Hello ladies! I know, I am late, so sorry. I caught a bad cold a couple of days ago and have been fighting a fever this whole time. I slept all day yesterday. Today's post will be short because, I am trying to learn this wonderful new Apple computer. It is so smart and so fast. I have had it a whole 2 days. The photo program is amazing. I can't wait to learn it. I first want to show you this new crown I made for my niece, Rachael. She is going to be Miss Universe at school. I think it turned out ok, even though it only took me 2 days to make it. I usually take 2 weeks to make one. What do you think?

Because my other computer crashed I lost all my pictures, over 10,000 :(. My son is going to try to see what he can do to get them back for me. I do hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day! My was the best I have had in years. Dinner, roses, chocolates and my Valentine, can it get any better? Yes, it can, my computer arrived! You don't realize how much you use it until it is gone.
Today's tea cups you may have seen before, I really do not remember, however, I will be able to keep better track with this new photo program, just give me time to learn. I have shed a few tears in frustration about this very smart computer. Don't get me wrong I love it, it is my mind that needs up-grading. This first cup is a Coalport, it is just stunning. It looks like it has been crimped.

This next cup is a Clarence, it's English. A beautiful black and white with gold. This is my second favorite type of cup next to the ones with roses.
This last cup is Florentine, also made in England. It features a band of fruit around the top and the base of the saucer. Look at the handle so beautiful. Here is Mr. Linky for this week. Thank you Terri for your faithfulness, please be sure to visit as many as you can. I am going to have fun visiting with my new computer. Blessings, Martha
Hope you get to feeling better - that fever can really be bad - lots of fluids - right?
Hope you continue to feel better, those colds can be nasty. love your crown and tea cup.
Hi Martha,
Wow, white and more white, simply elegant, I love those sets.
Apple computer, great choice indeed. good for design and projects.
It's so kind of you to make the crown for your niece.
Take care,
Ah, hope you feel better soon, Martha. It's been one thing after another with me too since the new year. Love your whites! Take care, my friend.
Dear Martha,
I am SO SORRY that you have been feeling poorly - seems like it's held on a long while. I am praying for your quicker recovery!
Love your lovely teacups, you always have such unique cups to share with all of us, we are so lucky.
Thank you for hosting!
Get Well Soon!
Oh Martha....SO HAPPY for you to get a new computer. You will LOVE it.
Sorry you've been under the weather.
Love the cup! Susan
Hello Martha,
Your crown look magnificent! I think it will be perfect!
And your cups today are beautiful! I love the first one in white...never would have guessed Coalport!
Good luck with your new computer, and I hope that you begin to feel much better very soon : )
That back and white teacup is so delicate! I'm linking for the first time, but I've been attending your party, drooling over teacups for a while!
Oops, I forgot, I hope you'll feel better soon. I've been off lately, so I know how you must feel!
Oh I would shed more than a few tears to lose all my pictures. Our computer has been dodgy for the last few months so I had my blog published ( for our family) and now keep all my digital smart cards.The smart cards are so cheap now that when they get full, I just buy more, keeping my pictures available until I get the ones I want printed. Plus, I have a large digital frame to insert my smart cards into so I can view my pictures all day any day and change them out as I wish.
A new computer, good luck. You will be having so much fun once you get the hang of it...
Thank-you again for hosting Tea-Cup Tuesday Martha.
Hi Martha,
It has been a nasty cold and flu season. So sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Congrats on your computer! Thank you for hosting.
Dear Martha,
Sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Hope you are better today.
Whooo-hoo for the new computer.
I don't remember seeing these teacups before. The second one is so unique. Very pretty.
Cheers, Ruthie
Dear Martha,
Sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Hope you are better today.
Whooo-hoo for the new computer.
I don't remember seeing these teacups before. The second one is so unique. Very pretty.
Cheers, Ruthie
Dear Martha,
Sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Hope you are better today.
Whooo-hoo for the new computer.
I don't remember seeing these teacups before. The second one is so unique. Very pretty.
Cheers, Ruthie
Oh boy, sorry about that. If you can delete two, that would be great.
I love white so the Florentine and Coalports are my favorites. These are lovely!
Hope you feel better soon !
Hi Martha, I have had a bad cold for a week now...not fun. Congrats on your new computer. I am looking forward to getting a new one before too long and I love Apples!
Your blog post is beautiful as always.
What a lucky lady you are to have a new apple computer!! Hopefully your son will be able to retrieve your pictures from your old computer. Love this Tea Cup Post!! Beautiful, and the pictures are simple lovely!
Please feel better soon!!
Hope you are feeling better by now, Martha. My prayer for you is that you will be healed by the stripes of Jesus. So sorry you lost all those photos, but have lots of fun with your new computer! God's blessings on you and your family. Bess
Have fun learning your new computer! Your teacups today are beautiful.
beautiful tea cups(:)
Hi Martha. I found your lovely blog through The Little White House by the Sea. I'm looking forward to a good long browse through your past posts. Good Luck with recovering your pictures. Depending on how the PC crashed there are several ways to recover data...I do believe you've inspired my next post.
Hope you feel better soon.
Just beautiful! Martha, I understand why God gives us phamilies! To help us thru those difficult times. Please take care beautiful friend. Your tea cups are gorgeous. Always wonderful to stop by.
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