Hello dear friends: Sorry we are late, life got in the way! Hope this weekend was all you wanted it to be and more. My Thanksgiving was wonderful. Children were here with my prize possessions, the Grandchildren. What can be better? When everyone left to visit their Mother-In- Law's, I got ready to visit my Nephew home where the rest of my family was already there waiting. When a noise was heard in the kitchen. What would it be? Well, you may have guessed it, a water hose had broken. The copper pipe that sends water to the ice machine and water fountain in the refrigerator broke. It shot a straight stream of water onto the electrical outlet that the refrigerator was plugged into. Of course, I did not know how to shut off the water, why should I? The stream of water was so strong, it could not be sent into a bucket or pan. It was like a hose was let loose in my kitchen.

So I did what any normal woman would do under these stressful situations, I CRYED! As I was crying, I built a mountain of bath towels to stop the water from entering the living room, where oak floors are under the carpet. Meanwhile, my son is trying to turn off any valve he could find. Nothing worked, after about on hour of trying and calling, reaching no one that could come to my rescue, my son got on the Internet for help. I put on some rubber shoes and rubber gloves and unplugged the refrigerator, before we all got electrocuted. I was sweeping the water out of the kitchen as fast as I could. Then victory came, my son found the information he needed and in a minute it was all over. Thank God for the Internet! I was so lucky my son was still home. With all that water, we had no water damage. Because the whole thing lasted only about an hour and a half. I kept sweeping and crying the whole time, we were good! Of course, after it was over, we heard from everyone, on how to shut off the water! Bless there little hearts, better late than never. Plumber was over Friday and new easy shut off valves were installed!

Since my kitchen floor is so clean, I thought I would start this Tea Cup Tuesday No. 90 with my kitchen tea cups. I am in the process of decorating for Christmas. My house looks like it has been attacked by the Bin Monster. The kitchen however, is 90% done! This first cup is a Duchess, from England. Pattern name is "Winter". I love the colors on this cup!

This next cup is a Royal Patrician, from England. It has a great Orange, Red color Poinsettia. Very different colors. Also a favorite of mine!

This next cup is a Royal Standard. It is so rich and elegant! The colors are just rich. Another favorite of mine. (That's my problem, they are are my favorites!)

Do you remember the Italian cups I shared last week? They all sold, except for the Tea Pot set. That did not sell because, I just have not listed it yet! Thank you very much for your support. I even sold a salt and pepper set that I did not list, but someone saw it on my blog, loved it and offered $50 for it! You ladies are wonderful! I need Christmas money so thank you in advance for your purchases.

The corner cabinet, is in my kitchen. (It pays to have clean floors! You have never seen this piece.) It is filled with my Ruby Depression Glass, I have a serve for 40. It also holds some of my favorite Lefton, American. I will have to clean my floors more often. I have a real cute kitchen.

Here is Mr. Linky. We are running a little late this week. Please stop by and visit Terri. She has some amazing Christmas Trees she made. You just have to see them. That woman is incredible! Have a great week.
Blessings and lot of hugs, Martha
I just love the Christmas tea sets! So pretty and festive!
Oh Martha that is some story about the hose! And on a holiday...glad it all worked out. All your Christmas tea cups are beautiful, I love poinsettias. xo
Oh, goodness Martha. Things are never dull and boring around your house! Loved your Christmas teacups! Happy Tea Day!
Ohh, Marths, So sorry to hear about the plumbing mishap, but glad there was no water damage!
Each of your cups is distinctive and beautiful...as always, your treasure trove never disappoints!
Seasons Greetings,
Hi Martha,
It sure does look a lot like Christmas! Your decorations are lovely...and your china!
Oh Martha! I am so sorry about the refrigerator. So glad your son worked it out.
I love the Duchess cup! I have seen that one online before, and I love it.
The other cups and your other pieces are just fabulous!
What a shame you had to deal with that! But things look lovely anyway! Happy TT!
Oh Martha, I'm so glad you had no water damage from all that water! I'm glad your son was there to help too. Imagine being by yourself with that happening!
Your Christmas teacups are wonderful! I do love the season! Thanks for sharing and I look forward to your joining in next week! Have a delightful week, dear lady.
Hi martha,
I am happy, that no health reasons made your post late. What pretty cupy and decorations you share again. I love really all china with winter decor on it because we have in Germany not many of them. And those which have winter decoration are often not nice painted. So again I adore all your pretty things. Thank you for showing and for hosting this sweet event.
best greetings, Johanna
What a disaster!! I have plastic pipes in my home so I am no stranger to water problems, let me tell you!!
Love seeing your Kitchen all decked out for the holidays and I am so jealous of your ruby red collection!! I have some pieces but no where as much as you do!!
I am doing my Christmas Home Tour over at my Christmas blog.
Stop by if you have any free time. I am posting room by room...
OMGoodness...I would have been crying too...I bet you have shut-off valves under every sink in your home now! Your presentation is beautiful, love everything you have posted.
Hi Martha,
I see it's Christmas time already in your home!
I love the season but haven't started yet.
Thanks for giving me inspiration with all the pretty things you shared.
OMG Martha .. What a disaster ...but on a positive note your floors did get a good wash ( ha ha)... Your cups are very cheerful and I'm happy that you managed your " bad hair " day in such fine form, enjoying a cup of tea with your leaky faucets ...You're and amazing Lady ... Big Hugs
Oh Martha! What an ordeal...I'm so glad it's over for you, and you can now begin the holiday with a clean slate (pun sort of intended).
Your cups are so pretty, and I'm glad you were able to make extra Christmas money. Everything looks festive and cheerful.
Many blessings for the season,
That Winter Duchess cup is so lovely. I know what you mean by Bin Monster, so funny I read that twice then thought of my hallway all full of clear, red and green lidded things. :) So glad to hear your kitchen and home are alright now, and that being a Cryer like I am is completely normal. Hugs! H
Oh dear Martha...you have such stories to write about...the good, the bad and the ugjy!
Your pix are just wonderful. I love all the teacups!
Love ya,
Miss M...I had to SMILE when I saw the pair of Victorian Busts on your shelf. I have those and they always remind me of my childhood. My mom has a set, too!
Beautiful as always. I love your stories, too!
Blessings and love to you~
Your photos of tea cups paired with your brooches are always so delightful!
Thanks for stopping by my place! I came back to see if your being on the computer meant more tea cup photos. This time I actually read your post instead of just being mesmerized by you photos. You poor creature! Hubby had to put in shut off valves for us too. I shall thank him today for showing me were they are before a problem. It's so nice to meet you!
Your tea cups are gorgeous!! My English grandma would give all her grand-daughters an English tea cup for every birthday starting at 13, so I started that with my daughter also. I will keep a watch on yours..they're wonderful. I also share your love of roses and Jesus! Thank you for coming by my blog...Kathi
Dear Martha,
What an absolutely beautiful site! I have become a follower and will be visiting often. Thank you so much for joining my blog and for your kind comments. I do appreciate the support so much. I see you also live in Southern California ~ when I saw you live in the mountains I was so envious as I love the mountains! God bless you and stay in touch.
Martha,Obrigada por passar lá no meu blog!
E obrigada por gostar...eu gostei muito do conteúdo do seu web site,cheio de coisas lindas.
Beijos aqui do Brazil,
Dani cristin
Aloha Martha,
OMG, what a thing to happen on such a special day! I think you've bounced back quite well dear.
I love your cups, especially the "winter". I also love what you have in the photo above. They have a beautiful rose on them; looks like containers? They're beautiful.
I'm so glad that you and Terri still continue to share your collection of beautiful cups and saucers with us all.
Have a Merry Christmas Martha, warm cheery hugs to you...
Sounded like quite an adventure at your house, Martha! Thank God all turned out ok, but I know you must have been stressed to the max! I am thankful that all of your are ok.
I truly love the beautiful canisters and tea set with the big rose on them. They just delight my heart. You have them displayed so beautifully. I must say that you have the most wonderful Christmas pins that I have seen! It makes the season so very special. Your post is very special today...
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