am just learning and you are such an inspiration. I hope to eventually have a blog as beautiful as yours. Thanks so much. Karen
Hi again Martha,
My blogspot is: Karenscottageandcastle.blogspot.ca
Hi Martha, I love the Fenton glass and your lovely tea cups. How sweet they all are. Congrats to Jocelyn for being the winner. Such pretty things!
Have a wonderful week,
Oh Martha,
That is just so sweet about you and your grandson's "dates!"
Congrats to your winner!
I absolutely ADORE that RA "Hyde Park" teacup, one of the prettiest I have ever seen. DROOL worthy.
Thanks for co-hosting!!
Glad all is better in your house.
Oh wow Martha!! Thank you so much!! I will send you my mailing info. Gorgeous cups BTW.
Jocelyn @ http://justalittlesouthernhospitality.blogspot.com
Thanks for the family updates. Always great to hear God has answered prayers and been actively involved in our lives...
Loving the teacups !
EnJoy them, as I know you do, and a wee timeout to rest & refresh... :)
Everything is so pretty! Congrats to your son!! Thank you for sharing this at the Anything Blue Friday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
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