Hello Ladies: Welcome to Tea Cup Tuesday No. 102! For some weird reason, I keep deleting this post. It's not pretty getting old. Hope your week has gone well. I am still struggling with this Kidney problem, but otherwise, things are good. Sophia has decided she might just like me after all (at least the last 3 visits were good.)

Noah is coming over to have time alone with Grandma. He does not want to share me with his sister or his Mom and Dad. He wants "alone time" with Grandma. I think God also looks for alone time with us. I have to do more of both.

Noah has also picked a winner for this month's giveaway during his visit. It is Mom Wald Place. She has a wonderful blog filled with great collections. Please email me so I can send you your cup.

My house is in change mood. It is getting ready to greet March. However, I am still sharing more pink rose cups this week. I have so many and I often forget to share them. These first two cups are Chintz. I love Chintz anything. This first one is a Royal Standard, from England. The roses are a dark pink with lilac flowers in between.

Cup No. 2 is a St. George Chintz, also from England. This one is not vintage, but a new cup. Love the little thumb rest on this one.

Cup No. 3 is a very special vintage, Schumann, Arzberg, Pierced, Reticulated, Bavarian Tea Cup Trio. It is so beautiful. I love the pierced dessert plate.

My last tea cup is a Royal Kent, Made in Staffordshire, from England. The roses are so beautiful. This one too, is a trio.

Did I ever tell you I collect Lead Crystal, knife rests? I think they are so pretty, so they give lots of items a "rest" in my home. Only the Victorians could think of knife rests and make them so beautiful. They look lovely with my Cameo collection.

I want to share a little of my love for Cameos before I end this post. I forget about these beauties. They are simply something to behold.

Here is this week's Mr. Linky. Be sure to take time to visit Terri, she has some amazing tea cups to share with us.I am featuring this wonderful Antique Chintz Teapot for sale on my website. If you are interested in the beauty take a peek. It is lovely.

That top tea cup is a hand painted Lefton. It is so beautiful inside.
Have a wonderful week. Please pray for my family, we need a physical healing. Hugs, Martha
mMrtha espero melhoras em sua saúde!
amo suas joias, bijuterias vintage...
xícaras são belíssimas...
a criança é diversão maior!
Dear Martha,
sure I will pray for your healing, too. I totally understand that Noah wants "alonetime" with his grandma. You are so kind and loving to him and he will allways remember you in his further life. That gives a child so much.
Your treasures are great. I also love the piecered china like the Arzberg plate. Looks like lace. And your little Chinz teapot is truly beautiful. Thank you for sharing and for hosting this fabulous event.
Best greetings, Johanna
My grandkids also love their alone time with me, and I treasure it because so soon they will grow up and have grown-up pursuits that don't often include their Grandparents. We are blessed, aren't we?
As usual, your collection has me amazed, teacups, cameos, knife-rests, I did not even know there were knife-rests, but leave it to you to not only know, but have a whole collection!
Thank-you again for hosting this fun blog party, I really do love it.
Hi Martha,
Thank you for hosting our lovely party. Your post is beautiful with your display of cameos. Have a great week.
Martha, sometimes I think I visit to get a look at the bling first .. then the teacups! :D :D I love all the teacups but Reticulated, Bavarian Tea Cup Trio with the pierced dessert plate ... be still my heart! :D :D Prayers flying your way. Happy Tea Day!
Hi Martha,
I'm sorry you're still having health issues. You still manage to share all your lovely teacups and bling in spite of it all. Always lots to see. Love the chintz! Feel better soon, my friend.
Your tea sets are so beautiful. I love how you display them with the jewelry. You just have a knack for beauty!! Your cameos are splendid!!
Isn't it sweet when your grandchildren want "alone time." Your Noah is a real treat!!
I say prayers for you Martha. I pray for you good health.
Hi Martha,
I loved your pink rose tea cups, so pretty and delicate!
And your cameo collection is a true treasure(not to mention that cute Noah!) specially the ones made of real shells.
Thanks for sharing it all.
Martha,I've been meaning to drop by to tell you that I've been trying to link up with your Tues.Tea for several months.I enjoy so much the unique way you display all your goodies with your teacups.Your linky Co. never recognizes Me as a valid address but other Co. do?I do love visiting you anyway :)God bless Denise
Your cameos are amazing. I just had a cameo book from the library, and recognized some of your older ones. It is so much fun learning new things.
Those crystal knife rests sure do catch the light wonderfully.
Thank you so much for sharing more of your pinks even though you are in the mood for March.
The Chintz Tea Set is AMAZING. So is the fact that you had the perfect brooch to go with it. You have a gift.
I will pray for healing for you and yours. It has been a long winter. I admit it was starting to get me down. Winning your beautiful tea cup is certainly the thing to perk me up. Maybe God will fill it with healing blessings for us too.
Remember, spring comes one blossom at a time.
Your teacups are so pretty and I love your first photo with the pearls..simply gorgeous! You have a beautiful cameo collection as well. Thanks for hosting. Enjoy your time with your grandson and praying for your health to improve. Blessings.
Hi Martha,
I am sorry to hear you don't feel well. I hope you feel better soon. Thank you for hosting! I always like to come and view your gorgeous teacups.
So glad you came by today. It has been so long ...
I always love popping by to see all your beautiful tea cups. You have such an exquisite collection.
Noah is getting soooo big,Martha. They just don't stay small long enough.
Have a great eve ~
Hello Dear Martha...
Honestly, you have the best collections----and so many of them----all different things. Love looking at so many incredible treasures.
Rest assured, you and your family will be in my prayers tonight. Susan
Hello Dear Martha, You have such a wonderful teacup collection it is a delight to visit each week. I can understand your grandson wanting alone time. You are right we do need much, much more alone time with God - will definitely pray for your family - a wee bit down in the weather this week myself - these days serve to remind me of the blessings when all is well.
Thanks for hosting,
Martha, I was just over at Common Grounds; http://commonground-debrasvintagedesigns.blogspot.com/; and she has created a way for bloggers with Esty shops or other venues for selling their items to link with them to show off your pretty things. Maybe you could check it out. You have some of the most beautiful things and you could also get the word out.
Just a thought....
All my best,
Congratulations to Mom Wald Place!
Martha, your cups are sooo pretty..I say that every time, and your cameos are very pretty.
I like that Noah doesn't want to share you, I think that must be so flattering.
Enjoy your day, and I pray your health recovers.
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