Mar 27, 2011


Hello Ladies: I hope this post finds you well and ready to play with our tea cups! As I mentioned last week, I will be having a TV network here in my home on Thursday. They will be taking pictures of my home and collections. I have so much dusting to do. When they gives me permission, I will tell you more. Pray for me, I am over the top. I have had everyone, who could dust over to help me. Since this is going to take place in my entire house, it has kept me busy. I am going to show you just a couple of places where a few of my tea cups are being stored for the filming. I know, I told you before, I thought I had about 300, I am guessing I was a little low with that figure. Here is a picture of my dearest friend, Deby. She came over at a moments notice to dust. No one could ask for a better friend.

I am so over the top right now. To put the cherry on the cake, my web site will be ready by next week. All I will have to do is post the items I want for sale on it. The gal that designed it for me is so nice and so patient with me. The name of the web site will be "Pretty Vintage Things" by Martha's Favorites! The site is beautiful and you will have to go visit just to see her work.

At the same time we are running a Easter Tea Cup Swap. My dear friend Terri has been doing all the work. I just never would have got this all done without her. If you would like to take part. Let me know and I will forward your information over to her. Terri is the angel that is carrying me right now. Please grab the button for your blog. Today marks Tea Cup Tuesday No. 55!

What you are seeing today is a sample of my tea cups. Next week I will show you a sample of my tea pots. I have a lot more than I thought. Again, it is not the Hoarders Show, so rest your pretty little head. It is a show about collectors like me! This is not how my home normally looks! I feel like I have to give you all these disclaimers!

So, I do not have a special cup to show you today, just a lot of them. Here is "Mr Linky". You know what to do with it. Thank you so much for standing with me in this exciting time. Please email me, if you want to be a part of the Easter Tea Cup
Exchange. The top pictures is just something normal in an abnormal post! Blessings, ladies! Martha


Trisha said...

Isn't it funny how we all have to give the disclaimer that we are not hoarders now! I can't wait to hear all about your NBC debut...good luck to you!


Elaine said...

Congratulations...I'm thrilled for you and my gosh what a beautiful collection of tea cups and I know that is just a small part you've shown. Will be checking back soon to see what is going on.

The Charm of Home said...

Congratulations Martha! How exciting, if you know the air date let us know. What a wonderful thing to have them visit. Thanks for hosting!

Terri said...

Martha, I can feel your excitement! I am so happy for you! I hope you have a really good insurance policy (you may need to update it now that you know you have more than you thought!).
All of your cups are gorgeous, of course. I see so many I would love....can I go shopping in your house????
I send you hugs of love,
p.s. I have a bit of an unusual post today too!

Donna@Conghaile Cottage said...

"I am SO Tickled Pink" to know that "YOU" are the special lady they picked!!! I am waiting with my REMOTE for the details. I can hardly wait! Relax and Enjoy, you will be "Fabulous"!!!
Hugs to you,

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Martha,

Congratulations dear friend and I am so happy for you. Your wonderful collections, so needs to be shown off. I hope that we will be able to get the show here in NZ.
Have a fabulous week and good luck with the dusting and the show. You and your teacups are stars!


Rebecca Nelson said...

Eeeek! I can say I knew you when... Please post soon about everything!


The Tablescaper said...

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to hear all of the details.

- The Tablescaper

xinex said...

OMG! This is quite overwhelming. You have so many beautiful teacups. Congrats on being featured and good luck! I know everything will be just fine....Christine

GardenOfDaisies said...

Do you really have 300 different teacups? WOW!! I know you have shown us a lot of really pretty ones, but since we only see a few each week, it's hard to imagine. Can't wait to hear what this NBC thing is about.. You'll have to tell us when you are going to be on tv.

Wendy@Once upon a rose haven said...

Hello Martha,
Congratulations! What a beautiful collection you have. I'm looking foward to future posts.
Have a blessed week! ~*~Wendy~*~


Oh my goodness! What a beautiful collection of tea cups! You seem like you're the kind of lady that will make everything just right, so your debut on TV will be great, cannot wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

This is a real treasure, wonderful!
Big and beautiful collection.
Have a nice Tuesday.

Creative Grammie said...

OMG Martha I'm so excited for you! Please be sure to tell us all the details when you're able so that I can be sure to see this on tv.
From your photos, I can see you have quite a collection.
Also, please let us know when your website is up and running.
Warm hugs...

♥ Miss Tea said...

How exciting!! the NBC TV will come and filming your collections of teacups and your home! I feel like in a wonderland when i look at your collection of teacups, so many!!! how kind is your friend to help to dust them! Congrats on your new website! Blessings, Susan.

ooglebloops said...

Wow!! VERY exciting - when you can "spill the beans" do tell, so we can all watch.!! Will have to drop in and check the teacup swap, drop by for tea if you have time between dustings!!!

ooglebloops said...

Oh, tell Terri I am interested in playing in the Easter teacup swap!

Unknown said...

Oh Martha

I am so happy for you and all these wonderful things couldn't happen to a nicer person. You are beautiful inside and out and your passion is obvious. I am only sorry I won't be able to watch it when it air's.

I have seen so many of your beautiful items over this past year I knew you must have more lol

The web site sounds very intriguing can't wait to see what your going to be selling (I hope I can afford an item or two ;0)

God bless your kind heart and may it all (web TV etc) go smoothly for you.

Love Dawn xx

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

I am so excited for you, Martha! How wonderful to have your treasures featured on TV! I see some very lovely teacups among the group you've shared today. Have a delightful week.


parTea lady said...

This is exciting news. How wonderful that your fabulous collections can now be enjoyed by many more on tv. Congrats!

I'm also looking forward to seeng your new website Pretty Vintage Things.

Trisha said...

Congratulations Martha, greet each day with a prayer and a smile, and enjoy the publicity NBC will bring. Will look forward to seeing the show. Blessings.

Antiques And Teacups said...

How exciting! What NBC program will it be on? Will you let us know when? Congrats on the website!

Kathy said...

Martha I am skipping around my house like a mad fool for your! So happy - please keep us up on the details as you can :)

Awishdream said...

Congratulations! Lucky Lady Please let us know when on exciting. You have such a wonderful array of beautiful Teacups!

sweet violets said...

I am so excited for you.....keep us all posted as you progress!!! Also looking forward to the new website....hugs...cleo

Karie said...

OMGosh, what a beautiful collection of tea cups. Wow! Thank you for hosting this great tea cup party. I look forward to it each week. Hugs, Karie

Simone @ Doberman's by the Sea said...

What an exiting time for you! Enjoy! I'd be interested int he tea cup swap. Cheers

Patti said...

Hello, my sweet friend. How are you doing? I think I told you that I am having problems with my internet filter (Integrity). It is blocking 95% of all photos on Blogger, something it is not supposed to do. Certain sidebar photos remain, but most everyone's post photos won't show I can't see yours. I CAN, however, read your words, and I'm excited about your upcoming TV stint. That is SO neat. How did they hear about you?

I hope you are having a wonderful day.

Love and hugs,

My Cottage Diary said...

Martha, I'm so happy for you! Your collection is splendid and I look forward to hearing all about your stardom! Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog! What an honor! Bess

Terri said...

Hello Martha, I know you are super busy so I am watching your comments for people who want to swap. I have the two above already and I will contact them.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

I am so happy for you, dear friend! This is all so very exciting. Will be happy when you can share more with us. And I'm very glad that you have such sweet friends to help you dust all! Such pretties, sigh.....

Angelic Accents

Claudia said...

Congratulations, Martha!


Concetta said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so excited for you! They could not have picked a more gracious lady or a more magnificent collection!

debi said...

How exciting that you're going to be on TV!! Your teacups are all so beautiful!
I can't wait to see your new site...and I love your new blog look, very elegant!

The Vintage Rose said...

How exciting to be featured on TV, congratulations Martha, I hope all goes well!

KathyB. said...

Congratulations on your upcoming NBC showcase. ( Not 'Hoarders', I know)You are so funny ! I can almost imagine your frantic dusting and polishing in preparation for your moment of fame. Bet you will breathe a sigh of relief and get some sound sleep when this is over, and I also think you will enjoy every moment of sharing your lovely teacups.Thank-you again for hosting this fun passion.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Congrats!!! I am so excited for you!!
It is a conformation that our collections do not make us look crazy!! LOL!!

All of your tea cups are magnificent as i have told you many times!!

Please let us know when it will show so I can DVR it and then when I am watching the segment, I will be sitting there saying, I KNOW Martha!!!


orchid0324 said...

I am a middle-aged Japanese woman who just started blog 2 months ago.
What a lovely blog, I hope you don't mind my following you♡♡♡

karanmi said...

What a wonderful collection you have. I am looking forward to seeing your teapots. That is what I collect. Have just over 100 of them at last count.

Am going to be painting my kitchen this week and need to get them all down and washed. That is a job.

Congrats on the TV appearance. Sounds exciting.

lvroftiques said...

Hi Martha! So glad you found my blog so I could find yours! Congratulations on being featured on the telly! How exciting! And I'm also happy to see that you have a tea cup party! I collect them too and would love to join in! I thought I had a lot of tea cups (Yeppers I'm a serial hoarder...ahem...I mean "collector" too *winks*) So happy to meet another passionate collector. Vanna

Jenny said...

Your collection is so beautiful! When will you know the airing date? I am excited to record it so I don't miss it!

Did I miss a link to the website?

I'm running out to your store right now!

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