Jan 27, 2014


Hello ladies and welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 202!  I notice a lot of my friends joined the "Grow Your Blog" party this weekend.  There are an amazing amount of new bloggers  out there.  A lot of the new ladies are quilters.  It will be fun to keep up with some of your amazing designs.  I used to quilt at one time so long ago, but this "old gray mare's eyes" are not what they use to be.  Now, I just enjoy the beauty of these blankets.  My sister is the quilter in the family.  Quick up dates on my tests.  I am going to live!  Just need to take magnesium, my body is lacking it.  To be honest, the heart issues stopped one week after starting on the pills.  I am thankful for your prayers.  My Sophia is still very sick.  Please keep praying for her and her Mama, she needs rest too!

It was fun posting twice last week, I really want to keep doing that. I would like  to share more collections and crafts. I do have a very bad migraine today, so if I am not typing in English you will know why. This week, I am going to start sharing some pink tea cups.  It is time to change things around my home to pinks (next week).  I have so many tea cups in pink, I am going to try to get some kind of a system so you can see them all and I don't repeat myself.  I forget which ones I have shared and which ones you have never seen.  I am a piece of work, wish me luck!  

Cup No.1 is this lovely vintage Lefton cup. It was given to me by my best friend.  It was her Mama's.  Love the pedestal base.  It is so funny, I can remember any gift, anyone has ever given me and for what, but birth dates, nothing.  Drives my children crazy. I am into confessing bad habits today, must be the head ache!

Look at this lovely Taylor & Kent from England.  This cup is amazing close up. My pictures do not do it justice. 

The last cup for this week is a Shelley from England.  These cups are always amazing.  I was looking on Ebay at Shelley tea cups, (I did not buy any) and they had a Shelly tea cup for $5,000.  I have never seen one that expensive. It was stunning, of course. How could you possibly explain that expense?

We have a winner of the tea cup.  Drum roll please . . . The winner is Kathryn Ross at http://www.thewritersreverie.com/.  Congratulations, Kathryn, send me an email with your mailing information and your cup will be on it's way!  Kathryn is an amazing lady.  Stop by and see her, you will not be disappointed.

Have to show you this fun picture of Noah.  Dad text me and said Noah had found his first chest hair and was celebrating.  It turn out to be a ink stain, but just look at that face! Ah, to be a child again!  Don't forget to visit Terri, she always has some stunning cup we have never seen before to share.  

Sending hugs your way!   Martha


Terri said...

Hello Martha, I am sorry to hear that you had a migraine today! I hope you are on the mend for sure by now. I am also sorry to hear Sophia is still sick. I didn't realize. I will keep her in my prayers.
Your tea cups are lovely! You are sharing a Shelley too, close to one of the ones I am sharing today as well. I just love yours with the mint handle! Swoon!
Noah...lol! What a hoot that guy is!
I am so glad your heart will be o.k. now that you know you need magnesium. Yay!

Unknown said...

Feel better Martha, nice to see your post:)
Have a great week and take care of yourself.
It is nice to see some of the old time things coming back, like quilting, knitting and embroidery. With so much traffic in the cyber world and digital art it is nice to view the old handmade from back in the day come around again:)
Hugs and love, Marilou

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: I pray for your Sophia. Big collection of tea cups. Keep in touch

Sami said...

Beautiful collection of tea cups. Hope you feel better soon.

Bookie said...

Glad at least that you are feeling better and maybe Sophia will follow soon. Your tea cups are pretty but I esp. like the scenes with white pots. White is restful...lovely.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Lovely teacups, Martha. I'm happy to hear you are alright but the migraine isn't fun. I used to have those years ago. Congratulations to Kathryn! Thank you for sharing and take care.


Johanna Gehrlein said...

Dear Martha,
I hope your little Sophia feels better soon. Your tea cups are all amazing. And all of your pretty things, too. Love the creamwhite ladies. Congratulation to Kathy for winning the give away. And to Noah for the first chest hair. Whow,he is already a young man.
Best greetings, Johanna

sew.darn.quilt said...

Your tea cups are extraordinary, so beautiful. I am wishing Sophia a speedy recovery and hope all is much better with you as well.

Karen said...

Hi Martha,
All of your teacups are lovely today. I love the first one with the pedestal base. I must look for that teacup for $5000 on ebay. That is amazing. Maybe some of our teacups from our collections will be worth that some day. Lol. I will pray for little Sophia and her mom and you too! I hope your headache leaves soon. Take care,

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

Loveliness, Martha - ty for sharing more of your amazing collections..
My mom has passed away so there's been a long absence from blogging for me - tucking into it again now & enjoying the teatime posts..

Enjoy changing up your home and teacups! probably a good thing for breaking up this lonnnng winter =)

xinex said...

Another se of beautiful collection, Martha. Thanks for sharing. Noah is so cute and I hope Sophia gets better soon. I just said a prayer for her. It is so funny cause when my daughter was 5 and she had diarrhea, she screamed and called me to the bathroom and said she just had her period, lol...Christine

Tea in Texas said...

What a pretty collection of cups and saucers this week! The wonderful Shelley is my favorite. You and Martha are on the same wave link with the Shelley. This company produced some of the thinest bone china and most elegant. Thanks for hosting this party and sharing!


Cynthia said...

Congratulations to Kathryn on winning. She has a lovely blog that I enjoy reading. Glad to hear that your health is improving, Martha, and that the magnesium is working. You have such a wonderful sense of humor, even when you're telling tales on yourself. It brightens my day to read your posts. And the tea cups are always lovely. Hey! You and Terri showed the same cup.

Jann said...

Love your beautiful teacups!

Jocelyn said...

Your tea cups are beautiful, although my favorite is Taylor and Kent. Thanks for sharing so much beauty.

Jocelyn @ http://justalittlesouthernhospitality.blogspot.com/

Miss Kathy said...

Well, Martha - you can knock me over with a feather! My eyes bugged out when I saw that I WON!! How delightful and warming on this frigid day. I think my feet are thawing at the thought! Thank you sooo much! I look forward to receiving it and featuring it in a future post! I may even take a leaf out of your book and show it off with some vintage jewelry to honor you! Be ye blessed and healed of that head ache! Also - an Epsom Salt bath is great for magnesium levels!

Dee said...

LOL about the chest hair on your grandson...the look on his face is priceless. Congratulations to kathryn for winning your contest. Your photo's today are lovely and your collection is fabulous.

The Charm of Home said...

Hi Martha,
Prayers to your little Sophie. It is so hard to see a little one suffer. Congrats to the winner! Thank you for hosting and I hope you get to feeling better.

Veronica Roth said...

Hi Martha, I've been away from my usual places lately and missed the updates. I'm so glad you'll be fine and am sending Sophie much love and comfort to see her thru her illness. You know, my mom swears by magnesium for heart health and she's a Dr so might know what she's talking about. Love all the pinkness in these cups and also the sparkly jewellery. I brought a vintage necklace for C. It's a simple sparkly rhinestone 1950's type, but she loves to wear it with her jeans. Much love for now. I promise to be around much more. :)

KathyB. said...

Martha, you had me laughing and reading bits of this post to my husband. I love the way you write . Goodness, if a headache causes you to give away your faults you'd better stock up on aspirin !Seriously though, I think it is remarkable to remember gifts given to you so well. As for my remembering birthdays, my father-in-law never could remember birthdays, even those of his kids, so he just bought things for the people he loved whenever he found something he knew they'd appreciate. He told us not to get hurt feelings about that either, and we knew he loved us with his thoughtful gifts, any time of the year they were given. I imagine you're like that too. I hope you're feeling better now.

Terra said...

This is my first visit here and I love your tea cups, and the pearls and other jewelry item.

Anonymous said...

beautiful collection of tea cups ♥

Monique (A Half-Baked Notion) said...

Hello, Martha, what a pleasure to meet you and your collections. I have found you indirectly via the GYB, having first visited Vickie of Teacups and Toadstools. The only thing I collect at present are blogs, but it is wonderful to see such gracious little treasures here. I must "liberate" some of my late Mum's teacups, which are now in my sister's keeping; perhaps I shall join you in a cup on a future Tuesday. Hope everyone at yours feels better very soon!

Terra said...

Hi Martha, you left a comment on my blog that says you are going to buy a Kindle, and just FYI I spent a little more money and got a Kindle Fire HD which ALSO lets me surf the net, do email, etc. Kind of handy. If you want that feature look for the word Fire. Happy reading and nice to meet you.

Ida said...

Oh my you really do collect some lovely things. Those Tea Cups are just stunning. I really liked the one with the pretty pink flowers towards the bottom of the post. So delicate and dainty looking.


OMGoodness sweet Martha! I love the stunning teacups, wow, you must have the most amazing collection! I love the figurines too, just gorgeous. Adorable grand...your perfect! Thanks for visiting me dear friend.

Susan said...

Hello Dear Martha..SOOOOo sorry to hear you have a migraine and that Sophia is still sick, too. NOT good news.

Your cups are lovely. Looking forward to the pinks. Love pink as it's my favorite color.

Take good care of yourself, Martha. Hugs, Susan

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for your visit and kind words!!

You always share such beautiful things!!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

beautiful collection of teacups. I hope you are feeling better

Cindy said...

This is a beautiful collection, I didn't know Shelley cups were so expensive until this week, lol I dont think I have any in my collection.

Having a migraine isn't any fun, tryingto concentrate is worse.

Cheryl said...

I was so thankful to see that your health issues are being resolved. I have been praying for you. Trusting the Lord to heal your headaches and make you perfectly whole! He is able to do all things. We serve an amazingly awesome God!! Your pictures are so beautiful...I really enjoyed coming by to visit you today. Love, Cheryl

Poppy @ With a Dash of Color said...

So happy to hear that you are feeling better, Martha! Hope your migraine has improved...you have an amazing collection of pretty pink dainty teacups....and I love cute Shelly, she is a darling little cup! Noah looks adorable, love the beautiful smile on his face! Feel better! Happy Sunday! Hugs, Poppy

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