Jun 27, 2010


Hello Ladies: Welcome to another Tea Cup Tuesday. This is number 18! How time flies when we are having fun. Before I start, I want to thank everyone for your kind words, scolding's, and threats! It worked, I learned my lesson. No more dancing on tables for me. Seriously, I am so grateful for you. The "Mother" in all of you came out. It was so cute. I felt so loved. (You love me even when I act dumb!) God is good! I am feeling better. I can walk without too much pain. That is a good thing. Of course, everything feels great on muscle relaxers and Tylenol with codeine! I have been feeling groovy! I stopped the codeine today. It feels like I can stand it. Tomorrow, I think I will try to get of the relaxers. Thank you for all your prayers!

On Saturday afternoon, I received a package from Marie of http://amomentingrace.blogspot.com/. If you get a chance visit her blog. You will not be disappointed. She is the sweetest lady you can get to know. She sent me a package, for no reason at all. Can you believe that? The first picture shows the great books and the hankies and the spoon and of course the demitasse cup. She put a pink rose candle in the middle of it.
I was so happy to get it, her kindness made me cry. The cup is yellow with a pretty rose print. It is my favorite cup for this week and forever it will remind me of Marie! Thank you Marie! You are the best!

The next cup I would like to share is this angel cup. It is white with a square bottom and a square saucer with a hand painted, matching spoon. It has an ornate, broken loop handle. It is a new cup only about 15 years old. It was hand painted Lois White. This cup was a gift from the ladies at my church. The heart shape pin was one that was made by my sister, Nora for me. It is all vintage.

Cup number 3 is a Belleek, Limpet shape, yellow, tinted cup and saucer. It is a demitasse as well. Very delicate and fragile, what you would expect from a Belleek.

My last cup is not a tea cup at all but a coffee cup. Did I ever tell you I collect Fritz and Floyd? Well, I do. Most of my collection is Christmas stuff. I have a few FF, amazing teapots I will show you around Christmas time. This cup has a fairy shaped handle. It is white porcelain, very cute. I just like how it looks. The cups are all very different than what I usually show you. I hope you do not mind the change. I will be back to my China cups next week.

You know what to do, to join the party, just fill in "Mr Linky". Join early or late just join! Don't forget I still have that give away at the end of the month. Noah is going to pick a name. Tea Cup post number #16 will tell you what you have to do to win the tea cup trio!

I also have a few prayer requests:

Terri my partner in this tea cup party. http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com/

Lady Katherine at http://ladykatherineteaparlor.blogspot.com/

Sandi at http://sandimyyellowdoor.blogspot.com/

Wanda at http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com/

Me! Please!

These ladies are all in need of a physical touch from the Lord! Thank you so much for taking this to His Throne! Blessings, Martha

PS - Hope the music was fun!


xinex said...

You have the most exquisite tea cup sets, Martha. My favorite is the angel one with a rectangular saucer. I am so sorry you got hurt but I am glad you are better...Christine

Betty said...

I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better. That was such a nice and thoughtful gift you received and your cups are all so pretty.


The Charm of Home said...

What beautiful cups! I love the square cup and saucer, how unique. I love the Fitz and Floyd cup also. And, what a sweet friend to send you such a lovely gift. So wonderful. Thank you for hosting.

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hi Martha :) I too am glad to hear you are feeling and doing much better! What a lovely teacup you recieved from Marie, that was so sweet of her :) This week, my favorite cup you have shown is the Angel one...it's so beautiful and so different in it's shape than the usual cup and saucer.

Wishing you a Very Happy Teacup Tuesday my friend! Warmest hugs, Brenda

Beth said...

Hi Martha, Marie is such a sweetheart. I'll bet her package helped you to feel better. I love the cup and book she sent. The angel cup is just darling. You have the best-est cups!!!
Hugs and blessings, Beth

Snap said...

Isn't mail call wonderful?!!! I love surprises in the mail and what a wonderful friend. I'm quite taken with the angel and the square bottom. They are all beautiful! Happy Teacup Tuesday! Get better and stay off tables!!!!!!!!!

Lady Katherine said...

Martha, I am so glad your feeling better! I had to laugh about the medication! For it been my friend for a while! lol Thank You so much for the prayer request, and I shall pray for you and each request! I am off to Doc tomorrow, a little scared, about my tumors. But then all the accidents have not helped things. lol I so love getting things in the mail! How wonderful Marie sent you a lovely Teacup! So, so sweet of her! I know you were so excited! Your cupid cup and saucer, is so lovely! I just adore it! The coffee cup is so pretty! I would love to see how you store all the lovelies! Wishing you better days and lovely Teacups Dreams!

Susan said...

Dear Martha....Oh, I'm so glad you are on the mend. I loved your teacups today. The angel one was, well, heavenly! Hope you enjoy the box of books, also. Susan

paperbutterfly said...

Too hard to pick a favorite this week. I love angels. I think you had at least one taking care of you last week, besides the cute paramedic (wink).
Be patient as you heal.
Blessings, Pam

Charlie said...

You really have some beautiful cups. I think the last one is my favorite, but it's hard to decide. Glad to hear you are better. Have a great week....see you then

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Martha, you sweet thing! See how much you're loved? People like Marie send you presents in the mail just because! I love all your lovely teacups and they are so pretty each one that it's hard to pick a favourite. I'm so glad you're feeling better, and you are so thoughtful to ask for prayer on my behalf too! Thank you so much and take care of yourself. I hope you have a wonderful week.

Blessings and hugs,

Rose said...

glad that you are better. love the tea cup with angels.

sweetjeanette said...

I always love looking at your artful displays of your teacups! (and as always love that bling!)
You might want to come over on Tuesdays to "Prayer Request Tuesdays" on my blog.

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Martha,

I was so happy to hear that you are feeling better, do take care and I hope that you are free from pain. My prayers are with you and the others on your list.
I love all the china you have shared today and what a lovely surprise getting the lovely gifts from Marie.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, dear Martha and I hope that you have a better week.


Bookie said...

Loved seeing it all, even the coffee cup!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Oh Martha, I love your teacups esp the first two.. they are so pretty!

Ro said...

Just love the fairy handle on that FF coffee cup! So whimsical. :) Thanks for hosting again today. I'm really starting to look forward to Tuesdays!!! :D

Vintage Porcelain Art By Amy Enright said...

Hi Martha! So happy to share another Tuesday with you!

BECKY said...

Hi Martha! My goodness, I miss a day or so of blog posts, and so much is happening! You and I have a lot in common....on the "unfortunate" side of things! I, too, am a "faller"! I'm kind of clumsy and bump into things fairly often, and have also taken some falls...but NEVER as serious as yours! I hope you are aaallll better soon! AND, I too, rode in an ambulance once, due to a migraine! Another thing that's not too fun to have in common with someone! :o
Love your teacups...Will try to participate today!

Denise@alloverroses said...

Oh Martha so glad you are feeling better. Shame on you for getting on your table! Everything in life is a lesson isn't it? I do dumb things all the time and pay for it later. What a sweet sweet lady to send you such a beautiful gift. Your second cup is gorgeous. I love cherubs! Enjoyed the music too! Your posts are always wonderful!

Moments of Grace said...

Dearest Martha,
How kind of you to post photos of the little teacup. It just seemed to have your name on it when I looked at it and I wanted you to feel the blessings of the Lord.
And, oh, the angel cup is soooo lovely. I could hardly believe it was handpainted. You do, indeed, have a beautiful collection.
God be with you today, my friend, and send great blessings to you.

In Grace,

Appleshoe said...

Hello Martha- You have such an amazing collection, each one is so unique. I love your Aynsley teacup; Aynsley is among my favorites. Your angel cup is darling with its matching spoon. I'm sorry to hear you were injured but got a smile out of your song choice "Go Ask Alice". On bad days when my Ehlers is acting up I often listen to this song as well. Take care.

parTea lady said...

That was a lovely and thoughtful gift from Marie. Your teacups today are beautiful. I really like the angel cup with the matching spoon. Seeing all the pretty jewelry was great too.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Thank you for inviting me to your Tea Cup Tuesday! I have posted my yellow depression glass tea table.

You have the most beautiful collection of tea time things! I really like the little angel tea cup and saucer!


Wanda Lee said...

Dearest sweet lady Martha,

As always, this is just delightful, or perhaps I should say;'Tea-lightful'!..,Hehe

I especially love the angel teacup and saucer!

I hope you are feeling better my dear!~ Take care and I will gladly pray for our dear friends in need!~ (I have been feeling run down, much like last summer, so your prayers would be much appreciated as well Martha)!

Please feel most welcome to pop by and also partake with this my 37th,'Tuesday Tea For Two'; I'd love 'to share some tea and cake with you dear Martha!

Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Dear Martha what lovely cups, so beautiful! It cheers me up just looking at the pictures. How sweet is that Lady Marie for sending you those wonderful things. The blog world is just filled wit the most wonderful ladies and I hope I get the chance to know you all better as time goes by!
P.S. I love "White Rabbit" on your playlist!!
Tina xo

Victoria said...

Martha..what wonderful tea sets..and dazzling jewelery....I want them all! Gorgeous post..i am dazzled by it all..they are all beautiful! I love that big necklace so much!
Wonderful! Hope you feel better soon!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You are truly blessed with wonderful blogging friends. How sweet of Marie to send you this beautiful cup. Of course, my favorite is the square one with the ornate handle and matching spoon. Love the detail on it. Happy Tea Cup Tuesday to you, dear friend.

Eileen said...

Hi Martha ~ I am glad you are feeling a little better. Tylenol with codeine is good stuff. LOL I just LOVE the tea cups with the jewels - beautiful! At your suggestion, I am joining you for the first time. I will keep everyone in my prayers.

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Hi Martha,

Hope you are doing better sweetie! I love the picture on that tea book!!! I was wondering if you could please tell me what the book is about. I would like to purchase one. The angelic tea cup is beautiful. I have never seen anything like that. thanks for sharing your pretties today!


Anonymous said...

Martha, these are all so unusual! Love the squared saucer!

Bunnym said...

You beat me to the punch. When you said you were feelin' groovy...that song came into my head...lol Glad your feeling better and yes...we all love you.


Patti said...

What a gracious and generous friend to send you such a lovely gift. I think no-reason gifts are the nicest kind.

I love the cherub teacup. I don't have any square teacups and saucers; in fact, I haven't even seen all that many. It's very pretty and unique.

Glad you're feeling better. Again, thanks for being such a warm and gracious hostess.


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I really must join Teacup Tuesday! What a nice "meme" this is! Your display is lovely. Also I do love your header and background. I wonder why?? :):) Lovely. Just lovely! Very patriotic!

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Hi Martha!
I love how you incorporate those lovely jewelry pieces with your teacups!! So so pretty!! I love your teacups...always fun to stop by! Take care of yourself!! Happy Fourth! Hugs! P.S. I too like your background!

Unknown said...

Beautiful tea cups!

bj said...

Thanks so much for the invitation to join you on Tea Cup Tuesday. The reason I've not joined you before is that I thought I had to show only tea cups each time. As i only have ONE REAL teacup, I didn't feel I could join you.

Your cups are just beautiful...especially love the angel one.
xo bj

Jacoba said...

Dear Martha,
My goodness!, how unfortunate you have been and in such agony with your headache and the remaining pain of your fall. I most certainly will pray for you and the friends you listed, may you all be in good shape again soon!
The reverse side of your story is that I just love your humourous style of writing and describing things.
Your cups are wonderful and I am learning a lot here on china (and the rest). I never knew what a 'demitasse' was, although I understand the word as such.
I do not know which one to choose as my favourite: the angel with the spoon is extraordinary, the coffee cup is also so nice, but I am attracted to the lovely floral pattern just the same.
How wonderful to have a such a collection!
Have a nice day and do look after yourself.

Sonny G said...

Hi Martha..
thank you for hosting this tea party and for visiting me and leaving such a sweet comment.
I finally learned how to add a link so hopefully i can party with you more often.

hugs and happy 4th to you and yours

BECKY said...

Hi Martha! I'm checking back on my blog buddies today, now that I can concentrate a little better. My son, Scott, is safely back home!! Yay! Just wanted to say I love your play list. I love seeing what kinds of music others enjoy. I have about 8 different play lists and change them around, according to my mood. You have a lot of the same ones as I do, on a couple of mine! Have a wonderful July 1st!

Tara said...

Always such beautiful tea cups. I hope you're doing better sweetie after your fall. It sounded like you took quite a hit. Have a Happy 4th of July and give Noah extra kisses!

laurie said...

what beautiful cups and saucers you have! i would love to sit down and join you for tea some afternoon. :-)

thanks for stopping by my blog. i have been on vacation for a couple weeks but am back now and ready to get back to real life and blogging!

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