Oct 22, 2010


Hello My Pinkies! Hope this week has been good to you. As promised I am going to post more pictures of my new Pink Craft room. I am not quite done yet, but you can see how it is shaping up. Not only is this room a dream come true, but it is a reminder of a new me. As many of you know, this year was filled with one bad thing after another. It felt like there was no end to the awful things that can happen to one family

At the beginning of September, I went to a retreat with my church. Since then I have felt delivered from a depression that I was in and I did not know it until I was out. I am so grateful that God delivered me. Most of my circumstances do remain the same, however, how I deal with them has changed. God has given me a new direction with new hope. So today, I show you my new craft room. I see it as a sign of new things to come for me.

I know this post maybe a bit serious, however, I was thinking about how many other ladies are out there in Blogland, in the same condition I was before and need prayer. I could not even think about them, until I was out of my dark place. So today, along with sharing my dream pink craft room, I am going to ask you to pray for the following ladies in blogland. We do not need to know why they are hurting just that they are. Please take a moment today and lift them to the Lord. He does heal, He still delivers, He still can open up the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing that we cannot contain, He can still move mountains! If you have a prayer request, please email me and I will add you to the list. No details are necessary, if you do not choose to give them. Our Father in Heaven knows what you need.

I have done a post like this a few times and always with over whelming support and prayers. We are a Christian force to be dealt with and our power is in our prayers! We all love beautiful things and love to share them. However, we all know what is really important and it is not things! Have a wonderful week!

Please pray for: My Noah, he is has bronchitis.

Wanda Lee @ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com. Her neighbor's home burnt down.

Anne @http://annesphamily.blogspot.com/. Housing and finances

Terri @http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com/. Healing

Patti @ http://pattiannsblog.blogspot.com/. The Finances needed to move to Florida

Martha for my son Kyle!

I will keep this post up until Monday. Please feel free to email and I will add your name to the list. As we believe together for our miracles. Blessings, Martha


Tara said...

I am so happy to hear you are spiritually in a better place Martha. I think it makes the difficult things in life easier to deal with when not in a fog of depression. God Bless and Happy Pink! Your new craft room is looking great!

Tete said...

So glad that you have found a brighter place to dwell and that God is blessing you beyond measure!
I will keep you in my prayers along with the dear ones in your post. Mountains will be moved and He hears us all when we whisper His name!
Love and Hugs- Tete

Anonymous said...


Kisses and happy weekend.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Miss Martha,
I am so glad that you are feeling better in more ways than one. I know what it is like to go to a dark place and I am rejoicing that you have come back into the light!!
Loving your craft Room!!

My only request is good health for myself and everyone I know and Love because without your health, you have nothing!!

Hugs to you my dear friend!


Susan said...

Lovely, Martha! Just lovely. Sooooo happy you have a new and beautiful room and now, also, have a new and beautiful life! It's true that there is power in the Lord. Also, in our thoughts. Praise Him. Have a peaceful Saturday, dear Martha. Susan

Rebecca Nelson said...

Thinking of you my sweet friend and rejoicing over your deliverance from depression.

Prayers always going up in your behalf.

Love your new room...beautiful.


Char said...

Martha, I am so happy to hear that you are feeling better delivered out of the darkness and into the light.
I think your new room is very uplifting and happy place to create.
So many are suffering these days and in need of help. These are not good times for many. Prayers to all who need them. Continue to stay well sweet Martha and know that you have many friends out here.
Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Claudia said...

Hello Martha,

Your prayerful requests for your friends and family are very powerful, my friend. I'm so happy to hear you have been lifted out of your depression. Your craft room is beautiful - I bet you smile every time you are in there!


Patti said...

The power of prayer is amazing...and so is the power of uplifting, encouraging words. Just reaching out with kind and loving words can do SO much for someone who is hurting.

And through this great big blog world, we have the ability to touch lives that we would otherwise never touch. I mean, how would any of us know one another were it not for blogging.

Thanks so much for your prayers for me. Today is windy, cold, gray, and rainy...typical winter weather here in the Northwest. I can't back to The Sunshine State fast enough.

Oh, I'm so excited about your craft room. I see a little snippet of what looks like a bakers' rack...or is it just a shelf? I'm in love with that.

Have a lovely Saturday.


Denise said...

I want to agree with all my new found sisters/Daughters in Christ.All these needs be met through Jesus Christ our Lord.What ever the need it will be taken care of by our heavenly Daddy.May He be glorifed forever.Amen

Denise said...

Your beautiful new crafting room would sure cheer me up.

Charo said...

So new room is a beautiful place to create, my best wishes for you!


Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Such pretty pinks. Love that happy craft room! I'll be happy to say prayers for sweet little Noah and all the others on your prayer list!

Happy PS!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Rose said...

your craft room looks good. very organized. you have some beautiful items. glad to hear you are feeling better. i think almost everyone gets into a slump. prayer is very important plus telling ourselves we are worth it and we can move on. take care rose

Unknown said...

G'day Martha ~ You just amaze me with the beautiful treasures you have shared with us.

Ask & He will bring you peace ...

Have a wonderful PS week ~
TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon

LV said...

It is just not fair for one person to have so many pretty pinks. I love everything about your post today. The light switch plate is the neatest thing.

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

craft room looking good!
all viewers and followers prayed for regularly at FHC ~ it's what it's there for...
Yeshua is Shalom - completion - nothing missing, lost or broken! - wholeness!
He IS Peace! cultivate His Presence...
everything else is nothing but tools Not treasures...
all blessings to you Martha :)

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Martha,

So pleased to hear that you went away on a Retreat and that you are feeling better.
I will keep your friends and Noah and Kyle in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for showing us your new pink room and I hope that you get many hours of enjoyment here, creating and having fun.

Happy weekend, dear friend
Hugs & blessings

★Carol★ said...

Prayers going out to you and all of those ladies! And how generous of you to be so open about your depression. Your craft room is lovely, and it looks like a great place to get creative!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Carol Mae said...

Love your art studio, looking very nice. Thanks for becomming a follower on my blog. your blog is lovely. Blessings, Carol Mae

Anonymous said...

Beautiful..Thank you for sharing..

Bunnym said...

Proud of you!!! It's not what happens to us in life...it's how we choose to deal with it..and you've chosen very well my friend.



PeregrineBlue said...

your pink room really shows how much effort you have put into it. yes, many good things will come out of it. retreats are miraculous for me too. have been wanting to do one soon but have not found the right location in my area. i was so happy to read this blog post. you are so kind to think of us. times are quite difficult for alot of us right now but with this sisterhood we can all hold hands and pray that they will not last. blessings to you martha and thinking of you and those in need of prayer.

Donnie said...

Love the craft room. Hope Noah feels better by now. Glad I was finally able to get by or I might have missed all of it.. Happy Pink Saturday. Have a blessed week.

L'Adelaide said...

hi martha,
i am not wanting anything from you but wanted to thank you for being a follower of vulture peak muse. :) how exciting, you are also number 100, which is very very special a milepost of sort ,it's taken a long time to get there and thanks to you, i have....and i love your pink day, so many pinks, i adore pink. in all things...xx and thank you againxxxx

Nancy said...

A pink craft room...how inspiring! Still visiting around for PS. Hope you are having a wonderful week.