Dec 29, 2014


Hello Ladies and welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 252, our last Tea Party of 2014!  Hope your Christmas holidays were wonderful.  For our family, it was the best we have had in years.  My son has shown so much improvement, my husband was well and the girls and grandchildren were amazing. Some of us ended the week with bad colds, other than that, God was so good to us.  We have so much to be grateful for.

Now I face the chore of removing the Christmas items.  I chore I do not like.  Things look so empty when Christmas is put away.  It always gets me in the mood to clean (I hate that mood!).  We do what we must.  I will start this week.   I realized I never showed you my Christmas Tree, so you get to see that today.  I used crystal punch cups, decorated with Christmas Pins as well as vintage ornaments collected over the years. I will also share some Christmas cups and mugs before they all get put away another year.  I feel good that I may have added less than I gave away as far as Christmas decor.  Always a good feeling for someone who others, not me, consider I have a little too much stuff. 

I will start with this very vintage Christmas mug.  It is German and I just love to decorate with it at Christmas.  I don't let people use it because, it is old and I don't want anything to happen to it. 

The next cup is fairly new, it is a Mikasa. Holly is always perfect for Christmas cups. 

This last cup is a small set, called "A Cup of Christmas Tea." It has the Teapot to match. 
I am also including some Christmas memories made this year.  

Thank you for your continued prayers for Terri and her son.  Wishing you a safe and wonderful New Year!  Hugs, Martha


kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Hi Martha,
What a lovely Christmas tree you have! I love your vintage mug, your Holly teacup and your Christmas teacup. Your family looks like they had a wonderful time at your house! Happy New Year's hugs are sent to you, my friend.

Antiques And Teacups said...

Hi Martha. So glad it was a good Christmas for your family! It does look bare when Christmas is gone, doesn't it? Love your little helper! We always did gingerbread houses with our year when we had gotten a new puppy, my son did a dog house! Thanks for hosting. Happy New Year!

Carrie said...

Hi Martha! It looks like your family had a wonderful time visiting--that PJs picture is great! You have such a pretty tree and your teacups (with their pretty Christmas pins) were pretty and festive (a great combo!). Thanks so much for hosting this past year. Happy New Years!

Terri said...

Lovely post Martha! You and your family look wonderful. I am so glad you had a great holiday. Your tree is amazing. I wouldn't want to take it down yet!

Deborah Montgomery said...

So glad it was a happy holiday for you Martha, and that your son is doing so much better. Your tree is gorgeous, very unique and beautiful. You made me laugh about getting in the mood to clean and (I hate that mood!). Me, too!
Your grands look like they're having a wonderful time with the gingerbread house.
I'd love to take a tour of your house and see all that stuff that people think you have too much of. It would be great fun.

Millie said...

I love the idea of the jewelry along side the china. Your tree looks very lovely too

Parsimonious Décor Darling said...

Love all the sparkle and shimmer! Your grands are darling! :)

Micupoftea said...

Hello! Thank you for hosting- love everybody in the pajamas- so much fun! Your photos are wonderful and your tree is gorgeous :)
Happy 2015!

Johanna Gehrlein said...

Hi Martha,
you had certainly a wonderufl Christmas time with your family. Looks like much fun. I also hate to emove the Christmas decoration. But the cats removed lots of my tree decoration already. LOL Thank you for sharing this nice fotos and for hosting this sweet event. Have a blessed and Happy New Year.
Best greetings, Johanna

MomWaldsPlace said...

I love Holly all winter long. Happy New Year!

Tea in the Library said...

Thank you for sharing your decorations. Beautiful tree! Looks like a happy Christmas indeed! This is my favorite time. The work is over, the gatherings have dwindled and I can relax and enjoy my decorations without thinking about what I 'should' be doing. Best wishes for a blessed New Year Martha dear.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Martha,
I'm so glad you and your family enjoyed your Christmas! I love the Cup of Christmas Tea set; beautiful! I took my tree down yesterday, the first time ever before New Years. Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy and Healthy New Year.


Susan said...

Hello Dear Martha....Oh, what lovely memories you and your sweet family made. And I loved the photos. (But I want to see ALL of your tree! It looks so beautiful!)

It was wonderful here, too, and if you read today's post, you will see my best Christmas present ever!

Many blessings to you and all your family for 2015, Martha. The prayers for your handsome boy will continue! Hugs. Susan

Beth in NEPA said...

I enjoyed seeing all of your family enjoying Christmas. I want to wish you all the VERY best in 2015.

Karen said...

Hi Martha,
All of your Christmas teacups are so lovely and isn't is sad to store them away for another year? I am so happy to hear your family is improving. What a sweet pic of you all in your pj's! Such a happy looking family! Happy New Year Dear Friend! I look forward to our friendship and Tea Times in 2015! Karen

The Quintessential Magpie said...

You have some mighty cute helpers there, Martha!

And I agree with you about things looking empty when Christmas comes down. Some day, when get to Heaven, there will be no empty corners. I can't imagine the bounty and the beauty! :-)

Speaking of which, you have a lovely tree, and that chihauhau ornament is darling!

As to yourrequest, I just prayed for your son and for your friend's child as well. Hope to. Hear a praise report!

May you and your have a wonderfully blessed New Year!



Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Very festive at your home Martha, and I'm glad everyone was well enough to enjoy Christmas.
Love the helpers you had for making the gingerbread house, they look quite intent on what they're doing.
All the best for 2015!

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Dear Martha, It is always such fun to see your holiday decor - all year, you always are so festive!

I love the family photo- all those sweet and happy faces! Thanks for a whole year of hosting a wonderful linky party. Good health and happiness to you and yours in this coming New Year. God bless! Hugs, Michele

Amy at love made my home said...

I hope that your New Year will be wonderful! Best wishes for all good things in 2015 to you and yours! xx

The Charm of Home said...

Your tree is beautiful! Have a Happy New Year!

janice15 said...

A lovely post, lovely tree.. I wish you the best New Year to come.. with love Janice

Edith DUTERTRE said...

un très beau travail d'équipe
tout est splendide
edith (iris) France

Christina Paul said...

What a delightful post and a lovely family! (Love the leopard pj's and your kitchen helpers are so cute! All the best for 2015!

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