Jun 13, 2016


Hello Ladies:  Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 310!  This week started out so normal, then the weekend changed all that.  I attended a baby shower for a dear friend, grandchildren spending the night, a little rain (in Los Angeles, it is know as Storm Watch.) Then across the country in Florida, we hear the unthinkable. Young people killed, parents waiting to hear if their child is dead or alive.  How do you live through that? My first thought is to take my entire family and bring them home to keep them safe.  However, I know I can't do that.  What can I do to guard my little grandchildren?  I can pray!  I can pray for the mothers and fathers, who await the news that their children are among the dead. What can we do?  We can pray!  We serve a great God, who hears our hearts and sees our tears.  We can ask for mercy and forgiveness, even when that is not our first thought or desire.  So I add my  prayers to the thousands, that the Lord will heal our land. 

This week also began the long sad journey of removing the dead Sycamore.  My backyard will never be the same.  It is about 1/2 down, very proud of Kyle, he has managed this very hard chore. Here is a picture of him doing a hard job for his mother.  

 I have to share a funny story before I show you a tea cup or two.  My little granddaughter was over and noticed the extremely large ants I placed on the coffee table for fun.  I wish I could have taken her picture, when she noticed them.  She thought they were real.  I thought her little eyes where going to pop out of her head.

This beauty is an Aynsley.  Look at that lovely Red, White  and Blue Crown Pin, love it!

This cup is from Germany, US Zone.  That little heart pin was made by me too!  Thanks for joining me this week.  Please feel free to share what ever you want us to see.  Here are the parties I will be joining this week. 

Teatime Tuesday - Tuesday Cuppa Tea - Friends Sharing Tea - Share Your Cup Thursday - Inspire Me Monday- No Place Like Home - Share Your Cup Thursday at Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olsen - The Charm of a Home - Tea in Texas - Thelma's Days - Bella's Rosas Antiques - Friends Sharing Tea at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog

Hugs, Martha


Mimi said...

Hello Martha. I don't often think I have something suitable to share with you, but here I am this week and I hope what I've linked fits with your theme. I too am saddened by events in Florida. I agree that all you want to do is hide your babies and keep them safe. It's too sad for words. Mimi xxx


Oh my goodness, how terribly sad the tragic shooting again, once more, for the killing of 50 Americans by people that hate the USA.
My prayers are going for the families.
Beautiful post as usual.
Hope all is well with yours dear Martha.
Have a lovely week.
PS: I guess the tree had to come down.

Margie said...

I was also deeply shocked and saddened by all the lives lost in the Orlando tragedy.

Your teacups are lovely as usual. My eyes would have bugged out too if I saw your red ants in person. Every spring, my front porch gets invaded by crawling ants who are attracted to my peonies. Sigh.

Thank you for hosting and enjoy the rest of the week.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

My heart too goes out to those families in Orlando. Such a terrible tragedy! Our prayers have been added to the many going up.


Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Loved what you had to say about prayer, it is so true and we need to not just ask for those things but truly believe and trust that God can do what we ask. Your red, white and blue vignettes with the ants is so cute! And the story to go along with it is too.
Have a wonderful week,

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Yes, Martha, we can pray for the families that lost loved ones and we can pray for our country. Bless you for reminding us to do that.
Thank goodness for your son in helping you out with the tree. Hopefully you won't be saddened for its loss for too long. How cute of your granddaughter! Those kids keep us smiling, don't they?
Thanks for hosting, Martha, and have a lovely and prayerful week!

Terri said...

Hello Martha,
I am so glad to see you here tonight. I too, am grieving for all those lost lives and for the families missing their loved ones. My heart goes out to all these families.
I am so glad Kyle was able to help you. It is sad to take a tree down, but sometimes it is needed.
Your blue Aynsley is gorgeous and the other tea cup too a traditional beauty.
Thank you for hosting Tea Cup Tuesday!

Daniela said...

I so love to come and visit you here, dear Martha, with your goodies you always make my day, sweet friend !

I feel a little sad for your old Sycamore, I also am so very fond of our very old trees, my heart belongs to them, I know how you feel dearie, but you made me laugh while reading the little story about your grandaughter ... actually, I also would feel such a fear looking at so big red ants !

Thanks most sincerely for hosting your so delightful party every week, I'm sending blessings of joy across the miles, with much gratitude

Xx Daniela

Johanna Gehrlein said...

Dear Martha,
what is going on with such people, who kill others around the world? I am very sad about the terrorism everywhere. You are right, praying is one of the possibilities. An to enjoy the own life as long as we have it.
Thank you for hosting the party. Your cups are lovely as everytime. Cute story about your granddaughter and the ants. :-))
Best greetings, Johanna

Two Cottages And Tea said...

Beautiful teacups, Martha! Your story about your granddaughter sure is cute! Yes we all need to pray! Have a good week and thanks for hosting!
Hugs, Nancy

Karen said...

Hi Martha,
I am so saddened by another shooting and I am praying. Your kind prayers are always uplifting for everyone Dear Martha. The ants have made me smile today and your teacup is very lovely. I'm glad your son is helping you with the tree cutting - I could never be that high on a ladder. Happy Teacup Tuesday! Thank you for hosting! Blessings, Karen

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You have lovely tea things.

There are such heartbreaking acts happening everyday. Such grief.

Thankful for Grace said...

Before we moved to Idaho, the greater Orlando area was our home. We have been in downtown Orlando many times and have probably even driven by the club.

The ugliness of our world can make people wonder about bringing a child into this world, but as I said to someone the other day, "If good people stop having babies, we really are abandoning our world to cruel people."

Your Aynsly teacup is so very beautiful. I love it. Also, love your "bling."

Thank you for stopping by my new blog and for your sweet comment. I'm glad to know you still think of me and pray for me. I am doing very well. I've come to the place of embracing where I live, and I am no longer itching to move back to Florida. I'm even dealing with cold weather better, thanks to the hot flashes that accompany this season of life.

I hope all is well with you. Shoot me an email anytime. I'd love to hear from you.

Love and hugs,

janice15 said...

I guess it's a moms natural instinct to want to protect, but your right we can stop everything. Do I wish we could as I'm sure you do. It is horribly sad when these things happen and I can not even imagine the fear and pain. I too pray for each and everyone it truly saddens my heart to know these things have to happen. Your tea cups are lovely as always I love them both. Have a blessed evening dearest Martha. God bless with love Janice

The Charm of Home said...

What a beautiful Ansley teacup Martha. Thanks for hosting!

Susan said...

Hello Dear Martha...I can just imagine your granddaughter's eyes when she saw those whopper ants! Wowsers. I feel like you do regarding the events in Florida. Our world is a sad place. Susan

Antiques And Teacups said...

Hi Martha...well you have had a fun week! Lol! But a wonderful teacup collection anyway! Hope this next week is better...and calmer for you!

Bernideen said...

Dear Martha:
Wow - that was an amazing job Kyle did and saved you a ton of money too! I love your teacups this week and each photo is a delight for the eyes. Thanks for sharing and linking.

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