May 3, 2010


I had a very peaceful weekend thanks to all your prayers. Things have not changed, regarding my Identity Theft, but I have changed. I think I finally managed to give it to God. It only took me 2 weeks, but who's counting? I know He isn't! Thank you for letting me vent for those 2 weeks, I do believe all your prayers have helped me. I am still broke, but I have peace at least. Please keep praying, thank you.

Now on to the cups! The first cup is my favorite of this group. It is a Royal Chelsea English Bone China. The pinks and the gold leaves are so vivid. It is an off white and I have had it forever. The pictures do not do it justice. It looks like the leaves were hand painted in gold, stunning! The next one simply reads, Bone China 22 KT Gold, Made in England. I don't remember how or when I got this cup either. I have collected cups for about 20 years (not as long as some of my other collections). I just love how this cup looks almost striped. The next one is a Franciscan. You usually think about Franciscan as pottery, but is one is bone china and the pattern is called "Melrose". It is very creamy and delicate. It almost has the feel of Flintridge China, if you are familiar with that name. The last one is very special to me. It is by Porcelain Treasures. It was given to me by my daughter, Monique, years ago. I don't even think she would remember she gave it to me. Monique is my modern style daughter. Monique loves clean lines and things that are very hip. She really does not care for all this vintage stuff, so it was a big deal that she picked out something so opposite of her, just to please Mom. She always teases me about have a giant estate sale when I die and selling it all! My other daughter Vanessa will keep it all and my son Kyle. He just does not care. All he wants to make him happy is less plants! Back to the tea cup, notice the cute pedestal feet. I take extra care of this cup. It is of great value to me. I rarely use it and have in my china cabinet.

A few of you ladies have asked me how I store my cups. Well, here is where we have a problem. I have 6 china cabinets where I try to keep things in order by colors. Items that are used only for special months, I have stored in my basement. I do know I need therapy for this, but at this point in my life why bother?

So, here we are our 10th Tea Cup Tuesday! Remember all you have to do is fill in "Mr. Linky" and it will do the rest. Invite your friends, let see how many cups we can look at this week. Have a wonderful week. Do not forget to visit and pray for Terri my partner in this adventure. God Bless you always, Martha


Victoria said...

Hi Martha...yay..these cups are exquisite...super gorgeous..I wish i could taste tea in those!! Love them! It is so fun seeing new ones each week! hooray! And I am happy you are feeling better...yay!! Wishing you well and many blessings on your journey!
Happy Tea

Bunnym said...

The creamy one with the tea pot is just so elegant looking...I think of all your tea cups so far...this one by far is my favorite. Martha, so glad you had a wonderful weekend...hope it continues right through the week. My pics should be up later tonight...

love ya,

Terri said...

HI Martha,
Your china is always so gorgeous. I just love all your pink cups! Each and everyone is special.
I am glad that you feel better about the identity theft issue. I am just glad you feel better period!
Hugs to you,

Rita said...

Dear Martha,
your cups are gorgeous. went to a fleamarket yesterday in the hope to find something that could at least be up to the important teacup tuesday appointment but unfortunately came home empty -handed. nothing that could compete with your treasure. I couldn't tell which one I love best as they are so unique and one of a kind. you are by far the person I know with more china teacups. I'm a little jealous for as much as I love china teacups it's not so easy to find nice and precious ones at antique martket at reasonable prices. UK imported china is always so expensive*sigh* . sorry about being jealous... no offence meant LOL.
have a goood week

joey Ledlie said...

What lovely tea cups Martha. I don't have any pretty ones because I don't trust myself with them. Every time I have a pretty china something, I break it.So now i look and enjoy. Big hugs, joey

LuLu Kellogg said...

Dearest Martha~
Love the teacups...especially the little footed ones!
I was so sorry to read about your identity theft...I am sending love and prayers your way.


Charo said...

Hello Marta you have a wonderful collection of teacup. Love then all.


Lynn-Teacupstitches said...

Oh Martha you outdo yourself every week with your teacup choices! I love them all but have to admit that your daughters gift is one of the prettiest I've ever seen EVER!
My camera battery zonked and will no longer charge so I am incognito this week :-(
My last post has a cabinet with some teacups in it if that counts :-))
Thanks for sharing!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Martha,
Your teacups are lovely; especially love the first one! The footed one is sweet too; I love unique. Thanks for sharing and I wish you a carefree week with no worries.


Natasha in Oz said...

Another beautiful selection of tea cups! I wish I had a collection like yours!

Thank you for having me again and best wishes for a lovely week,

Victorian1885 said...

Wonderful tea cups Martha! I was excited to post my first Tea Cup Tuesday..thankyou!

Take care..


Patricia said...

The cups are just beautiful. I especially love your cup with legs. I will have to hunt for some of these or just keep them in mind when on a tea cup search. I am so glad you are doing better - the power of prayer is always amazing. Have a wonderful new week.

Susan said...

Dear Martha...I can't believe how gorgeous your cups look. Just awesome. I'd like to see some photos of our china cabinets, Martha. WOW. Your house must be huge. Your collections are just fabulous.

Martha, will keep the prayers coming. I'm so glad you have been able to surrender to the Lord. HE WILL HELP YOU. HE WILL NEVER ABANDON YOU.

I'm going to go post my teacup now! Thanks to you and Terri for doing this fun weekly event. Sincerely, Susan

Susan said...

p.s. Love your new header and background. Precious! Sincerely, Susan

Denise@alloverroses said...

Martha, you have the most beautiful tea cups! I look forward to see your selection each week! Your pictures are always lovely!

Anonymous said...

that broken glass sound...made me remember one of my last tea cup tuesay endeavours! yikes! lol

I absolutely adore the second cup! it's is such a gorgeous cup!!!!! i want it! hehe

ciao bella
creative carmelina

Lorna ~ Lace and Ivy Cottage said...

Hi Martha,
Your teacups are gorgeous. Though I don't have a collection as extensive as yours, I think my kids will sell all of mine at yard sale when I'm gone too!LOL

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Gasp, MORE pretty teacups!!! Martha, I love the last one best! And that pretty butterfly pin is something else, too! Beautiful!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Sonia said...

Thanks for your sweet visit! I love your blog and enjoy your posts and tea parties!

Have a great week!

Miss Bloomers

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Martha,

You have the best collection of china and love them all. Interesting that you have 6 china cabinets, and I was wondering about that too.
Sending more love and prayers to you and that you have a great week.


Pellie / Penny said...

Martha Dear,
I love your tea cups, you have such a wonderful collection and you do a marvelous job taking the pictures.
This is my first time here to join - hope to keep joining you in the future.

{oc cottage} said...

You do have THE prettiest teacups!!!!

m ^..^

BECKY said...

Hello Martha! I'm arriving via Susan's (Writing Straight from the Heart) beautiful blog! I don't think I've joined your Tea Cup Tuesday yet, so hopefully I will do it correctly. Thanks!

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Hello Martha!
Love all your teacups! I was actually starting to wonder where you keep them all... but you explained that in your post! Sigh.... I know what you mean about estate sale comment from your daughter! Ha! My daughter teases me with the same comment! Although deep down inside I know she would keep every one of my teacups! Have a great week! Hugs!

Kissed by an Angel said...

Hi dear Martha, I am so pleased that YOU are feeling better this week!!! I love all of these tea cups, they are just so pretty!!!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I am so glad that you are felling better about this whole ordeal! I learned after having cancer to "kiss it up to God and what will be, will be!"
I do have to say that you make me smile and laugh when you talk about your collections! The therapy remark had me rolling!
6 cabinets!! Wowza!! I think there should be a new party showcasing collections???
I am a nut over holiday decorating in case you haven't noticed!! I am actually relieved that the major holidays are over for awhile.
Now on to your tea cups!! Mamma Mia!! I absolutely love all of them!! We have the same taste , for sure!!
I have an older neighbor that told me that I better pray that my sons marry girls that like the things that I have in my house.
I have actually started to make a list of things that are worth a bit of money so they don't sell them at my estate sale for a quarter!!
Hugs to you,

Theresa said...

Dear Martha, So glad that you are feeling better despite the situation. I have to say those are the most lovely cups. I couldn't choose a favorite this week~ They are just to gorgeous for words~ Have a lovely week,Theresa
Ps. stop by the art blog for a giveaway, all you have to do is comment,I think you will like the gifts :)

Charlie said...

I love your teacups! This is my first week to participate. Not sure if I did it right.
So sorry to hear about the identity theft. How awful. Now my problem doesn't seem quite so bad.
You are in my prayers.

Cass @ That Old House said...

What wonderful tea cups. I LOVE rose printed china so these little guys really caught my eye, and my heart. Beautiful.
And I bow down to you as the Queen of China Cabinets ... I only have 3 and now am feeling quite deprived!
thanks for hosting... Cass

Tara said...

They are all so pretty, but that last cup is beautiful. I am glad to hear you are in a better state about this whole identity theft. I think I would be going crazy. You may want to start stashing your money under your mattress, LOL! But in this day in age that's not safe either. Keep the faith Martha!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Your teacups continue to amaze with their beauty! They are sooooo pretty. Glad you are feeling better about the identity theft, not easy but much better to give it to God.

Beansieleigh said...

Hi Martha!.. I have just GOT to find myself a cup with four feet on it like the one you have here today! Love the pretty design on the second cup too! ~tina

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh, everyone of them are stunning. So pretty. I just kept thinking each one was my favorite. They are all so special. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

paperbutterfly said...

Hi Martha,
I am glad you have a sense of peace this week. God knows your needs and situation and will see you through.

Lovely can one pick a favoritea?


Susan said...

Hello Dear Martha...First of all, just loved all your cups. I sent a comment when I signed up for Tea Cup Tuesday but today, when I went to your blog,I was not listed! I do NOT know what happened, Martha. In any event, I signed up again, as I feel that it's better late than never.

Take care, Martha. You remain in my prayers. Sincerely, Susan

Suburban Girl said...

6 china my husband calls me an addict! My addiction is to transferware and windsor chairs. He asks how many chairs do I really need and I say one for each place setting! :) I've got a lot of chairs left to buy!

Gypsy Purple said...

How absolutely lovely!!

Unknown said...

So happy to have found your Tea Cup Tuesday Event which I have added to my blog. Will be back often. I am now a "Follower".Love your blog. Stop by and visit soon. Click the "Follow" button if you like what you see

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hi Martha, your blog background is so very pretty! And your teacups always gorgeous. So glad to hear that you've made peace with what has happened. I am a dweller, but in all honesty, we certainly should let go of things we have no control over. As they say, Let Go and Let God ... you can only go through the proper channels to set things straight. Wishing you all the best as you look to the future. Best wishes, Tammy

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Your teacups are just lovely. Have a wonderful day!

Cottage Rose said...

Hello Martha; I just love your blog,,, I found you at Jillian's,,,, your tea cups are just beautiful. I love them too,, I do collect them and tea pots,,, but don't have as many as you,,,,,, but with some work I will... hehe I will be by again....


Lady Katherine said...

How lovely your Tea cups are! Love the Teapot too! No, therapy! When you enjoy something I say go for it strongly, as you have with 3 China cabinets full! Now when you tire of a cup let me know! lol My daughters are putting there names on things so when I die they plan to sell, most. lol
I keep telling them I am not dead yet. lol
Hope you are feeling better, I know you are going through a terrible time, but hang in there and enjoy your cups! Lady Katherine at Tea Time Tuesday.

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