Hello ladies: Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No.157! So glad you could stop by, even after last week's post. I have to say, you were all too much. I could feel the love from my blogger friends and I am so glad I shared. I started a list of prayer requests just for you. So many of you shared what you were going through and I was just amazed at the strength that is out there. You truly are amazing women. Life for me has continued to be trying, husband was moved to another hospital because of phenomena and a dear friend of over 30 years went to be with the Lord on Saturday. Somehow, we are managing to continue living our lives, trusting the Lord for His good things. I have some new pictures of my Princess Maya, we spent Saturday together. She is going to be 10 in a few days. I think her smile can light up an entire room. Already she knows what her style is and what she likes. It is like talking to a small adult. The first picture is of my daughter Monique, my Mother, Maya, Noah and Me. The pictures were taken in the dark on my phone. I am so sorry they are dark.

I am sharing this wonderful cup by Leneige. This antique shape demitasse cup and saucer is European, but that is all I know about it. It is very fine porcelain. It features beautiful violets, my flower of the month. Did I ever tell you I collect violets? Violets on everything, plates, jars, cups and vases. I just love the way they look at Easter. I have been trying to thin things out this past year, but as I have begun getting ready for Easter the violet items multiplied as did the bunnies. There are bunnies everywhere.
The next cup is a Royal Albert. It is very simple, yet so very stunning, as only a Royal Albert can be!
This last cup is a O & E G Oscar & Edger Gutherz & MZ Moritz Zdekauer, Royal Austria China Tea Cup and Saucer. It has this gorgeous green and rose garland design. I am selling it on my website for my friend. I just had to pretend it was mine for a moment. It just screams Easter!
If you want me to pray for any request, I will add it to my list. You can email me at marthasfavorites@aol.com or if you feel comfortable, leave it on a comments. I just noticed, I have reach 800 followers, since I always have a give away to celebrate a 100 new followers, look next week for a new giveaway. I will make it special for you. Don't forget to visit Terri, she always has beautiful cups to share. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha
Here is Mr. Linky:
Martha -your linky isn't working!
Hi Martha!
Wow I can't believe it's been so many Tea Cup Tuesday's.....
I just wanted to let you know that I've mentioned you and your sweet giveaway tea pot on my blog today....as my way of thanking you again for such a lovely treasure!
I am so in love with my little tea pot!
Ciao bella.
Creative Carmelina
Hi Martha,
life always has a micture of good things and difficult things. Its nice to see your grandkids develope so nicely. You have a strong family and that is much worth in difficult times. The shared tea cups are wonderful. Violets are seldom in tea cups and therefore your collection is really a treasure. Thank you for sharing this spring feeling and for hosting the party, even when the link is not working yet.
Blessings to you and yours,
Your teacups are stunning Martha - so many pretty vases at the top too. You are in my prayers for your husband as well. Sympathy to you for the loss of a friend as well!
How are you sweet lady Martha, with the loveliest tea party, #157!! What a wonderful party Princess Maya had, she deserves it. Many blessings for her. I love that RAlbert cup, it's simply stunning! Yes, life is very trying, we all go thru so much at once sometimes.. we just have to evaluate and put it in the scale. I am so sorry about your friend, how hard that is. We also lost a real sweet friend with cancer 2 months ago, she has been more than 30 years our friend. She passed away at 63. Than, there's so much more; sad family issues we've gone thru. We weren't promised a rose garden, but only an imperfect, beautiful life. Your grands are growing up beautifully, along with the lovely ladies in your family. Thank you and big hugs,
Hi Martha,
I’m glad to see a post from you today because I’ve been thinking about you and been hoping you are ok, and I’m sorry to hear of your loss. I loved seeing a photo of you and your family and your violet china collection is lovely. My daughter Kerstin loves all things violet, it is her favorite flower, and her second child has Violet in her name, Isla Violet Gray, but we just call her Bunny...lol. I’ll continue to ask God for His blessings for you, (in my own way). Congratulations of the number of followers. Stay well, until next time.
Hi Martha!
I saw your blog and I want to follow your teacups posts! I collect antiques and hope to share some experiences here!
Well, I know that all (or most of all) your followers are ladies, but O guess that there is some space for a guy who loves teacups.... isn´t?
Thanks for sharing your teacups and know that your family is in our prayers here, in Italy.
Hello Martha, it is marvelous to join together in Christian love and to share - it does give us strength and comfort. Love that you're putting together prayer requests.
I chuckled when I saw your selection of teacups - I chose ones to match the wild violets I picked in our lawn the other day - spring inspirations! I hope you have a blessed week. I appreciate you sharing and hosting,
Hello Martha, it is marvelous to join together in Christian love and to share - it does give us strength and comfort. Love that you're putting together prayer requests.
I chuckled when I saw your selection of teacups - I chose ones to match the wild violets I picked in our lawn the other day - spring inspirations! I hope you have a blessed week. I appreciate you sharing and hosting,
Lovely post Martha! I love violets too! Happy Birthday to Princess Maya. I will continue to pray for your husband. Being a new follower, I don't know what is wrong with him. I do however know that prayer works! My husband is a recent survivor of pancreatic cancer. We Praise God every day!
Love to You,
I always look so forward to seeing your lovely teacups, Martha!
I love the way you "stage" them too - it's neat to see all your little pretties!!
Have a blessed week.
Hi Martha,
Beautiful teacups and beautiful family! Praying for you and hubby.
Have a good evening.
Hi Martha. I am so glad you are feeling a bit better about where you are in life. Isn't it wonderful to be surrounded by so much love and blessings? Aren't we indeed blessed! LOve the violet teacups....always a favorite. So pretty and perfect for spring.
Hi Martha,
I hope the situation will be like the first photo you share, the photo was a bit dark but smiles on all of your faces and the lights at the background light up the photo.
I like the first cup so much.
Thanks for sharing!
Hello Dear Martha,
I love the family photo of you! Wow, look how big the kids are!
I am so glad you are doing o.k.
You are in my prayers every day.
Your tea cups today are stunning and each one lovely for this time of year. Just beautiful!
I am sorry about the linky and my missing e-mails. I hope you get the e-mail I just sent you : )
magnifiques les tasses à thé avec des violettes!
Martha, You are an amazing lady and share so much beauty and strength. I know life is challenging for you at this time with your husband not being well. You are a blessing to him and also to us. Thank you for sharing your beauty and your life.
I got your e-mail Martha. I am so sorry we are having this mail issue! I have been sending e-mails but no luck getting to you. Karl seems to think it is o.k. on this end now. But who knows? Maybe once I return home later tonight I will be able to try again. This seems to be the only way to contact you for now. I hope you day goes very well.
Lots of hugs!
Hello Martha,
I am sorry you are having such a difficult time. My prayers are with you and God will see you through and give you strength when you need it. You also have the thoughts and prayers of many of your bloggy friends.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful teacups and take care, my friend.
Martha, hello...may your husband recover quickly by God's infinite grace. My heart is with yours about your dear friend.
Your cup and saucer are so lovely. And happy birthday to your sweet Princess Maya.
Marianne xo
One hundred and fifty seven tea cups days...wow..amazing. very lovely tea cups, I love Royal Albert tea cups..Hope hubby is doing better...with love Janice.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend!!
Please know that your sweet hubby, you and your whole family are always in my thoughts and prayers....
Many Hugs,
Hi Martha,
I managed to get your linky up! Yay! I would have done it yesterday except we were driving home. Hopefully your computer issue will be easily solved. I miss e-mailing you : )
Happy birthday Maya. They just grow up too soon. Lovely violet teacup Martha! Thanks for hosting!
Hi Martha, I love violets too and they just suit you! The birthday looks so fun.
Your offer for prayers is so sweet Martha. I love the blogging community.
Much love,
Hi Martha, I love violets too and they just suit you! The birthday looks so fun.
Your offer for prayers is so sweet Martha. I love the blogging community.
Much love,
Hi Martha, I love violets too and they just suit you! The birthday looks so fun.
Your offer for prayers is so sweet Martha. I love the blogging community.
Much love,
Hi Martha, I love violets too and they just suit you! The birthday looks so fun.
Your offer for prayers is so sweet Martha. I love the blogging community.
Much love,
Hi Martha, I love violets too and they just suit you! The birthday looks so fun.
Your offer for prayers is so sweet Martha. I love the blogging community.
Much love,
bonjour Martha
amoureuse des violettes
bon anniversaire Maya
votre blog est très beau et bien sympathique
très bon weekend
edith (iris )France
Royal Albert china is one of my favourites. My nan used to have this and it brings back so many memories. Thank you for visiting and following my blog. I am looking forward to catching up with you over your posts. Take care. Chel x
Your choice of violets is wonderful-they are so beautiful! I wish and pray for strength for you and a return to good health for your husband.
Oh your tea things are so lovely. I am sharing your giveaway with everyone! I follow you here and at Face Book too. My goodness this tea cup is a gorgeous piece. Thanks for sharing.
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